
  • 网络History of Thailand
  1. 泰国历史上的封建制度及其特点

    The Feudal System of the Qin State and its Traits

  2. 分别对泰国历史文化资源开发、美国文化资源管理以及香港政府对文化资源的整合进行了详细的介绍和说明,总结各地开发的成功经验。

    It includes Thailand historical culture resource exploitation , American culture resource management reference and the folk culture resource management of Hongkong government .

  3. 首先,他信是泰国历史上最受拥护的总理,是唯一干满了整个任期又再次当选的总理。

    First , Mr Thaksin was the most popular prime minister in Thailand 's history , the only one to serve a full term and be re-elected .

  4. 华人移民泰国历史悠久,尤其是17世纪到20世纪初,中国人几乎没有间断的往泰国移民。

    The history of Chinese migration to Thailand is long , and the 17th , 18th and the early 20th century saw the continuation of Chinese migration to Thailand .

  5. 据少数民族权利组织(MinorityRightsGroup)称,中国人移民到泰国的历史可以追溯到13世纪。

    Chinese migration to Thailand can be traced to the 13th century , according to the Minority Rights Group .

  6. 这个场馆描述了泰国的历史故事,他们最初傍水而居,生生不息,逐渐繁荣发展起来。

    It portrays the story of Thais , who prospered waterside .

  7. 表现出了泰国近代历史有着与东南亚其他国家不同的特点。

    Displays the Thailands modern history have the different characteristics with other Southeast Asia countries .

  8. 英拉.西那瓦在泰国近期历史上关系最为重大的一次选举中当选获胜。

    Yingluck Shinawatra emerged victorious in one of the most high-stakes elections in Thailand 's recent history .

  9. 以贸易与移民的互动为基本思路研究清代中国人移民泰国的历史和泰国华人社会的形成,为华侨华人的国别史研究填补空白。

    First , Studies on the history of Chinese migration to Thailand , the formation of Chinese community and the interaction between trade and migration will greatly contribute to the micro study of overseas Chinese .

  10. 作为清代华侨华人史的一个组成部分,研究中国人移民泰国的历史具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。

    The history of Chinese emigration constitutes an important part in the Qing Dynasty , thus , it is of great academic value and practical significance to probe into the history of Chinese migration to Thailand .

  11. 在泰国的历史上,封建制度的基础是一种土地国有制或王有制,最高土地所有者被认为是国家,而国王就是国家的人格化。

    In the history of the Qin State , the feudal system was based on the states or kings ownership of land , that is , the supreme land owner was the state while the king was its personification .

  12. 上世纪九十年代早期,泰国处于其历史上发展的巅峰时期。

    In the early 1990s , Thailand was experiencing one of its biggest booms in history .

  13. 最近的迹象表明供应增长,这有助于平抑泰国大米的历史高价。

    Recent signs of an increase in supplies have helped ease record prices for Thai rice .

  14. 泰拳不仅展示了泰国人的历史,而且也折射出了他们的生活哲学。

    Thai boxing not only shows the history of the Thai people , also reflects philosophy of their life .

  15. 泰国汉语教育历史悠久,但在发展的过程中经历了很多坎坷。

    Chinese language education in Thailand has a long history , but the process of development has undergone many ups and downs .

  16. 中国与泰国的交往历史可以追溯到三国时期,在中泰两国之后的官方和民间的交往过程中,汉文化对泰国的各个方面产生了潜移默化的影响。

    The history of contact between China and Thailand can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms period . During the official or folk communication between these two countries , Chinese culture made a subtle influence on every aspect of Thailand .

  17. 泰国是一个历史悠久、美丽富饶而又充满朝气的国家。

    Thailand is an ancient , beautiful and richly endowed country full of dynamism .

  18. 斗鱼在泰国具有长远的历史,是泰国一种传统的鱼只。

    The Betta has had a long history in Thailand and is one of Thailand 's traditional fish .

  19. 泰国文化深受泰国历史和佛教的影响,也受到全球经济的影响。

    Thai culture is not only influenced by Thai history and Buddhism deeply , but also influenced by global economy .

  20. 泰国小说创作的历史虽不长,但在叙事技巧方面有着较大的进展。

    Although Thailand 's history of novels isn 't long , it has relatively made progress in the respect of narrative method .

  21. 武里南府位于泰国东北部,历史文化悠久,府内有越来越多的人学习汉语。

    Buriram House is located in the northeastern part of Thailand with long history and culture ; more and more people are learning Chinese .

  22. 综合研究泰国汉语教学的历史和现状,对于今后泰国汉语教学的发展有着至关重要的作用。

    Comprehensive study of the history and current situation of Chinese language teaching in Thailand play a vital role for the future development of Chinese language teaching in the Thailand .

  23. 探讨泰国王室的华人政策,有助于深刻理解华人高度融入泰国的历史和现实。

    Third , studies on the policies of Thai royal court to Chinese will help to fully understand the Chinese assimilation in Thailand in both historical and realistic perspectives .