
cí shàn jī jīn
  • benevolent foundation;charitable foundation
  1. 过去,特朗普曾使用他的慈善基金会唐纳德•J•特朗普基金会(DonaldJ.

    In the past , Mr Trump has used money from his charitable foundation , the Donald J.

  2. 文中写到,他们将拿出99%的Facebook股份捐赠给一家新成立的慈善基金会,用于运作,这些股份目前市值450亿美元。

    They will donate 99 % of their Facebook shares - currently valued at $ 45 billion - to the work of a new charitable foundation , the letter claims .

  3. 为了过上奢靡的生活,这对冷漠无情的夫妇竟然贪污医院的慈善基金。

    The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle .

  4. 比较近的则设法成立慈善基金会(例如“克林顿全球倡议”(ClintonGlobalInitiative))或担任顾问。

    more recently , they have tried to establish general do-good foundations ( such as the Clinton Global Initiative ) or become consultants .

  5. LadyGaga凭她的非营利性的天生如此的慈善基金会名列第四名。

    Lady Gaga , who started her own non-profit , the Born This Way Foundation , followed at fourth .

  6. 新东方教育科技集团(neworiental)总裁俞敏洪(michaelyu)称,如果程序能更简便,他知道有多名企业家愿意成立慈善基金会。

    Michael Yu , chairman of New Oriental , a language school company , said he knew of several entrepreneurs who would like to set up charitable foundations if the process were easier .

  7. 英国成立了一家慈善基金私人股本基金会(privateequityfoundation),多少承认了业内高管享有特权,且有必要拿出金钱和时间,回报穷人。

    In the UK , the private equity foundation , a charity , has been established , partly in recognition that the industry executives are privileged and need to be giving back to the less well-off , both in money and time .

  8. 为解决一系列与特朗普大学有关的诉讼而达成的和解协议所涉的2500万美元,将不会由唐纳德•J•特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump)的慈善基金会支付。

    Donald J. Trump 's charitable foundation will not be paying any of the $ 25 million settlement to resolve a series of lawsuits concerning Trump University ,

  9. 资金(复数)vt.提供资金我们捐款给这个慈善基金。

    We contributed to the charity fund .

  10. 他表示:传统SRI反应的是特定客户的观点,也许是一家教堂或是一个慈善基金表达自己对某些领域的不满,如烟草或军火。

    Traditional SRI reflected the views of specific clients , maybe a church or charity fund expressing its dislike of certain sectors , such as tobacco or arms .

  11. 在运转着全球最大的慈善基金会和担任微软(Microsoft)技术顾问的同时,比尔o盖茨还抽出大量时间阅读各种篇幅的书籍。

    In between running one of the world 's largest charitable agencies and acting as Microsoft 's technology advisor , Bill Gates manages to find a significant chunk of time to read books , both long and short .

  12. 住房慈善基金Shelter透露,在英国,现在无家可归者的数量已经超过了30万,同比去年增加了4%,其中每200个人中就有1个人露宿街头。

    The number of homeless people in Britain has soared past 300000 -- an increase of 4 percent on last year -- with one in 200 sleeping rough , the housing charity Shelter said .

  13. 在他们的眼里,拥有一项纪念伯明翰巧克力生产商吉百利(cadbury)的慈善基金的塔塔公司,很符合条件。

    Tata , which has a philanthropic heritage reminiscent of Cadbury , the Birmingham chocolate maker , fits the bill nicely , in their view .

  14. 周日,兰斯·阿姆斯特朗慰问了在德克萨斯州Austin为Livestrong慈善基金筹款的4千3百名志愿者。

    Lance Armstrong greeted about 4300 cyclists at his Livestrong charity 's fundraising bike riding in Austin , Texas Sunday .

  15. 特朗普的代表上周五给纽约州总检察长埃里克•T•施耐德曼(EricT.Schneiderman)发了一封只有一段文字的信函,表示这项和解协议的资金不会来自任何慈善基金会或其他慈善机构。

    Representatives for Mr Trump sent a one-paragraph letter on Friday to Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York State attorney general , stating that no funding for the settlement would come from any charitable foundation or other charitable entity .

  16. 除了追求音乐生涯之外,他和哥哥及姐姐一样,都掌管着自己的慈善基金会。基金会由父亲沃伦慷慨地用伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)的股票设立。

    In addition to pursuing his music career , he , like his two older siblings , runs his own charitable foundation , which his father has funded generously with Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKA ) stock .

  17. 数字音乐服务商、被普遍认为将成为itunes统治地位潜在挑战者的spotify即将获得来自一些知名投资者的新投资,其中包括香港大亨李嘉诚(lika-shing)的慈善基金。

    Spotify , the digital music service widely tipped as a potential challenger to the dominance of iTunes , is close to securing new investment from high-profile investors including the charitable foundation of Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing .

  18. 我们相信,在回馈社会,MJF的慈善基金会是在此基础上成立。

    We believe in giving back to the community and the MJF Charitable Foundation is founded on this basis .

  19. 尽管采访已进行了两个多小时,但比尔盖茨(billgates)谈论着目前占用他大部分时间的慈善基金会,丝毫没有表露出无话可说或希望中止访谈的迹象。

    The sun is setting over seattle , but more than two hours into an interview , Bill Gates shows no sign of either running out of things to say or a desire to stop talking as he discusses the philanthropic foundation that now takes up most of his time .

  20. Bieber上周把标志性的头发给剪了,失望的粉丝们甚至在Facebook上取消了对他的关注。不过Bieber此举是想通过卖头发来为慈善基金募款。

    Bieber , who cut his hair last week to the dismay of some 85,000 fans who dropped the singer on Facebook after the cut wanted to use his locks to help raise money for charity and shared them with Ellen DeGeneres just one day after cut .

  21. Kahrizak慈善基金,位于首都德黑兰郊区一所枝繁叶盛、绿树成荫的校园内,是上百位身残者的家园。他们或老或幼,缺乏经济来源。

    Kahrizak Charity Foundation , in a leafy campus on the outskirts of the capital Tehran , is home to hundreds of physically handicapped people , young and old , who lack financial support .

  22. 他们会罢免我在慈善基金的理财人职务

    they 're gonna remove me as treasurer of the foundation .

  23. 开支票请写明上海慈善基金会为受款人。

    Check should be written in favor of Shanghai Charity Foundation .

  24. 慈善基金会缘何兴盛于美国

    Causes for the Flourishing of Philanthropic Foundations in the United States

  25. 我和我妻子建立了一个慈善基金,

    my wife and I started a foundation to do good ,

  26. 现代慈善基金会建立背后的美国精神

    The American Spirit Behind the Establishment of Modern Philanthropic Foundations

  27. 这个项目已经快耗尽慈善基金了。

    The project is already draining the charity 's funds .

  28. 他设立了慈善基金以纪念他的父亲。

    He set up the charitable trust in memory of his father .

  29. 后来他们的后裔创办了最大的慈善基金会。

    Later their heirs would establish the largest philanthropic foundations .

  30. 艾礼文打算利用此次出售所得,为一家慈善基金会筹资。

    Mr Elman intends to use proceeds to fund a charitable foundation .