
fàn yǔ
  • Sanskrit
梵语 [fàn yǔ]
  • [Sanskrit] 一种古印度语言,正如印度语法家(如帕尼尼Panini)所描述的,是印度和印度教的古典语言

  1. 这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。

    Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

  2. 梵语和拉丁语、希腊语、日耳曼和凯尔特语是联系密切的同源语言。

    Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin , Greek , and the Germanic and Celtic languages .

  3. 导师(Guru)是由梵语的两个音节所组成。

    The word Guru is composed of two Sanskrit syllables .

  4. “萨蒂扬(SATYAM)”一词在古老的印度语言梵语中的意思是“真实”。

    SATYAM means " truth " in Sanskrit , an ancient Indian language .

  5. “Diwali”一词来自来自梵语,表示一排灯。

    The word " Diwali " comes from a Sanskrit term that means row of lights .

  6. MayaVi在梵语中的意思是魔术师,它是一种数据可视化工具,绑定了具有强大可视化工具包(VTK)的Python来进行图形化显示。

    MayaVi , which means magician in Sanskrit , is a data visualization tool that binds Python with the powerful Visualization Toolkit ( VTK ) for graphical display .

  7. 例如,梵语中父亲是pitar,很像拉丁语pater。

    For instance , the Sanskrit word for " father ", Pitar , was quite like the Latin word pater .

  8. 艾扬格被许多人依照梵语中的敬语,称为尊敬的上师(guru-ji),他的死讯在周三早上传遍了印度。

    The news about Mr. Iyengar or guru-ji , as many here called him , using a Sanskrit honorific rippled through India on Wednesday morning .

  9. 艾扬格被许多人依照梵语中的敬语,称为“尊敬的上师”(guru-ji),他的死讯在周三早上传遍了印度。

    The news about Mr. Iyengar - or " guru-ji , " as many here called him , using a Sanskrit honorific - rippled through India on Wednesday morning .

  10. 文中出现一个梵语词汇:“安特瓦信”(antevasin),意思是“住在边境的人”。在古时候,这是字面的描述。

    A Sanskrit word appeared in the paragraph : ANTEVASIN . It means " one who lives at the border . " In ancient times this was a literal description .

  11. 凯塞尔当时是在印度迈索尔(Mysore)的一所学校里(现代瑜伽的一个分支源自这里),他骑在一辆踏板摩托车上,一条腿站立,另一条腿放在脑后,一边用梵语吟唱着。

    He was hopping on a motor scooter in Mysore , India , to stand on one leg with the other leg behind his head and chant in Sanskrit at the school where a branch of modern yoga has its origins .

  12. 梵语的瑜伽可译为结合。

    Yoga , in Sanskrit , can be translated as union .

  13. 梵语,从历史上看,没有单一的手稿与它联合起来。

    Sanskrit historically has had no single script associated with it .

  14. 这个名字的当地梵语发音拥有三种形式。

    These three forms are local pronunciations of this Sanskrit name .

  15. 从语法的观点看,梵语的变格范例明确了词根的概念。

    Grammatically , the Sanskrit paradigm exemplifies the concept of radical .

  16. 略论印度古典梵语诗歌的情与景

    On the feeling and Scenery of Classic Indian Sanskrit Poems

  17. 梵语和英语的词源的连结性是如此地惊人。

    The etymological closeness of the Sanskrit and English words is striking .

  18. “瑜珈”这个词源自梵语,意为“合一”。

    The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit language and means union .

  19. 印度&帕尼尼手稿,最早的梵语语法写成了。

    India-Panini 's Sutra , the earliest Sanskrit grammer , is written .

  20. 经文:每个字母上重复50梵语的花瓣。

    Mantra : Each of the50 Sanskrit Letters Repeat on the Petals .

  21. 毗湿奴,梵语神话中的创造与维持之神。

    Vishnu , the Supreme God of creation and preservation .

  22. 在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式。

    Which is Sanskrit for'really cool way to live ' .

  23. 梵语和北印度语所用的一种音节体。

    A syllabic script used in writing Sanskrit and Hindi .

  24. 爱神的圣经最初来源于梵语的。

    The Kama Sutra was originally written in sanskrit .

  25. 在梵语诗学和西方诗学发展过程中,存在一种同中有异的“诗人学”思想。

    The Form and Characteristics of the Western Studies on The Book of Poetry ;

  26. 梵语戏剧在中国的艺术影响

    Ancient Indian Drama 's Influence upon Chinese Arts

  27. 写成不同的版本;这些梵语文本应该转译过来。

    Rewrite in a different script ; The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated .

  28. 梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。

    The classic Sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the Vedic and Epic literature .

  29. 从而,古典的吠陀梵语就被认为是较早期的吠陀语言。

    Classical Sanskrit can therefore be considered a seamless evolution of the earlier Vedic language .

  30. 由初级翻译人员第一次将梵语经文翻译成汉语初稿。

    A team of junior translators produces the first Chinese draft of the Sanskrit text .