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  • 网络The Jury System
  1. 陪审团制度也是个历史悠久的制度。

    The jury system is of long history .

  2. 在法律上也没有阻止日本重新引进陪审团制度的障碍。

    From a legal perspective , there is no barrier per se preventing Japan from reintroducing the jury system .

  3. 人民陪审团制度在我国的可行性研究

    Feasibility of Performing the People 's Jury System in China

  4. 评俄罗斯刑事陪审团制度的重建

    Commence on the Reconstruct of Criminal Jury System in Russia

  5. 中世纪英国陪审团制度成因探究

    A Study on the Formation of British Jury System in the Medieval

  6. 论陪审团制度在中国的确立

    The Building of Jury System in China

  7. 美国承袭了英国的陪审团制度并将适用范围逐步扩大。

    America inherited the British jury system and gradually expand the scope of its application .

  8. 所以我觉得我国也可以借鉴英美的陪审团制度的长处。

    So I think China can draw on the strengths of the Anglo-American jury system .

  9. 第一节主要介绍陪审团制度的相关概念。

    In the first section , some relative definitions of jury trial system are discussed .

  10. 陪审团制度作为美国司法制度的重要组成部分发挥着重要的作用。

    Judicial Panels system plays a vital role as a necessary part of American judicial system .

  11. 美国的陪审团制度

    On American Jury System

  12. 但此四类障碍并非不可克服的障碍,把引进陪审团制度作为我国司法审判制度改革之路是可行的。

    But these obstacles aren 't unconquerable . It is feasible for us to adopt Jury system from overseas .

  13. 对主持庭审的美国法官的调查也表明他们中的绝大多数人大力支持陪审团制度。

    And surveys of American judges who preside over trials indicate their overwhelming and enthusiastic support for the jury system .

  14. 重点讨论了三个热点问题,首先对于民意笔者结合了美国的陪审团制度。

    A discussion on the three hot topic , first for public opinion based on the America of the jury system .

  15. 他内心的正义挽救了这个花季的少年,在我看来他也挽救了英美引以为豪的陪审团制度。

    His heart just to save this bloom of youth , in my opinion , he saved the proud Anglo-American jury system .

  16. 美国还通过大陪审团制度,日本也通过检察审查会制度,实现社会公众对公诉权的制约。

    The people also can supervise prosecutorial power by the grand jury in the United States , or by checkup committee in Japan .

  17. 在基本实现这一目标之后,则应该为司法的大众化设定一定的运作空间,建立一套行之有效的陪审团制度。

    After realizing the goal , we ought to enact certain operating room for the judicial popularization and build a suit of effective juror system .

  18. 中世纪英国诉讼制度的根本变迁是陪审团制度在王室巡回法庭的建立。

    In the middle ages , the fundamental change of England litigation system is the foundation of the jury system in the royal circuit court .

  19. 陪审团制度是古代陪审制度发展到一定阶段的产物,也是整个现代陪审制度的重中之重。

    As the result of the development of the ancient assessor system , jury system is also the most important part in the modern system .

  20. 陪审团制度的主要功能在于保证司法公正,其实质是对诉讼程序一般自治性的更高层次的强化。

    The main value of the jury system is to protect judicial justice , whose essential is an advanced intension of general autonomy in procedure .

  21. 除此之外,笔者还将陪审团制度单独分析,因为陪审团制度对事实推定的适用有无可比拟的促进作用。

    In addition , the writer analyzed the jury system separately , because it is a very valuable system for the practice of presumption of fact .

  22. 人们希望重新采用陪审团制度,以避免或尽量减少法官的错误裁判,并提升公众的司法信赖感。

    The purpose of re-adopting the jury system is to avoid and reduce erroneous verdicts by judges , and promote the judicial faith of Japanese people .

  23. 虽然陪审团制度也具有耗时、耗财、低效,甚至容易产生偏见、带来审判的不确定性等负价值,但其正价值明显大于负价值。

    Although it has some weaknesses including wasting time , money and low-efficiency , even has more biases and uncertainties , its strengths are far more than weaknesses .

  24. 笔者认为,法国式的参审制或许能够为中国陪审团制度改革提供一个优秀的蓝本。

    It is proposed in the thesis that the French pattern of the Mixed Jury System may served as a fine and appropriate original version for the reformation of China 's Jury System .

  25. 我国在学习和借鉴美国大陪审团制度与日本检察审查会制度的基础之上建立了具有中国特色的人民监督员制度。

    China to learn from the grand jury system in the United States and Japan will review the prosecution on the basis of the establishment of a system with Chinese characteristics of the people of supervisors system .

  26. 陪审团制度具有保障公民自由,提高司法公信的作用,这一制度自身的特点以及我国当前的社会环境都使其在中国有发展的空间。

    The people 's jury system plays roles in protecting citizens ' freedom and promoting juridical justice , the characteristics of which and our present social environment make it possible for it to develop and extend in Chi - na .

  27. 加拿大的法庭主要分为省初级法庭、省高级法庭、省上诉法庭和加拿大最高法庭,同时实行公民选择权及陪审团制度。

    Canadian courts are made up of the Primary Court of Province , Superior Court of Province and Courts of Appeals of Province and Supreme Court of Canada and carry out citizens ' right of choice and jury system as well .

  28. 在英美法上的发展历史表明,惩罚性赔偿制度一直都与其他制度息息相关,每一次惩罚性赔偿的判决都受到诸如律师制度、陪审团制度等制度的影响。

    Throughout its history , the punitive damages system always works under the influence of other systems . And every trial that includes punitive damages award is influenced by some legal systems , like the lawyer system and the jury system .

  29. 在文化上,日本社会的等级制性质,对权威人物的高度信赖,日本人的团体意识及维持和谐的愿望,有利于陪审团制度的有效运行。

    Japanese cultural characteristics such as the hierarchical nature of Japanese society , the high level of trust for authoritative figures in Japanese society , Japanese group consciousness , and the desire to maintain harmony would be beneficial for a jury system to function effectively .

  30. 陪审团制度是英美法一项重要制度,陪审团的成员一般是来自社会最底层的民众,他们代表的是普通民众的利益,陪审团的意见在英美法系是用来确定是否有罪的。

    The jury system is the common law is an important system , the members of the jury is generally come from social bottom people who represent the interests of ordinary people , the jury opinion in Anglo-American law is used to determine whether the guilty .