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liú fàng
  • exile;banish;transportation;transport;expatriate;send into exile;float[logs;float downstream
流放 [liú fàng]
  • (1) [banish;send into exile]∶古时一种刑罚,把犯人驱逐到边远地区去

  • 流放到边疆

  • (2) [float[logs]downstream]∶把原木放在江河中顺流运输

  • 顺江流放木材

流放[liú fàng]
  1. 我也这么希望要不然你的父亲必须要流放你了

    I hope so , otherwise your father would have to banish you .

  2. 你什么时候才会把你的儿子流放走

    when you are going to banish your son .

  3. 他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。

    He was banished to Australia , where he died five years later .

  4. 英国的囚犯被终生流放到澳大利亚。

    British convicts were transported to Australia for life .

  5. 他流放40年后归来。

    He returned after 40 years of exile .

  6. 在流放期间,他也开始写书。

    During his exile , he also began writing books .

  7. 政治流放犯没有得到免予起诉的保护。

    Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution .

  8. 他们威胁要将她流放到西班牙南部。

    They threatened to exile her in southern Spain .

  9. 经历了11年的自我流放后,他于1974年夏回归故里。

    He returned home in the summer of 1974 after eleven years of self-imposed exile

  10. 为了赎罪,他跣足褐衣,被流放到了荒野中。

    He was sent barefoot wearing only a hair shirt into the wilderness as a penance .

  11. 拿破仑曾被流放到一个岛上。

    Napoleon was exiled / banished to an island .

  12. 他曾经被流放到西伯利亚。

    He was once banished to Siberia .

  13. 罪犯们被流放到一个荒岛。

    The convicts were deported to a deserted island .

  14. 拿破仑被流放到一个岛上。

    Napoleon was sent into exile on an island .

  15. 在那些日子里她被流放了。

    In those days she was exiled .

  16. 他被流放

    He was sent into banishment .

  17. v.放逐,流放他被放逐一年。

    exile He was exiled from the country for one year .

  18. exile:放逐,流放是她害我们从Waldorf家扫地出门的。

    She 's the one that got us exiled from the Waldorf 's. -

  19. vt.运输;流放;使狂喜小麦从农场运到了面粉厂。

    transport Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills .

  20. 她父亲在二战期间曾参加德国党卫军(WaffenSS),母亲是1945年被罗马尼亚流放到苏联的诸多德国人之一。

    Her father had served in the Waffen SS during World War II , and her mother was one of many Germans deported to the Soviet Union in 1945 .

  21. AdobeFlex是一个客户端技术,它为开发人员提供丰富的API集合来创建GUI、绘制图形、播放和流放媒体、连接到Web服务。

    Adobe Flex is a client-side technology that provides developers with a rich set of API calls for creating GUIs , drawing graphics , playing and streaming media , and connecting to Web services .

  22. 到访开普敦的“恶魔岛”(Alcatraz)需要提前几个星期预订。罗本岛(RobbenIsland)距海岸5英里(约8.05公里),是令人生畏的流放之地。

    Book a few weeks in advance for a tour of Cape Town 's Alcatraz : Robben Island , the grim penal colony five miles off the coast .

  23. 我一个月买3张CD左右,他说道,并展示了他的六张新唱片,包括滚石乐队(RollingStones)的经典专辑《主街流放》(ExileonMainSt.)和一些最新的日本流行金曲。

    I buy around three CDs a month , he said , showing off a haul of six new albums , including the Rolling Stones ' classic Exile on Main St. and an assortment of the latest Japanese pop hits .

  24. 穆哈吉尔人几乎全部都支持一个叫作统一民族运动党(MQM)的党派。MQM由阿尔塔夫·侯赛因领导。他被流放后住在伦敦,平时通过Skype与他的党员联系。

    The mohajirs almost all support a party called the MQM led by Altaf Hussain , who lives in exile in London and communicates with his people by Skype .

  25. 米勒最新小说《呼吸钟摆》(Atemschaukel)于今年出版,描写了二战后德裔罗马尼亚人在苏联的流放遭遇。

    Her latest novel ' Atemschaukel , ' published this year , depicts the exile of German Romanians in the Soviet Union .

  26. 伊斯坦布尔——土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)说,上周未遂政变的幕后操纵者,是一位举止温和的穆斯林神职人员,目前他因自我流放,居住在宾夕法尼亚州农村。政变几乎成功地接管了政府,差点杀死了埃尔多安。

    ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .

  27. 许多囚犯被流放到岛上去。

    Many of the prisoners were relegated to the lonely island .

  28. 像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱。

    Like a king in exile , uncrowned in the underworld .

  29. 罗密欧由于他的所作所为会被流放。

    And because of romeo 's crime he will be exiled .

  30. 我们会取消流放罪名并归还土地。

    And we shall annul your banishment and return your lands .