
gǒng xuàn
  • arch
拱券 [gǒng xuàn]
  • [arch] 拱形建筑物上成弧形的部分。又名券( xuàn)

拱券[gǒng xuàn]
  1. 回族建筑风格主要表现在总体空间布局、柱廊及拱券运用、细部装饰等方面;

    Muslim architecture style mainly consists of overall space arrangement , application of colonnade and arch , and detailed decorations etc.

  2. 它们砌置在墓内,放置很随意,多数一部分集中置于前、中、后室的墙和拱券之上。

    They were set and placed in the tomb very casually , the majority part were placed on the front , middle and back walls and on the arch .

  3. 在王家大院的合院建筑中,无论是流线的转化、拱券的利用,还是厕所的构造,都展现出建造者无尽的想象力。

    In the building group of the Wang grand-courtyard , the change of route , the utilization of arch and the construction of lavatory can all serve as good examples for the imagination of the builders .

  4. 赵州桥结构脯,造型美观,全长50.82米,宽9.6米,跨度为37.37米,是一座由28道独立拱券组成的单孔弧形大桥。

    Zhaozhou Bridge has a novel structure meters and beautiful shape . It is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide , with a Span of 37.37 meter . It is a one arch bridge consisting of 28 independent arches .