
Cí xǐ tài hòu
  • Empress Dowager Ci Xi
  1. 清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年。

    The Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades .

  2. 慈禧太后在哪儿垂帘听政?

    Where did Empress Dowager Cixi give audience behind a screen ?

  3. 清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。

    She often had opera troupes perform for her in the Court .

  4. 慈禧太后吃了这精美的点心之后,很满意。

    After eating the fine snack , Empress Dowager Cixi was fairly satisfied .

  5. 对应中国版:慈禧太后

    Chinese Counterpart : Empress Dowager Cixi

  6. 长廊连接者慈禧太后处理政务和起居观光的地方。

    The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential and sightseeing areas .

  7. 慈禧太后和光绪皇帝均于1908年去世,留下了一个相对来说无能和不稳定的中央政权。

    Cixi and the Guangxu emperor both died in 1908 , leaving a relatively powerless and unstable central authority .

  8. 乐寿堂是慈禧太后住在颐和园时的寝宫。

    The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace .

  9. 慈禧太后从来不坐这辆小汽车,因为她不能忍受司机坐在她的前面。

    Empress Dowager Cixi never used this car because she couldn 't tolerate a driver to sit in front of her .

  10. 乘车赴颐和园,参观中国最大、最美的皇家园林,清代慈禧太后的夏宫,时间2小时。

    Drive to the Summer Palace , the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden . Visit it for 2 hours .

  11. 还有一个住户是以前为中国最后一个重量级的帝国统治者——慈禧太后掌厨的御厨的后代。

    Another is the descendant of a nutritionist who worked for the Empress Dowager Cixi , China 's last great imperial ruler .

  12. 寿被赋予慈禧太后当她颁发绣挂毯,八仙皇后庆祝生日。

    Shou was bestowed by Empress Dowager Cixi when she presented the Empress with the embroidered tapestry , Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday .

  13. 手工业也得到很大发展,超过了自慈禧太后在北京执政以来的任何时期。

    Handicrafts have been expanded to a greater extent than at any time since the empress dowager was on the throne in Peking .

  14. 据史料记载,慈禧太后穿的宫服就是用补花工艺加以点缀的。

    According to historical records , the Empress Dowager Cixi of the palace wearing clothes is to use technology to be decorative applique .

  15. 隋朝时开始娣的女儿成为慈禧太后的北周,她的继子为新皇帝。

    The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi 's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou , with her stepson as the new emperor .

  16. 清朝在同治和其后的光绪二帝在位的时候,大权全部落在慈禧太后手中;

    Qing Dynasty in the Tongzhi and its after the reign of Emperor Guangxu second time , power all come into the hands of the Empress Dowager Cixi ;

  17. 据说袁世凯曾把狗不理包子作为贡品献给慈禧太后,而且慈禧太后品尝之后龙颜大悦。

    It is said that Yuan Shikai once brought Goubuli stuffed bun as a tribute to Empress Dowager Cixi , who was very pleased after tasting the bun .

  18. 中国的皇帝制存在了2132年,由中国的统一者、秦王朝的建立者秦始皇开始,以慈禧太后专制结束。

    The Chinese imperial line survived for 2132 years . On one end was Qin Shi Huang , the unifier of China and founder of the Qin Dynasty .

  19. 有关吴棠对慈禧太后微时有恩的传说不可信义和团运动时期慈禧的思想与对外政策

    The Incredibility in the Legend of Wu Tang 's Favor on Ci Xi as a Young Girl Ci Xi 's Thoughts and Diplomacy during the period of Boxer Rebellion

  20. 雍正皇帝(1678-1735)是第一位住在这里的帝王。同时,养心殿也见证了慈禧太后(1835-1908)早年在这里的传奇历史。

    Emperor Yongzheng ( 1678-1735 ) was the first monarch to live there , and the building witnessed the early days of the reign of the legendry Empress Dowager Cixi ( 1835-1908 ) .

  21. 这场努力被称为“同治中兴”,它取自同治皇帝(1862——1874)的名讳,并由这位年轻帝王的母亲,慈禧太后(1835——1908)设计指导。

    The effort was known as the Tongzhi Restoration , named for the Tongzhi Emperor ( 1862 - 1874 ) , and was engineered by the young emperors mother , the Empress Dowager Ci Xi ( 1835 - 1908 ) .

  22. 德和园也叫大戏楼。大戏楼是专为慈禧太后表演京戏的地方。启动新游戏和原始游戏的快捷方式:令你非常容易地启动新的游戏模式或者原始游戏模式。

    The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building . The Great Theatre Building was the place where Beijing Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi . Shortcuts for launch new game or original one : Easily play any mod for the game .

  23. 特色菜有可口的菊花烧卖(据说慈禧太后最后一次驾临山西时非常喜欢),还有特别的养生葫芦丝(佐以山西陈醋、辣椒和细细的葱花)。

    Specialties are the delicate chrysanthemum shao mai ( steamed dumplings favored by the Empress Cixi when she last visited ) , and the unusual yangsheng hulusi , which is carefully coiled shredded bottle gourd dressed with aged Shanxi vinegar , chilies , and finely sliced scallions .

  24. 受极端保守主义者和政治投机分子袁世凯(1859——1916)的支持,慈禧太后在1898年11月21日策划了一场政变,逼迫年轻的、具有改革思想的光绪帝退位。慈禧拦过掌控政府的大权。

    Supported by ultraconservative and with the tacit support of the political opportunist Yuan Shikai ( 1859 - 1916 ) , Empress Dowager Ci Xi engineered a coup on September 21 , 1898 , forcing the young reform-minded Guangxu into seclusion . Ci Xi took over the government as regent .