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xiǎo rén
  • a base person;villain;vile character;a base (or mean) person;ville character;a person of low position;child
小人 [xiǎo rén]
  • (1) [a base (or mean) person;ville character]∶指人格卑下的人

  • 远小人。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 今者有小人。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  • 以嬴为小人。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (2) [a person of low position]∶古代指地位低的人(后代也用做为自己的谦称)

  • 小人寡欲。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  • (3) 又

  • 小人多欲

  • 小人富。--《史记.货殖列传》

  • 市井小人。--清. 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [children]∶指子女

  • 养这么一个小人就让夫妻俩够操劳的了

  • (3) [child]∶小孩儿

小人[xiǎo rén]
  1. 他这么一来,我就觉得他是个小人了。

    His behaviour makes me think he is a base person .

  2. 在我的祖国家乡,我成了卑鄙的小人

    the villain back in my home country ,

  3. 她同丈夫比起来就像个小人。

    She was a diminutive figure beside her husband .

  4. 你们全都是些可恶的势利小人。

    What nasty little snobs you all are

  5. 她是个真小人。

    She was amoral but honest .

  6. 约翰是个极其势利的小人。

    John is a dreadful snob .

  7. 他是一个胸襟狭窄的小人。

    He is a little man with a little mind .

  8. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。

    A gentleman is open and poised ; a petty man is unhappy and worried .

  9. 第四,我们必须避免首鼠两端一端是保护主义的真小人而另一端是自由主义的假道学。(典型的认知不协调)。

    Fourth , we must avoid both protectionism and false pieties .

  10. 可是你答应过要帮我的忙,你这言而无信的小人!

    But you promised to help us , you rat !

  11. 他是个喜欢向皇帝进谗的小人。

    He is a snob who always slanders others in front of the emperor .

  12. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。(《论语》)

    The gentleman understands what is moral , the small man what is profitable .

  13. 我奉劝你不要和他交往,他是一个卑鄙小人。

    I 'd advise you not to associate with him , he 's bad egg .

  14. 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。(《论语》)

    The gentleman is easy of mind , while the small man is always full of anxiety .

  15. 君子求诸己,小人求诸人。

    The demands that a gentleman makes are upon himself ; those that a small man makes are upon others .

  16. 教育不应要求孩子放弃快乐,而应引导他们从新事物中寻找快乐,比如用阅读小说代替玩小人玩具,用做实验代替把杯子沉到浴缸里,用严肃的辩论代替无稽之谈。

    Becoming educated should not require giving up joy but rather lead to finding joy in new kinds of things : reading novels instead of playing with small figures , conducting experiments instead of sinking cups in the bathtub , and debating serious issues rather than stringing together nonsense words , for example .

  17. 这不是停止的理由,只是你的头脑,你肩膀上的小人,正试图再次说服你放弃某事。

    That isn 't a reason to stop , it 's just the mind , that little man or woman on your shoulder , trying to talk you out of something again .

  18. 我们鄙夷势利小人。

    We disdain a man for his snobbishness .

  19. Yeah,我-我给所有的足球桌里的小人都起了名字。

    Yeah , and I-I gave first names to all of the foosball players .

  20. 他们把Facebook看作“小人”,并邀请其用户转而关注他们的推特帐号。

    Calling Facebook " scumbags , " it invited its human visitors to follow it on Twitter instead .

  21. 你曾被教导,我的挚爱,StPatrick驱逐了所有在爱尔兰的卑鄙小人。

    You were taught , my dear , that St Patrick banished all the SNAKES from Ireland .

  22. n.卑鄙小人你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!

    creep You slimy little creep !

  23. 清单14显示了SnailBait如何使用一个sprite动画生成器让跑步小人爆炸。

    Listing 14 shows how Snail Bait uses a sprite animator to make the runner explode .

  24. 图1显示了SnailBait的跑步小人与左上角的蜜蜂碰撞后发生爆炸。

    Figure 1 shows Snail Bait 's runner exploding after colliding with the bee in the upper left corner .

  25. 清单1给出了使用这3种行为来实例化跑步小人sprite的代码。

    Listing 1 shows the instantiation of the runner sprite with these three behaviors .

  26. 跑步小人sprite就属于这种情况,如图7所示。

    This is the case for the runner sprite , as Figure 7 illustrates .

  27. 缩小跑步小人的边界框,会使SnailBait的碰撞检测更准确,因为它消除了错误碰撞。

    Reducing the runner 's bounding box makes Snail Bait 's collision detection more accurate because it eliminates false collisions .

  28. 当跑步小人和其他sprite碰撞并发生爆炸时,SnailBait最终版本会震动游戏背景。

    The final version of Snail Bait shakes the game 's background when the runner collides with another sprite and explodes .

  29. SnailBait将在游戏画布上显示剩余生命数,每个跑步小人的微型图标代表一次生命。

    Snail Bait displays the number of remaining lives above the game 's canvas by representing each life with a miniature icon of the runner .

  30. 例如,爆炸sprite动画生成器在500毫秒内将跑步小人的动画单元更改为图12中所示的单元。

    For example , the explosion sprite animator changes the runner 's animation cells to those shown in Figure 12 for 500 milliseconds .