
  • 网络islamic art
  1. 位于卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆(MIA)美丽绝伦,是个很适宜举办晚宴的地方。

    The starkly beautiful Museum of Islamic Art ( MIA ) in Doha , Qatar , is a fine setting for a dinner .

  2. 它在这个地区是独一无二的,融合了伊斯兰艺术和沙漠建筑的特点——一种不可模仿的萨赫勒(Sahel)沙漠美学——一在全世界都是独具一格的。

    It is unique to the region and represents a distinctive marriage of Islamic and desert architecture - an inimitable Sahel desert aesthetic - not to be found anywhere else in the world .

  3. 除了伊斯兰艺术和现代阿拉伯艺术博物馆(目前它们均已被纳入QMA管辖范围),一座新的关于体育和奥林匹克的互动型博物馆正在缓慢成型,这是为了2022年将在卡塔尔举办的世界杯而修建。

    In addition to the Islamic and modern Arabic art museums , which now fall under the QMA , a new interactive museum of sport and the Olympics is slowly taking shape to coincide with Qatar 's hosting of the FIFA World Cup in 2022 .

  4. 建造新的博物馆去展示卡塔尔在伊斯兰艺术,现代阿拉伯绘画,摄影,古代盔甲以及博物学方面的收藏,也同样是这个计划的一部分。

    New museums to showcase Qatar 's collections of Islamic art , modernist Arab painting , photography , armour and natural history are all part of the plan .

  5. 克利夫兰摇滚名人堂和博物馆项目看上去不太像是贝聿铭会做的博物馆,但这样的案例后面还有:2008年,卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆标志着他的博物馆设计达到了巅峰,贝聿铭兴致勃勃地接受了这个挑战。

    The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum project would not be Pei 's last unlikely museum commission : His museum oeuvre would culminate in the call to design the Museum of Islamic Art , in Doha , Qatar , in 2008 , a challenge Pei accepted with relish .

  6. 而伊斯兰建筑艺术在伊斯法罕和伊斯坦布尔到达了后期的顶峰。

    Islamic architecture reached a late peak in Isfahan and Istanbul .