
gǒng mén
  • arch;archway;arched door
拱门 [gǒng mén]
  • [arched door] 上端呈弧形的门

拱门[gǒng mén]
  1. 他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。

    They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard .

  2. 大理石拱门的经销商们面临租金的大幅上涨。

    Traders in Marble Arch are facing huge rent increases .

  3. 我们穿过石拱门进入院子。

    We went through a stone archway into the courtyard .

  4. 通道入口是一道狭窄的拱门。

    Access was via a narrow archway .

  5. 他穿过一个砖砌的拱门。

    He went under a brick arch

  6. 他躲在拱门的阴影里。

    He hid in the shadow of the archway .

  7. 在这里,廊柱的街道,拱门、剧院都非平常

    Here , the colonnaded streets , arches and theaters are in exceptional condition .

  8. 她乘着云朵到昆仑山,接着徒步穿过道路及拱门,

    She rode to the mountains on a cloud , then continued on foot passed gateways11

  9. 此外,警队又购置了特别的装备如金属探测拱门、“X”光机和电子搜查工具,以协助各项行动。

    Special equipment such as metal detector archways , X-ray machines and electronic search equipment were acquired to assist in the operations .

  10. 这座公园里有一座巨大的“和平拱门”(peacearch),上面写着加拿大和美国是“同一个母亲的孩子”。

    There is a large " Peace Arch " in the park that says Canada and the US are " children of a common mother " .

  11. 修剪整齐的绿草坪、洁白的拱门,新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院(LeeKuanYewSchoolofPublicPolicy)的殖民时期建筑反映出新加坡典型的宁静和秩序。

    With neat green lawns and clean white arches , the colonial-era architecture of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy reflects the calm and order typical of Singapore .

  12. 与之相反,《圆明园长春园孤寂的拱门》(SolitaryArch,ChangchunYuan,YuanmingYuan)则表现的是积雪覆盖的一座残缺拱门,两侧栽着纤弱的歪树,好像是通往神奇而遥远世界的入口。

    Conversely , " Solitary Arch , Changchun Yuan , Yuanming Yuan , " shows the skeleton of a snow-topped vault flanked by thin tilted trees , an entrance into a world both magical and removed .

  13. 后来得知,女的叫安娜。考森(AnnCorson),是拱门公园工作人员,项目经理,在必要时协助救援工作。

    Later we found out , the woman 's name is Ann Corson , she is the project manager of Arches National park , helps rescuing job when it is necessary .

  14. 男的叫提姆。艾略特(TimElliot),与安娜在同一部门,但经常需要在不同的国家公园执行任务,目前在拱门国家公园执勤。

    The man 's name is Tim Elliot , working in the same department as Ann , but he usually needs to execute tasks in various national parks , this week he was on duty in Arches national park .

  15. 麦当劳渴望能够保持现有的logo,于是麦当劳雇佣了LouisCheskin——他是一个心理学家同时也是一个设计顾问。并且声称这个金色拱门是一种弗洛伊德营销,可以让顾客看到这个logo会想到是一对滋养的乳房,让客户感到饥饿。

    Louis Cheskin , a psychologist and design consultant hired by McDonald 's urged them to keep the current logo , claiming that the golden arches had a Freudian effect that made customers imagine a pair of nourishing breasts , which then made them hungry .

  16. 这座11世纪的拱门出现在100面值的阿富汗尼柱上标记着真主通往远古要塞Bost(后来改名为LashkarGah)城堡。

    The11th century arch , which appears on the100 Afghani note , marks the principal approach to the ancient fortress citadel of Bost , later renamed Lashkar Gah .

  17. 我走到人民广场去,壮丽的拱门是贝尔尼尼(Bernini)的雕塑作品,为了纪念瑞典女皇克莉丝汀的历史性访问(她确实是历史上的一名秀异人物。我的瑞典朋友苏菲如此描述这位伟大的女皇

    I walk over to the Piazza del Popolo , with its grand arch , carved by Bernini in honor of the historic visit of Queen Christina of Sweden ( who was really one of history 's neutron bombs . Here 's how my Swedish friend Sofie describes the great queen :

  18. 那个林肯拱门给人感觉很好。

    And that Lincoln arches thing is a very nice touch .

  19. 我去的那个学校有个这样的拱门。

    The school I went to had an just like that .

  20. 他们建造这座拱门以纪念这位将军。

    They built the arch as a memorial to the general .

  21. 沿这个建筑物的正面有9个大型拱门。

    The building has nine large arches along the length ofitsfarade .

  22. 那些树伸向小溪上,形成一道树枝的拱门。

    The trees overhung the brook forming an arch of branches .

  23. 我曾看到你大理石拱门上的旗帜。

    But I 've seen your flag on the marble arch .

  24. 由圆柱支撑的有一系列拱门的建筑物。

    A structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns .

  25. 这种撕开拱门被认为是较早期的建筑。

    The round arch is thought to belong to an earlier period .

  26. 如今她与波兰籍的母亲住在大理石拱门后面的某个地方。

    Now she lived with her Polish mother somewhere behind marble arch .

  27. 而另一名与他装扮类似的仆人就站在拱门下。

    And another similarly dressed servant stood under its arch .

  28. 这是阳光照射在拱门上的另一张照片。

    Here is another picture of setting sun shining on the arch .

  29. 新娘从缀满鲜花的半圆形拱门下走过。

    The bride walked under an arch of hoops covered with flowers .

  30. 这些拱门一直是在承重高载荷上的完美设计。

    The arch is an almost perfect design for bearing heavy loads .