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péi dū
  • provisional capital;alternate capital;a city established as a second capital besides the capital
陪都 [péi dū]
  • [alternate capital] 旧时在首都以外另设的首都

陪都[péi dū]
  1. 抗战时期浙江报刊的类别与特征抗战时期陪都新闻教育钩沉

    Types and Features of Newspapers Published in Zhejiang during Anti-Japanese War

  2. 陪都电影传播战时机制的确立与理论导向

    Establishment & Theoretical Orientation of Wartime Movie Dissemination Mechanism in Chongqing

  3. 论中国经济管理陪都的建立

    A study on the establishing economic management deputy capital of China

  4. 抗战陪都、红岩文化的历史名城怀旧体验系统;

    Nostalgic experience of War-time capital and Hongyan culture ;

  5. 陪都外交历史文化资源发掘利用问题

    Problems in Exploring the Diplomatic Historical and Cultural Resources of the Wartime Capital

  6. 陪都时期,案件增长迅速,刑事案件尤甚。

    And it got rapid increase during the provisional capital period , especially the criminal cases .

  7. 陪都时期的电影宣传研究

    Study of Film Promotion in Chongqing When It Was the Capital of War during the Anti-Japanese Period

  8. 陪都重庆是一座因抗战而人文荟萃的城市。

    The capital Chongqing is a gathering of talents city for the war of resistance against Japan .

  9. 在这些作品里,不约而同的出现了对陪都重庆的描绘,和以重庆为文学背景的叙述。

    The descriptions of Chongqing and the narration of it as literary background simultaneously appear in these writings .

  10. 陪都重庆文化与文学的战时性论略

    Q & A on Sex A Brief Discussion on Wartime Features of Culture and Literature in the Provisional Capital & Chongqing

  11. 本文的研究对象为陪都时期重庆的法院组织及与战争有较大联系的案件。

    The research object is the court system in Chongqing and several cases close related with war during the provisional capital period .

  12. 我们看到了一个真实的山西&外国记者赴晋采访团在山西国民政府对陪都外国记者的态度

    We are Seeing a Real Shanxi On KMT Regime 's Policy towards Foreign Journalist in Chongqing during the War of Resistance against Japan

  13. 华美的公馆被作家设定为陪都上层社会享乐、堕落的空间,是藏污纳垢的渊薮。

    The magnificent residence is set up by the writers as the The upper social pleasure , fallen space is the symbol of evil .

  14. 本文从巴渝地区悠久的历史文化的影响和陪都文化、红岩文化等分析开去,追溯了巴渝童话的历史渊源,描述了现状和流变的趋势。

    This paper traces back the history of the culture of the Chongqing area and describes the present situation and the tendency of the FTC .

  15. 在战时机制下,陪都抗战电影形成了一套特殊的传播理论,普遍重视电影的宣传教育功能,艺术要求降为次要。

    Under the wartime mechanism , Chongqing , the temporary capital of China , develops a special theory for movie dissemination , stressing propaganda function rather than art demand .

  16. 这样既可以减轻北京城市的总体压力,又有利于国家经济的管理,并能促进陪都地区的经济发展。

    Like this is both lighten the general pressure on the Bejing city and benefit the state economy management , also promotes economic development of the deputy capital region .

  17. 这些政治机构的设置与政治制度的确立,既是清朝陪都制度的具体表现,同时也充分体现了盛京陪都地位的与众不同。

    The establishment of political institutions and political system embodies the system of assistant capital in Qing Dynasty and shows the distinguished position of the assistant capital of Qing Dynasty .

  18. 宋仁宗庆历二年(公元1024)建陪都,史称“北京”,元、明、清为路、府、道所在地;

    Song Qingli Injong year ( AD1024 ) to build capital , known as " Beijing ", Yuan , Ming and Qing for the Road , House , Road location ;

  19. 其中始于西周首陪都制所开创的双都轴心源远流长,别具一格,是城市轴心体系中的核心所在。

    The ' double-capital center ' developed in the Western Zhou Dynasty , with a long history and a unique style , was the core of the system of city centers .

  20. 东北的沈阳是满清文化的发源地,是清朝入关前的定都地,是清朝的陪都,有悠久的历史,和优秀的建筑。

    Northeastern shenyang is the manchu culture , is the birthplace of the qing dynasty before entering the arrived , the qing dynasty capital has a long history , and excellent architecture .

  21. 抗战之初,陪都重庆获得了作家的短暂认同,被他们视为民族国家复兴的根据地、抗战的灯塔与堡垒。

    At the beginning of the war , the writers considered Chongqing as a nation and national revival of the base , Ti is the symbol of the lighthouse and the fort .

  22. 半个世纪过去了,抗日战争不仅让重庆成为陪都而声名鹊起,更为重庆留下了大量的宝贵的抗战遗址资源。

    Half a century later , the War of Resistance against Japan not only allows Chongqing to become the provisional capital of fame , Chongqing leave a lot of valuable war ruins resources .

  23. 在这一节中,通过这两部纪录片再现历史的同时,解析陪都文化中的重庆精神和这一时期的移民文化及码头文化。

    In this section , reproduce the history through these two documentaries , in the meantime analyze Chongqing sprit in support capital culture and the wharf culture and immigrant culture of this period .

  24. 本文主要研究材料为重庆档案馆收藏的原始司法档案,以及陪都时期的报刊、法令汇编、法学著作、地方史志、人物传记等。

    Materials of research are mainly lawsuit archives of Chongqing Archives , and press , statutes , juristic work , local chronicles compilation , personality profile and so on at the stage of provisional capital period .

  25. 随着南京和上海的陷落,重庆市成为陪都,作为战时的政治经济中心,在银行管制方面是严格的,也同时具有那个时代的特点。

    After Nanjing city and Shanghai city were occupied by enemy , Chongqing , as a political and economic center in wartime , became an auxiliary capital , where had strict and distinct rules about bank management .

  26. 至公元十世纪,辽始为陪都,1153年金中都建立于北京,故北京出现宫廷音乐当自金始。

    In the 10th century AD , Beijing became the capital of Liao . In 1153 , the central capital of Jin was built in Beijing . It is when court music could be first found in Beijing .

  27. 摘要通过对陪都重庆小说进行文本的考察与分析,探讨了陪都重庆小说叙事的两大审美特征,即小说叙事中审美视野的极度开阔与审美创造的空前自由。

    By investigating and analyzing the texts , this paper explores the two aesthetical features of the novel narration of Chongqing as the alternate capital , i.e.the extremely broad aesthetical vision and the unprecedented freedom of aesthetical creation .

  28. 本文主要运用新法律史和社会史的方法,利用诉讼档案、关注司法实践,注意其与社会、政治、军事、经济等因素的关联,试图建构陪都时期重庆司法和社会的原貌。

    The research method mainly takes the method of new legal history and social history , makes use of lawsuit archives , pay attention to juridical practice , notice of its relation with social , political , military elements .

  29. 第四部分具有良好职业操守的职业人群体。陪都时期重庆的法律人不仅具有深厚的理论素质,而且具有良好的职业操守。

    The fourth part of " the Professional Groups with Good Professional Ethics . " During the period of Chongqing as alternate capital , the legal persons not only had profound theoretical quality , but also had good ethics .

  30. 而民国第二次全国美展则在第一次全国美展的基础上得到了更加成功的举办,第三次美展虽然面临艰难的战时环境,但也比较成功地在战时陪都重庆举办。

    And in the second National Art Exhibition on the basis of the first national exhibition has been more successfully held . The third art exhibition while facing difficult wartime environment , but also more successfully in the capital Chongqing held .