
shā rén zuì
  • homicide;criminal homicide, homicide, manslaughter, Homicidium, blood-guiltiness, crime against life
  1. 她被判谋杀罪名不成立,仅以过失杀人罪判处5年监禁。

    She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter

  2. 在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。

    A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter , but an appellate court overturned the convictions .

  3. 这些人被裁决犯有阴谋杀人罪。

    The men were found guilty of conspiracy to murder .

  4. BP已经承认犯有过失杀人罪等罪名,并同意支付40亿美元的联邦刑事处罚金。

    BP has already pleaded guilty to manslaughter and other charges and agreed to pay $ 4 billion in federal criminal penalties .

  5. BP已对美国司法部提出的14项刑事指控认罪,其中11项罪名为过失杀人罪。

    The company pleaded guilty to 14 criminal charges brought by the Department of Justice , 11 of which were counts of manslaughter .

  6. 杰克逊的私人医生ConradMurray因涉嫌过失杀人罪在美国洛杉矶出庭受审。

    Michael Jackson 's personal physician , Conrad Murray , has gone on trial in Los Angeles , charged with involuntary manslaughter of the singer .

  7. 南非比勒陀利亚——残奥会运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯(OscarPistorius)案子的审理周四突然休庭,对他的一项起诉:非法杀人罪仍悬而未决。

    PRETORIA , South Africa - The trial in the case of the Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius abruptly adjourned Thursday with one charge of unlawful homicide against him still pending .

  8. 南非比勒陀利亚&残奥会运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯(OscarPistorius)案子的审理周四突然休庭,对他的一项起诉:非法杀人罪仍悬而未决。

    PRETORIA , South Africa & The trial in the case of the Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius abruptly adjourned Thursday with one charge of unlawful homicide against him still pending .

  9. 现在,我们宣布,23岁的RiccardoMcCray因8月14日在CityGrill发生的多宗杀人罪被捕。

    We 're here to announce the arrest of one Riccardo McCray , aged 23 of 1170 East Ferry in Buffalo for the multiple homicides that took place on August 14th outside the City Grill on Main Street .

  10. 司机进行审理的刑事杀人罪什么样的律师古斯塔沃矿石,谁是协助Dutra家庭,称第一次类在秘鲁。

    The driver is on trial for criminal homicide in what lawyer Gustavo Ore , who is assisting the Dutra family , calls the first case of its kind in Peru .

  11. 周二,奥运会及残奥会明星奥斯卡•皮斯托瑞斯(OscarPistorius)因杀害其模特女友瑞瓦•斯滕坎普(ReevaSteenkamp),被南非法官以过失杀人罪判处五年监禁。他将为此在监狱度过最多五年时间。

    A South African judge on Tuesday sentenced Oscar Pistorius , the Olympic and Paralympic star , to serve a maximum of five years in jail for the culpable homicide , or manslaughter , of his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp .

  12. 专家们说那9个人是杀人罪的牺牲品。

    The experts said that nine people were victims of homicide .

  13. 杀人罪!在你犯下这些罪行的时刻。

    Manslaughter ! And at the time you committed these acts .

  14. 他犯了6件杀人罪,此外还有其他更多罪行。

    He 's guilty of six killings , and more besides .

  15. 他很可能照样因为杀人罪被起诉,被处死。

    He was prosecuted and executed for murder just the same .

  16. 但判处科学家犯有过失杀人罪的决定是错误的。

    But convicting the scientists of manslaughter was the wrong decision .

  17. 她被判犯了情节较轻的过失杀人罪。

    She was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter .

  18. 已证实,这个青年人没有犯杀人罪。

    The young man was cleared of the charge of murdering .

  19. 他申辩自己犯有过失杀人罪而未犯谋杀罪。

    He pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter .

  20. 对他犯有故意杀人罪的判决被上诉法院撤销了。

    His conviction for murder was quashed in the court of appeal .

  21. 故意杀人罪是最典型的有被害人的犯罪。

    The offence of intentional killing is a typical crime with victim .

  22. 他因杀人罪在服刑呢。

    B : He 's doirig tifne for murder now .

  23. 若想以杀人罪逮捕我。

    If you 're going to arrest me for killing this guy .

  24. 我这里有一项对你犯有过失杀人罪的指控。

    I have a charge here of criminal negligence in the death .

  25. 过失杀人罪是我们能接受的最低限度。

    Involuntary manslaughter is as low as we 're willing to go .

  26. 被害人有过错的故意杀人罪的死刑裁量研究&从被害与加害的关系切入

    The Judgment on Intentional Killing with the Victim 's Fault

  27. 货车司机承认犯有撞车、逃逸和一般杀人罪。

    The pickup driver pleaded guilty to hit and run and manslaughter .

  28. 沙文因三级谋杀和二级过失杀人罪被捕。

    Chauvin has been arrested on third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges .

  29. 他因犯有杀人罪而被逮捕。

    He is picked up on a charge of killing a man .

  30. 正准备因为杀人罪传讯他。

    Homicide was about to bring him in for questioning .