
  • 网络Lost Book of Zhou
  1. 《逸周书》源流及其所见经济问题研究

    The Study on the Filiation and Economy of Yi Zhou Shu

  2. 《逸周书》军事思想研究

    Research on Yi Zhou Shu 's Military Thoughts

  3. 共分两节,分别对《逸周书》的专有名词和普通名词进行细致研究,并在充分描写的基础上总结其词汇特点。

    It is divided into two . Each meticulously research patent nouns and common nouns , and summarize its vocabulary characteristics on full description basis .

  4. 《逸周书》中的《武寤》篇是歌颂武王伐纣事迹的《大武》乐辞的第二乐章“再成而灭商”,即《宿夜》。

    Wuwu in Yizhoushu is Suye , the second movement of Dawu , which sings the praise of the deeds that King Wu conquered King Zhou .

  5. 《逸周书》是非常珍贵的先秦古籍,它不仅有着十分重要的历史学、社会学价值,也有非常重要的语言学价值。

    " Yizhoushu " is a very valuable classical literature in pre-Qin times , which is not only valuable in historical and sociological , but also of great value in linguistics .