- 名philanthropist;humanitarian

The philanthropist annually amount of fund for public welfare .
He also called Mr.B a philanthropist .
He was a philanthropist , contributing to Parkinson 's research and the City College of New York , among other causes .
Even with regards to Metal Gear units , Philanthropy simply leaks information as opposed to destroying what'sessentially private property .
philanthropist eg. The university was founded by a millionaire philanthropist .
There are advantages to the increasing engagement of philanthropists , says Mark Harrington , executive director of the Treatment Action Group .
Mr Zuckerberg ranked second in 2012 behind Warren Buffett .
Some of the less familiar names include computer programmer Ada Lovelace , 19th-century philanthropist Angela Burdett-Coutts and crystallographer Rosalind Franklin , who helped crack the structure of DNA .
Mr. Case , 52 , and his wife Jean Case , 50 , said they signed the pledge because they hoped it would help philanthropists learn from each other .
We need to start connecting those with knowledge scientists , researchers , stem ( Science , technology , engineering , and Mathematics ) professionals , and philanthropists to aspiring and active entrepreneurs .
That was the message that philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates delivered to Stanford 's 2014 graduating class in a poignant commencement address .
After all ," I 've become a nationally recognized philanthropist with other people 's money ," Feinberg quipped during an interview with the ABA Journal .
Bill Gates , who occupies the roles both of business entrepreneur and philanthropist at Davos , is this year giving a talk on a new approach to capitalism in the 21st century .
and all of them have had a dramatic impact on both the tech industry as programmers and the world as philanthropists .
Gaga also directed fans to the Citizen Effect web page where they can contribute to a campaign by Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy .
Another is Michael Milken , the financier and philanthropist , who offers his Milken Institute conference in Los Angeles in the spring .
In fact , the Microsoft titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed , including Henry Ford , John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner .
Simon Robertson , the former European president of US bank Goldman Sachs , and Sir Tom hunter , the retail entrepreneur and philanthropist , continue to hold stakes .
Local philanthropists , including T. Boone Pickens and Ross Perot , are chipping in , too .
Phil Knight , chairman of Nike , and his wife were the second-largest givers in the US in 2013 with their pledge of $ 500m to the Oregon Health & Science University Foundation for cancer research .
The gift - to a charity which works to support the neighbourhood where Facebook has its headquarters - marks the first time a philanthropist under the age of 30 has given the largest single donation .
Sir Peter Lampl , the millionaire educational philanthropist , recently said fees could be put up another 20 per cent to subsidise more means-tested places for talented youngsters .
The cast included a Russian royal , Princess Olga Romanoff , and philanthropist Ella Mountbatten .
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg topped the list of US philanthropists who opened their cheque books to make big donations in 2013 , with his gift of almost $ 1bn to a Silicon Valley charity .
Yet he has also become a generous philanthropist , donating $ 200m to the UCLA School of Medicine and millions more to Aids-related causes .
Gerard A. Postiglione , the director of Hong Kong University 's Wah Ching Center of Research on Education in China , said that philanthropists setting up large scholarship programs in China face difficult choices to keep their spending focused on academic pursuits .
The chairman of one of China 's largest internet companies is looking to join the ranks of the technology world 's big philanthropists Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates , by donating more than $ 2bn to charity .
Shai Reshef , an educational entrepreneur-turned-philanthropist , is pioneering an even more radical idea .
This year , a handful of billionaires gave commencement addresses , including media powerhouse Oprah Winfrey , global philanthropist Melinda Gates , and AOL co-founder Steve Case .
The house was renovated in the 1990s by the American philanthropist and book collector Sandy Lerner and now serves as a study center housing her collection of early British woman writers .