
péi shěn zhì dù
  • jury system;system of assessors
  1. 第二阶段是陪审制度的发展。

    The second stage is the development of the jury system .

  2. 我国陪审制度的价值思考

    Some Considerations on the Value of Our Nation 's Jury System

  3. 从法律史的角度来看,令状制度(thesystemofwrits)是英国普通法历史上最为重要也最具有特色的司法制度,它和陪审制度一起构成了普通法形成与发展的程序基础。

    The system of writs is one of the most special and important frameworks of English common law .

  4. 第二部分:两大法系陪审制度考察。

    Part two : The investigation of the two law systems .

  5. 陪审制度与司法现代化既存在矛盾性,也存在相容性。

    Jury system and judicial modernization are contradictory and consistent .

  6. 对我国人民陪审制度的深层次分析

    A Deep Study on the People Jury System of China

  7. 关于陪审制度存废问题的研究

    Studies on the Perfecting or Abolishing Jury System in China

  8. 美国陪审制度与权力分立制衡思想

    The Separation and Balance of Powers and the Jury System of America

  9. 论人民陪审制度的存与废

    On Retaining and Abolishment of System of People 's Assessors

  10. 论陪审制度的完善&以人民陪审员陪而不审为视角

    On the Jury System Perfecting from the View of Presenting without Hearing

  11. 陪审制度是中国审判制度的重要组成部分。

    Jury system is an important component of trial system in China .

  12. 第三部分:陪审制度的政治功能。

    Part Two : The adjudicative function of jury system .

  13. 论人民陪审制度在新形势下的价值

    The value of people ′ s jury system under the new situation

  14. 浅析我国人民陪审制度存在的主要问题

    On Main Problems Existing in Jury System of the People in China

  15. 人民陪审制度的价值分析

    Analysis of the Value of the People 's Jury System

  16. 陪审制度的制约机能比较研究

    Comparative studies on the restrictive function of the jury systems

  17. 未成年人犯罪案件审理中的陪审制度研究

    Juvenile Delinquency Case to the Jury System Researches on Ring v. Arizona

  18. 第一部分陪审制度概述。

    The first part is summarization of jury system .

  19. 对我国人民陪审制度的调查与思考

    Consideration and Survey to the jury System in China

  20. 中国陪审制度的改革和完善

    Reforming and Perfecting of the Jury System of China

  21. 论陪审制度对美国诉讼制度的影响

    Influence of Jury System on the American Judicial System

  22. 嵌入冲突视角中的人民陪审制度

    The People Assessor System in the View of Embeddedness-conflict

  23. 陪审制度立法。

    7 , the corresponding legislation of trial system .

  24. 我国人民陪审制度运行中的问题及制度重塑

    The Problem in Running People Jury System and Remolding It in Our Country

  25. 我国陪审制度存废问题探析

    The Study of the Problem of Keeping or Rescinding Jury System in Our Country

  26. 陪审制度效率与功能的反思

    Introspection To Efficiency And Functions Of Jury Institution

  27. 为此,我们呼吁坚持人民陪审制度,完善人民陪审制度。

    Therefore , we appeal to defend and perfect the people 's jury system .

  28. 中美陪审制度比较研究&兼驳陪审团移植论

    A Comparative Study of Sino-U.S.A. Jury System : Also Refutes on Jury Transplantation Theory

  29. 陪审制度作为一项重要的司法制度,被世界上的许多国家采纳。

    As an important judicial system , Jury System is adopted by many countries .

  30. 最后一章着重阐述人民陪审制度的改革与完善问题。

    The final chapter focuses on reform and improvement of the people jury system .