- benevolent foundation;charitable foundation

In the past , Mr Trump has used money from his charitable foundation , the Donald J.
They will donate 99 % of their Facebook shares - currently valued at $ 45 billion - to the work of a new charitable foundation , the letter claims .
The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle .
more recently , they have tried to establish general do-good foundations ( such as the Clinton Global Initiative ) or become consultants .
Lady Gaga , who started her own non-profit , the Born This Way Foundation , followed at fourth .
Michael Yu , chairman of New Oriental , a language school company , said he knew of several entrepreneurs who would like to set up charitable foundations if the process were easier .
In the UK , the private equity foundation , a charity , has been established , partly in recognition that the industry executives are privileged and need to be giving back to the less well-off , both in money and time .
Donald J. Trump 's charitable foundation will not be paying any of the $ 25 million settlement to resolve a series of lawsuits concerning Trump University ,
We contributed to the charity fund .
Traditional SRI reflected the views of specific clients , maybe a church or charity fund expressing its dislike of certain sectors , such as tobacco or arms .
In between running one of the world 's largest charitable agencies and acting as Microsoft 's technology advisor , Bill Gates manages to find a significant chunk of time to read books , both long and short .
The number of homeless people in Britain has soared past 300000 -- an increase of 4 percent on last year -- with one in 200 sleeping rough , the housing charity Shelter said .
Tata , which has a philanthropic heritage reminiscent of Cadbury , the Birmingham chocolate maker , fits the bill nicely , in their view .
Lance Armstrong greeted about 4300 cyclists at his Livestrong charity 's fundraising bike riding in Austin , Texas Sunday .
Representatives for Mr Trump sent a one-paragraph letter on Friday to Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York State attorney general , stating that no funding for the settlement would come from any charitable foundation or other charitable entity .
In addition to pursuing his music career , he , like his two older siblings , runs his own charitable foundation , which his father has funded generously with Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKA ) stock .
Spotify , the digital music service widely tipped as a potential challenger to the dominance of iTunes , is close to securing new investment from high-profile investors including the charitable foundation of Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing .
We believe in giving back to the community and the MJF Charitable Foundation is founded on this basis .
The sun is setting over seattle , but more than two hours into an interview , Bill Gates shows no sign of either running out of things to say or a desire to stop talking as he discusses the philanthropic foundation that now takes up most of his time .
Bieber , who cut his hair last week to the dismay of some 85,000 fans who dropped the singer on Facebook after the cut wanted to use his locks to help raise money for charity and shared them with Ellen DeGeneres just one day after cut .
Kahrizak Charity Foundation , in a leafy campus on the outskirts of the capital Tehran , is home to hundreds of physically handicapped people , young and old , who lack financial support .
they 're gonna remove me as treasurer of the foundation .
Check should be written in favor of Shanghai Charity Foundation .
Causes for the Flourishing of Philanthropic Foundations in the United States
my wife and I started a foundation to do good ,
The American Spirit Behind the Establishment of Modern Philanthropic Foundations
The project is already draining the charity 's funds .
He set up the charitable trust in memory of his father .
Later their heirs would establish the largest philanthropic foundations .
Mr Elman intends to use proceeds to fund a charitable foundation .