
cí shàn jiā
  • philanthropist;humanitarian
  1. 如:这位慈善家每年都筹集固定数额的基金用于公益。

    The philanthropist annually amount of fund for public welfare .

  2. 他也?B先生是位慈善家。

    He also called Mr.B a philanthropist .

  3. 他是一位慈善家,向帕金森病研究、纽约市立学院(CityCollegeofNewYork)以及其他慈善事业捐过款。

    He was a philanthropist , contributing to Parkinson 's research and the City College of New York , among other causes .

  4. 即使对于MetalGear,慈善家组织也仅仅泄露消息而非摧毁这些本属私人的财产。

    Even with regards to Metal Gear units , Philanthropy simply leaks information as opposed to destroying what'sessentially private property .

  5. n.慈善家这所大学的创建人是位腰缠万贯的慈善家。

    philanthropist eg. The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist .

  6. 治疗行动组的执行主任MarkHarringto说,慈善家更多的参与有很多优势。

    There are advantages to the increasing engagement of philanthropists , says Mark Harrington , executive director of the Treatment Action Group .

  7. 在2012年美国慈善家排行榜上,扎克伯格排在第二位,仅次于沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    Mr Zuckerberg ranked second in 2012 behind Warren Buffett .

  8. 一些尚未被世人广知的候选人包括:计算机工程师阿达·洛芙莱斯,19世纪的慈善家安吉拉·伯德特·库茨,对DNA结构研究做出贡献的晶体学家罗莎琳·富兰克林。

    Some of the less familiar names include computer programmer Ada Lovelace , 19th-century philanthropist Angela Burdett-Coutts and crystallographer Rosalind Franklin , who helped crack the structure of DNA .

  9. 52岁的凯斯及其50岁的妻子吉恩凯斯(JeanCase)说,他们之所以签署誓言书,是因为他们希望这样有助于慈善家们相互学习。

    Mr. Case , 52 , and his wife Jean Case , 50 , said they signed the pledge because they hoped it would help philanthropists learn from each other .

  10. 我们首先要做的,是为心怀抱负、积极主动的创业者找到掌握知识的人,比如科学家、研究人员、STEM(科学、技术、工程设计与数学)专业人员和慈善家等,为他们牵线搭桥。

    We need to start connecting those with knowledge scientists , researchers , stem ( Science , technology , engineering , and Mathematics ) professionals , and philanthropists to aspiring and active entrepreneurs .

  11. 这就是慈善家比尔o盖茨和梅琳达o盖茨在2014年斯坦福大学(Stanford)的毕业典礼上通过一场深刻的演讲向毕业生们所传递的信息。

    That was the message that philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates delivered to Stanford 's 2014 graduating class in a poignant commencement address .

  12. 毕竟,“我已经成为一个人的金钱与国家承认的其他慈善家,”范伯格在一次杂志采访时打趣说与ABA的。

    After all ," I 've become a nationally recognized philanthropist with other people 's money ," Feinberg quipped during an interview with the ABA Journal .

  13. 比尔•盖茨(BillGates)在达沃斯年会上占了企业家和慈善家两个头衔,今年他准备谈论21世纪通向资本主义的新途径。

    Bill Gates , who occupies the roles both of business entrepreneur and philanthropist at Davos , is this year giving a talk on a new approach to capitalism in the 21st century .

  14. (DavidKarp,汤博乐)等,他们最终都变成了亿万富翁。作为程序员,他们在高新技术产业上取得了重大成功。而作为慈善家,他们也为世界范围内的慈善事业做出了巨大的贡献。

    and all of them have had a dramatic impact on both the tech industry as programmers and the world as philanthropists .

  15. LadyGaga还引导粉丝登陆“平民慈善家”机构的网页,在这里大家可以为谷歌首席执行官埃里克施密特和妻子温迪发起的募捐活动捐款。

    Gaga also directed fans to the Citizen Effect web page where they can contribute to a campaign by Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy .

  16. 另一位则是金融家兼慈善家迈克•米尔肯,他的米尔肯研究所(MilkenInstitute)会议于春季在洛杉矶召开。

    Another is Michael Milken , the financier and philanthropist , who offers his Milken Institute conference in Los Angeles in the spring .

  17. 事实上,这位微软巨头兼慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的一位,如福特、洛克菲勒和前IBM总裁郭士纳都是左撇子。

    In fact , the Microsoft titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed , including Henry Ford , John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner .

  18. 美国投行高盛的前欧洲总裁西蒙罗伯逊(simonrobertson)、零售企业家和慈善家汤姆亨特爵士(tomhunter)等,仍持有该公司的股份。

    Simon Robertson , the former European president of US bank Goldman Sachs , and Sir Tom hunter , the retail entrepreneur and philanthropist , continue to hold stakes .

  19. 当地的慈善家,如T.BoonePickens和RossPerot等也给与了支持。

    Local philanthropists , including T. Boone Pickens and Ross Perot , are chipping in , too .

  20. 在美国2013年慈善家排行榜上,耐克(Nike)董事长菲尔•奈特(PhilKnight)和妻子排在第二位,他们向俄勒冈健康与科学大学基金会(OregonHealth&ScienceUniversityFoundation)捐款5亿美元,用于癌症研究。

    Phil Knight , chairman of Nike , and his wife were the second-largest givers in the US in 2013 with their pledge of $ 500m to the Oregon Health & Science University Foundation for cancer research .

  21. 这笔捐款标志着,扎克伯格成为首位捐出最大单笔捐款的30岁以下慈善家。而捐赠对象硅谷社区基金会负责支持Facebook总部所在地的社区发展。

    The gift - to a charity which works to support the neighbourhood where Facebook has its headquarters - marks the first time a philanthropist under the age of 30 has given the largest single donation .

  22. 身为百万富翁的教育慈善家彼得兰普尔爵士(sirpeterlampl)最近表示,学费可能会再提高20%,以便为更多经过经济状况调查的优秀少年提供名额。

    Sir Peter Lampl , the millionaire educational philanthropist , recently said fees could be put up another 20 per cent to subsidise more means-tested places for talented youngsters .

  23. 秀场模特包括俄罗斯皇室OlgaRomanoff公主和慈善家EllaMountbatten。

    The cast included a Russian royal , Princess Olga Romanoff , and philanthropist Ella Mountbatten .

  24. 在2013年慷慨捐赠的美国慈善家中,Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)荣登首位——他向硅谷一家慈善机构捐款近10亿美元。

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg topped the list of US philanthropists who opened their cheque books to make big donations in 2013 , with his gift of almost $ 1bn to a Silicon Valley charity .

  25. 但格芬还成为了一名慷慨的慈善家,向加州大学洛杉机分校(UCLA)医学院捐赠了2亿美元,此外还为艾滋病相关研究捐赠了数百万美元。

    Yet he has also become a generous philanthropist , donating $ 200m to the UCLA School of Medicine and millions more to Aids-related causes .

  26. 香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)华正中国教育研究中心(WahChingCenterofResearchonEducationinChina)主任白杰瑞(GerardA.Postiglione)说,在中国设立大型奖学金项目的慈善家要想把钱主要花在学术上,会面临着一些艰难的选择。

    Gerard A. Postiglione , the director of Hong Kong University 's Wah Ching Center of Research on Education in China , said that philanthropists setting up large scholarship programs in China face difficult choices to keep their spending focused on academic pursuits .

  27. 中国最大互联网企业之一的董事长承诺向慈善事业捐赠逾20亿美元,此举将使他加入高科技领域最大慈善家马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)和比尔•盖茨(BillGates)的行列。

    The chairman of one of China 's largest internet companies is looking to join the ranks of the technology world 's big philanthropists Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates , by donating more than $ 2bn to charity .

  28. 一位受过教育的企业家出身的慈善家ShaiReshef提出了更为激进的观点。

    Shai Reshef , an educational entrepreneur-turned-philanthropist , is pioneering an even more radical idea .

  29. 今年,一小部分亿万富翁做了毕业典礼演说,这其中包括媒体大亨奥普拉-温弗瑞、国际慈善家梅琳达-盖茨和AOL联合创始人史蒂夫-凯斯。

    This year , a handful of billionaires gave commencement addresses , including media powerhouse Oprah Winfrey , global philanthropist Melinda Gates , and AOL co-founder Steve Case .

  30. 20世纪90年代,美国慈善家兼图书收藏家珊迪·勒内(SandyLerner)修缮了这座庄园,而今此地成了研究中心,收藏着许多早期英国女作家的著作。

    The house was renovated in the 1990s by the American philanthropist and book collector Sandy Lerner and now serves as a study center housing her collection of early British woman writers .