
shè shǒu zuò
  • Sagittarius;The Archer;Sagitarii
  1. 星际气体云射手座B含有十亿的十亿的十亿升的酒精(本站站长计划不久将来要移居该处)。

    The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion , billion , billion liters of alcohol [ JFrater is planning to move there in the near future ] .

  2. 射手座:臀部、大腿、骨盆、骶骨、肝脏

    Sagittarius : hips , thighs , pelvis , sacrum , liver

  3. 我想Sheldon是想说我们一开始没想到是射手座的。

    Leonard : I think what Sheldon 's trying to say is that Sagittarius wouldn 't have been our first guess . Penny : Oh , yeah .

  4. 射手座和水瓶座:喜欢刺激,热爱旅游和户外运动的你俩是再合适不过的一对了。

    You both love adventure , travel and the great outdoors .

  5. 射手座和天蝎座:蝎子是没法忍受你主张自由、不束小节的个性的。

    The Scorpion cannot live with your freedom-loving , wandering spirit .

  6. 这让射手座的女人又迷人又有趣。

    This makes the Sagittarius woman intriguing as well as interesting .

  7. 其实,射手座的女子真的很需要你好好的疼爱她。

    Actually , Sagittarius girls really need to be loved well .

  8. 享受这个月吧,亲爱的射手座,这是为你而设的!

    Enjoy the month , dear Sagittarius-this one is made for you .

  9. 圣地亚哥射手座巴巴多斯岛、孟加拉、老挝、黎巴嫩、肯尼亚、圣地亚哥

    Barbados , Bangladesh , Laos , Lebanon , Kenya , San Diego

  10. 那么你肯定不是射手座。

    Well , you 're obviously not a Sagittarian then .

  11. 射手座的太阳唤醒了你接下来一个月对家的渴望。

    The Sagittarius Sun awakens your nesting instincts for the coming month .

  12. 心直口快、实话实说是射手座最大的毛病。

    Archers have a bad habit of telling the truth .

  13. 这是一个欢乐的时间,所以喜欢它,亲爱的射手座。

    It 's a joyous time , so enjoy it , dear Sagittarius .

  14. 占星学家将木星定为射手座的主宰行星。

    Astrologers identify Jupiter as the planet ruling Sagittarius .

  15. 射手座:本周行动能够收到效果。

    Your actions will be what count this week .

  16. 我的生日在12月11日,射手座的喔!

    My birthday is on 12 / 11 , I am a Sagittarius .

  17. 热情乐观的射手座享受能带来挑战的工作。

    Enthusiastic and optimistic , Sagittarians need jobs that offer plenty of challenges .

  18. 射手座的宠物可以成为最好的旅伴。

    Sagittarius pets make for the best travel companions .

  19. 但是射手座观看发现频道是为了找乐。

    But Sagittarius watch the Discovery Channel for kicks .

  20. 射手座:摸索他人的感慨感染你的情绪老是写在脸上。

    Sagittarius : put your feelers out Your moods are easy to read .

  21. 射手座,你会拥有它制成。

    Sagittarius , you 'll have it made .

  22. 你不喜欢冒险,偏偏这是射手座最钟意的。

    You don 't like to take risks , and Sagittarians thrive on chance .

  23. 是的,我就是射手座。

    And yes , I am a Sagittarius .

  24. 射手座的女子是非常忠实的。而且,她也会这样的信赖你。

    Sagittarius girls are extremely loyal and they trust you like that as well .

  25. 射手座是火相星座。射手非常主动、外向。

    Sagittarius is Fire energy . This is a very active , extroverted sign .

  26. 这一年,射手座的整体运势就是你很少地犹豫不决,这将会有利于你迈向成功。

    The situations which you will know this year will make you less hesitant .

  27. 身为射手座的我,喜欢冒险,旅行,也喜欢哲学。

    Being a Sagittarian , I tend to love adventure , travel and philosophy .

  28. 射手座分发异地带回的奇异的纪念品。

    Sagittarius distributes strange souvenirs from exotic locations .

  29. 下一个是射手座,他们出生于11月22日到12月21日之间。

    Next is the Sagittarius , they 're born between November 22 and December 21 .

  30. 如果你跟得上他们的步伐,你会发现射手座的人是充满乐趣的!

    Sagittarians can be a lot of fun , if you can keep with them !