
  • 网络Idlib;Idleb
  1. 该组织表示,周日暴力冲突继续,导致至少12名平民死亡,其中大部分丧生于反政府武装活跃的西北部省份伊德利卜(idlib)的一次军事行动中。

    Violence continued on Sunday , the observatory said , with at least 12 civilians killed , most during a military operation in the rebellious north-western province of Idlib .

  2. 昨天,红十字会的车辆在叙利亚西北部伊德利卜省遭到不明身份武装分子的袭击。

    Their combo was attacked yesterday by unknown assailants in Idlib province in northwestern Syria .

  3. .叙利亚军队在该国伊德利卜省战区上方设置了禁飞区。

    The Syrian army has imposed a no-fly zone over the country 's battlefield Idlib Province .

  4. 伊德利卜是叙利亚总统阿萨德的军队在4年冲突中失守的第二个省份首府和大城市。

    Idlib is the second provincial capital and major urban center lost by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 's forces in the four-year-old conflict .

  5. 比起相邻的伊德利卜省和阿勒颇省,拉塔基亚地区的宗派紧张程度还算是低的了,在那些省份恶性攻击已经持续了数月之久。

    Sectarian tensions are still low compared with the neighbouring provinces of idleb and Aleppo , where vicious fighting has raged for months .

  6. 叙利亚官方的通讯社没有报道伊德利卜失陷的消息,只是说为控制这座城市的政府军在进行激烈的战斗。

    Syria 's official news agency did not report Idlib 's fall , saying the army is fighting fierce battles to gain control of the city .

  7. 在伊德利卜省其他地方,一辆汽车爆炸造成至少27人死亡,事故发生在反对派控制的达库其镇,土耳其边境附近。

    Elsewhere , Idlib province , a car bomb killed at least 27 people in the rebel controlled town of Darkoush , near the Turkish border .

  8. 一份声明称,任何侵犯领空的飞机都将被视作敌对目标,并将被击落。这项新决定是在当前与土耳其关系紧张后做出的,后者支持伊德利卜省的反叛组织。

    A statement says any aircraft violating the airspace will be dealt with as a hostile target and will be The new decision comes the current tension with Turkey , which is backing the rebel groups in Idlib .

  9. 联合国人道主义事务协调办公室称,叙利亚西北部伊德利卜省的形势非常“严峻”。此时,有报道称伊德利卜和哈马有19个地区遭到空袭,10个村庄遭到炮击。

    The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has described the situation in Idlib province in northwest Syria as " dire . " This came as airstrikes have been reported in 19 communities and shelling in 10 villages in Idlib and Hama .