
shènɡ xùn
  • Hadith;sage's instruction;imperial edict;memorandum of Muhammad
圣训 [shèng xùn]
  • (1) [a sage's instruction; imperial edict]∶旧指圣人的训诫告谕或皇帝的诏令等

  • 先遣内侍持历朝圣训授君。--清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • (2) [(of Chinese Moslem) a memorandum of Mohammed]∶中国伊斯兰教徒指伊斯兰教奠基者穆罕默德的思想和行为记录

  1. Jerome认为,大博尔山也是其中的一座「山」,耶稣在那里发表了他的就职演说,即所谓的「山中圣训」(玛五1)。

    Jerome , a resident in Palestine , thought that Tabor was also the " mountain " where Jesus proclaimed His inaugural discourse , sometimes called the " discourse on the mountain "( Mt5,1ff ) .

  2. ISIS还定期在达比克杂志上宣称他们对待女人的方式是合法的,并声称根据圣训所言,奴隶制将在世界末日开始之际重新实行。对于异教徒家庭而言,奴役他们,让他们的妻女做姘妇是神圣之事。

    ISIS have regularly justified their treatment of women in their Dabiq magazine claiming that a hadith indicated that slavery would be revived at the beginning of the end of the world . It is a holy requirement to enslave the families of the infidels and take concubines from among them .

  3. 这就是为何所谓的冠鹤圣训被完全拒绝的原因。

    This is why the so-called Swans Hadith is definitely rejected .

  4. 这个原则在禁止诅咒与发誓的许多圣训中曾多次出现。

    This principle appears in many hadiths that prohibit cursing and swearing .

  5. 因此所有此类圣训肯定都是伪造的。

    Thus all such hadiths must have been fabricated .

  6. 20世纪以来圣训在我国的汉译本综述

    Summary of Chinese Editions of Hadis since 20th Century

  7. 我认为他们已经忘记了圣训的教诲:维持整洁占信仰一半的重要性。

    I thought they had forgotten the Hadith that cleanliness is half of faith .

  8. 我们还有哈迪司(《圣训》的子民),叫作沙拉菲派。

    We also have the Ahl-e-Hadith ( people of the Hadith ) , who are Salafists .

  9. 此外,圣训最伟大的传述人也是一名妇女,即众信士之母阿依莎。

    Also , the greatest teacher of Prophetic Hadith was a woman , Aishah , Mother of Believers .

  10. 正如圣训中所说的那样,穆斯林避免可疑事物保护他的信仰。

    By avoiding that which is doubtful , a Muslim protects his faith as mentioned in a prophetic hadith .

  11. 事实上,圣训中没有这样的传述,也没有明显的证据。

    This , in fact , was not reported in the Prophetic Sunnah , and there is no evidence on it .

  12. 根据圣训学家制定的标准充分检验圣训的真实性并做出评定。

    To verify the hadith 's authenticity well and to assess it according to the criteria set by the scholars of Hadith .

  13. 请倾听哲人的圣训:一个人挨饿,全人类饥肠辘辘;

    Let us etch the teachings of philosophers in our minds : if one is hungry , then all humans are hungry ;

  14. 在上述圣训中,他将诚实与说谎描述为导人于两个相反方向的强大动力。

    In the hadith at hand , he depicts truthfulness and falsehood as opposite powers leading those who practice them in opposite directions .

  15. 神圣先知的《圣训》中提到,如果你看见任何不堪或邪恶的事情,应该用自己的双手去阻止它。

    It is a Hadith of the Holy Prophet that if you see something bad or evil you should stop it with your own hand .

  16. 的确没有可靠的圣训号召穆斯林在伊历八月履行特殊的礼拜,斋戒或者其他功修。

    It is true that there is no authentic hadith which calls upon Muslims to perform special prayers , fasting or special worship in the month of Sha'ban .

  17. 而蒋指使别人行凶,自己却若无其事地宣讲耶稣和孔子的圣训,既到卫理会教堂做祷告,又向祖宗牌位顶礼膜拜。

    Chiang let others do the killings , then gave a lecture on Jesus Christ and Confucius , prayed in the Methodist Church and bowed to his ancestral tablets .

  18. 实际上,许多学者认为这段圣训是先知给妇女们开的一个简单的玩笑,同时是他对她们的教导。

    In fact , many scholars take the hadith as a simple joke done by the Prophet and at the same time something that he wanted to teach them .

  19. 虽然古兰与圣训涵盖了任何条件下的指导,有的问题我们还是找不到直接阐述。

    While the Qur'an and the Sunnah contain guidance that covers all human situations , sometimes we cannot find a quotation that relates directly to the question in hand .

  20. 阅读这段圣训时,我们注意到,事情发生在对穆斯林来说充满喜庆和欢乐的尔德节的一天。

    When we read the hadith , we can realize that it was said on a day of Eid which is normally a day of happiness and joy for all Muslims .

  21. 事实上,除了与平时进入清真寺时常说的祈祷词相同外,圣训中并没有提到在那个场合有某个确定的祈祷词。

    In fact , it is not mentioned in the Prophetic Sunnah that there are certain supplication on that occasion other than those which are usually said on entering the mosque .

  22. 如果我们的前辈以我们有些人试着理解的方式来理解这段圣训,他们绝对不会出现发明运算法则和揭示勾股定理的伟大学者。

    If our predecessors understood the hadith the way some of us try to understand it , they would have never produced the great scholars who invented algorithms and developed trigonometry .

  23. 此外,也有其他学者把与此玄石有关的圣训分类为可靠圣训,他们也叙述了玄石的一些价值与意义。

    Moreover , some other scholars have classified some of the hadiths concerning the Black Stone as sahih ( authentic ) and as such they relate some importance to the Black Stone .

  24. 此段圣训让我们把注意力集中在更深的涵义和斋戒的使命上,斋戒涉及斋戒者的个人发展与品格和道德的文雅高尚。

    This hadith directs us to a further meaning and message of fasting which is related to the personal development of the fasting person himself and the refinement of his character and morality .

  25. 在他的指导中有很多圣训提到了做一个诚实者的重要性,同时还强调了戒除说谎的绝对价值,这些也并不让人感到惊讶。

    It is not surprising that we find in his guidance a large number of hadiths that speak about the importance of being truthful and emphasize the absolute importance of refraining from lying .

  26. 此外,如果将这段圣训理解为“仅仅因为她们是妇女而将居于火狱”是完全错误的,这样理解远远背离了这段圣训所暗示的(教诲)。

    In addition , understanding the hadith as if it means that women will be entering Hell just because they are women is totally wrong and far from what the hadith hints at .

  27. 圣训上说当他们提到每一件好事时,他们都可以看到石头移动了一点,直到最后石头移动的距离足以使他们离开洞穴。

    The hadith says that at every mention of a good deed , they saw that the stone was moving a bit until it finally moved enough for them to get out of the cave .

  28. 明代除储存各朝的“实录”、“圣训”、“玉碟”之外,还收藏《永乐大典》副本和其他重要档案。

    In addition to the storage of the Ming Dynasty in the " Record " and " Faith " and " Yu-dish ", but also collections " Yongle Canon " copy and other important files .

  29. 尔后历代档案库,均因袭秦、汉旧制,而又各有所发展,供保存各朝皇帝的“实录”、“圣训”、“玉碟”之类的皇家档案。

    After the archives of the past , both Yinxi Qin and Han old system , and each has , for the preservation of the emperor in the " Record " and " Faith " and " Yu-disc " such as the Royal Archives .