
  • 网络Arch National Park;Arches
  1. 男的叫提姆。艾略特(TimElliot),与安娜在同一部门,但经常需要在不同的国家公园执行任务,目前在拱门国家公园执勤。

    The man 's name is Tim Elliot , working in the same department as Ann , but he usually needs to execute tasks in various national parks , this week he was on duty in Arches national park .

  2. 深夜里,天空如一块大黑布,银河系里星光熠熠地闪耀着。它的整个重量就这么落在了拱门国家公园里的平衡岩上,像跷跷板一样摇摇晃晃。

    The mighty weight of the entire Milky Way teeters precariously on Balanced Rock in Arches National Park .