
  1. 司法独立的内容既包括法院的独立,也包括陪审法庭的独立与法官的独立。

    Judicial independence includes the independence of the court , of the dicastery and of the judge .

  2. 早在古希腊的雅典就出现了公民陪审法庭,被称为赫里埃。

    As early as in ancient Greece Athens , civil jury court appeared , known as " Harry angstrom " .

  3. 在古罗马也出现了类似的陪审法庭,它的作用是专门用来审判刑事案件。

    In ancient Rome also appeared similar to the jury court , its role is devoted to the trial of criminal cases .

  4. 但是CSI之类的节目对于陪审员在法庭中的期望,究竟有哪些影响呢?

    But to what extent do CSI and its relatives influence the expectations that jurors bring to trials ?

  5. 洛杉矶时间2011年11月7日,当陪审团回到法庭上宣判他过失杀人罪成立时,康拉德·穆雷医生呆若木鸡。

    Dr Conrad Murray remained expressionless as the jury returned with a guilty verdict in his involuntary manslaughter trial in Los Angeles November 7 , 2011 .

  6. 陪审员们从法庭里鱼贯而出。

    The jury filed out of the courtroom .

  7. 我们还将讨论案件当事人、法庭、陪审团和上诉法庭等的职责。

    We will discuss the role of the parties , the court , the jury and the Court of Appeals .

  8. 陪审团不断回到法庭听取录音,也说明了录音的重要性。

    The fact that the jury kept coming back into the courtroom to hear the tapes again shows their importance .

  9. 但是首席检查官加里.科布说,这项审判是公正的,陪审团是根据法庭出示的证据做出的结论而并非出于政治目的。

    But lead prosecutor Gary Cobb said the trial was fair and that the jury had made its decision based on the evidence presented in court , not on the basis of politics .