
  • 网络Musei Vaticani;The Vatican Museum
  1. 去年,梵蒂冈博物馆(VaticanMuseums)接待游客550万人次,打破了自己的记录。

    Last year , the Vatican Museums had a record 5.5 million visitors .

  2. 答:我非常渴望把梵蒂冈博物馆(VaticanMuseums)一幅七米长的地图收录进来。那幅地图被该博物馆命名为《波吉亚长城古卷》(BorgiaGreatWallScroll),可追溯至大约1695年。

    A. I was very keen to include a 7-meter-long [ 23 feet ] map that was in the Vatican Museums , listed there as the Borgia Great Wall Scroll and dating from circa 1695 .

  3. 卢浮宫、乌菲齐博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)和马德里的普拉多博物馆(Prado)都销售限时门票,让游客可以免于排队。

    The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .

  4. 我们的游程就从梵蒂冈博物馆开始。

    Our tour begins in the Vatican museum .

  5. 一些参观者相信拉斐尔的作品是梵蒂冈博物馆中最美丽的。

    Some visitors believe the works of Raphael are the most beautiful in the Vatican Museums .

  6. 后来,我看到梵蒂冈博物馆在为保护那幅地图筹集资金,请人捐款。

    I later saw the museum was soliciting money to conserve it , and asking for donors .

  7. 据说梵蒂冈博物馆埃及区的前任主管阿尔贝托·图利发现了这张草纸。

    The papyrus is said to have been found by the former director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum , Alberto Tulli .

  8. 宏伟威严的雅典学院拱门中,各个时代伟大杰出的学者跨越时空,在梵蒂冈博物馆高耸的墙壁上思考、讨论,为人类不断追求着智慧与真理。

    Under a magnificent arch , the most renowned scholars of ancient Greece discuss truth and pursue wisdom for all mankind in The School of Athens .

  9. 梵蒂冈博物馆里面的西斯廷小教堂是我本次旅程最想来的地方。

    Now , Musei Vaticani , which cradles Capella Sistina , the crown jewel of European artistic creation , is the place I wanted to see the most .

  10. 林赛在英国沃拉西出生长大,他在采访中谈到了一块青铜的士兵面部塑像,梵蒂冈博物馆一位难以对付的策展人,以及他最初是如何对长城发生兴趣的。

    In an interview , Mr. Lindesay , a native of Wallasey , England , discussed a bronze warrior 's face , a recalcitrant curator at the Vatican Museums and how he first got interested in the wall .

  11. 她的作品在史密森博物馆收藏,梵蒂冈收集塞拉博物馆、教区博物馆洛杉矶。

    Her works are in the collections of the Smithsonian institution , the Vatican collection , the Sierra Museum and the diocese Museum of Los angeles .

  12. 在16世纪早期,教皇尤利乌斯二世在梵蒂冈这个城市的边缘建造了梵蒂冈博物馆。

    Pope Julius II founded the Vatican Museums within the city 's boundaries in the early 16th century .