
  • 网络Vatican Bank
  1. 戈蒂-特德斯奇表示,此案源于梵蒂冈银行和意大利银行creditoartigiano之间就一笔资金转移产生的“误会”。

    Mr gotti-tedeschi has said that the case arose from a " misunderstanding " between the Vatican bank and credito artigiano , an Italian bank , over a money transfer .

  2. 这一举措是在罗马检察官展开了一项针对梵蒂冈银行董事长和他的副手涉嫌参与的洗钱罪调查的几个月后开始实施的。

    The move comes only a few months after prosecutors in Rome launched a criminal investigation into alleged money laundering by the Vatican Bank 's director and his deputy .

  3. 今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

    In October , an Italian court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican , which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds .

  4. 托洛尼亚家族本姓托洛纳斯(Tourlonais),拿破仑一世时期,通过独家为法国占领者提供制服而发家,1782年,这个家族开设了一个为贵族和梵蒂冈服务的银行,从而变得更加富有。梵蒂冈至今仍与该银行有牵连。

    The Torlonia family , originally the Tourlonais , were French arrivistes who became wealthy through an exclusive contract to supply uniforms to Italy 's French occupiers during the Napoleonic years and grew richer after 1782 when they opened a bank that catered to the nobility and eventually the Vatican , which still has ties to the bank .