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  1. 本文论述了射礼起源于原始狩猎文化中的射禽鸟类活动。

    The rites of shooting originated from the activities of shooting birds in primitive hunting .

  2. 与此相反,射礼却在朝鲜、日本等国家发展得如火如荼。

    In contrast , radio-li was in Korea , Japan and other national development in full swing .

  3. 射礼研究

    Study on Shoot Courtesy

  4. 通过对历史文本中记载的射礼的梳理,试图明晰射礼在历史上的种种变化与兴衰。

    Clear the various change , rise and fall of shoot courtesy in history through the analysis of the historical text .

  5. 乡饮酒礼、乡射礼是周代乡党间经常性的礼乐活动,具有丰富的艺术蕴含,其仪式具有早期戏剧的特征,诗乐在乡党礼典中处于核心地位。

    The ceremonies of drinking and archery were regular local activities rich in artistic content , with rituals which show the characteristics of early drama .

  6. 依据三礼的相关记载,分析射礼起源于原始的狩猎活动,是伴随着弓箭的发明而产生的。

    According to the related records on " 3 courtesies ", the paper analyses that shoot courtesy originates from primitive hunting campaign , with the invention of bow .

  7. 第三部分对比射礼在国内的势微及其在日韩的发展,论述了射礼的文化内涵及其现代意义。

    The third part discusses the modern meaning and the cultural intension of courtesy by compare the tendency in home of courtesy to the development in Japan and Korea .

  8. 明代乡射礼的嬗变与兴废,实际上反映了国家意志、地方态度与士人追求之间的冲突与妥协。

    The transformation and declination of Local shooting Ceremony in Ming Dynasty reflect the conflict and compromise among state 's will , local attitude and pursuit of senior officials .

  9. 通过对古代射礼的研究,我们也发现射礼竟与古奥运会的精神如此的相似。

    Through the study of ancient fire ceremony , we also found that the ancient fire ceremony of the Olympic Games has come up so similar to the spirit .

  10. 中国国家博物馆近期收藏的青铜器作册般鼋上的铭文反映了商王进行射礼的事实,而不是记载普通的田猎。

    The inscriptions on the bronze shaped like tortoise collected by Chinese National Museum recently is not the records of ordinary hunting , but the archery rites in the late Shang dynasty .

  11. 春秋时期,经过儒家的阐释,射礼礼仪又成为检验人们道德修养的准则。射礼活动一直沿续至清代。

    In the Spring and Autumn Preiod , because of Confucianists'interpretation , the shooting rites became one of the standards to judge people 's morality and they lasted till the Qing Dynasty .

  12. 《左传》赋诗是由典礼性用诗而来,典礼性用诗是西周时期祭祀礼、朝聘宴享礼、射礼等仪式中的一项重要礼仪活动,《诗》的礼仪性功能非常显著。

    Chanting Songs was transformed from ceremonial Songs , an important rite of sacrifice , banquet and archery in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the ritual function of the Songs was obvious .

  13. 西周金文所反映的射礼包括三类性质不同的活动,即军事性的射术训练、宗教性的射牲仪式和娱乐性的集体游艺活动。

    Ritual of archery reflected in inscriptions on bronze of the West Zhou Dynasty includes three different kinds of activities : military training of archery , religious ceremonial of shooting animals and collective game .

  14. 射礼作为嘉礼的一种,是古代礼制的重要方面,它不仅是一种纯粹的射艺,而且有着深厚的文化内涵。

    Being a kind of praiseworthy courtesy , Shoot courtesy is the important aspect of ancient courtesy system , it is not only a kind of pure shoot skill , but have deep cultural intension .

  15. 秦汉之后历朝虽时有统治者提倡、重视或试图复兴周初的射礼,但都流于形式且以失败告终。

    Although from time to time after the Qin and Han dynasty rulers advocated revival of attention to or try to shoot ceremony earlier in the week , but they become a mere formality and ended in failure .

  16. 近几年来,随着地下资料的大批问世,包括《孔子家语》在内的许多传世文献的价值也得到了重新评估,《孔子家语》也成为研究周代射礼的重要文献。

    In recent years , with the advent of a large number of underground material , including " Confucius " Many creative works , including the value of literature has also been re-evaluate , " Confucius " has become a study of important documents Zhou fire ceremony .