
  • 网络San Remo;sanremo;st.Remo
  1. 我们当时在一个叫做…圣雷莫的村子…

    I was in a village ... called San Remo ...

  2. 我想我的女佣工作是圣雷莫最好的一个。

    I thought I had the best maid 's job in San Remo .

  3. 1994年的《圣雷莫手册》与1909年的《伦敦宣言》相距85年,两者都是海战法文献,但有关保护平民与战争受难者的规定却大不相同。

    Both of the documents on Law of War at Sea , London Declaration in 1909 and San Ramo Manual in 1994 which are 85 years apart , are far different on protection for civilians and victims of war .

  4. 但是,《圣雷莫手册》有些规定在实战中难以执行,有些规定不够详细,而且缺乏对违法者的惩治机制,这些正是海战法今后发展的趋势。

    Meanwhile , some regulations of the San Ramo Manual are hard to be implemented in war practice , and some of them are not particular enough or lack of punishing system , which show us the developing trend of the law of war at sea .