
  1. 受晚清社会处在国家转型期的环境影响,晚清币制变迁是不彻底、不完善的。文化传播与文化增殖&以《泰西新史揽要》在晚清社会的传播为例

    Because the society in late Qing Dynasty was in transformation , the transition of the currency system was not sound . Cultural Dissemination and Cultural Multiplication

  2. 在近代西学东渐的过程中,《泰西新史揽要》经由西方传教士李提摩太的翻译和广学会的刊印传入晚清社会,一时间举国争诵,洛阳纸贵。

    In the course of modern " dissemination of Western learning to the Orient ", The History of the Nineteenth Century , which was translated by Timothy Richard , a missionary , was introduced to the late Qing Dynasty and published by the Christian Literature Society of China .