
  1. ISIS要在势力范围内进行大规模的种族净化活动,特别是所有非阿拉伯和非正统派的教区,包括亚述人,什叶派,雅兹迪人,曼德恩人等等。

    ISIS is responsible for ethnic cleansing on a huge scale in its regions of control targeting , in particular , all non-Arab and non-Sunni communities , including Assyrians , Shia , Yazidis , Mandeans and many others .

  2. 她只是遭受着同样待遇成百上千名妇女和女童的其中之一,其中大多为雅兹迪人。

    She is one of hundreds of women and girls , mostly Yazidis .

  3. 显然袭击的目标是居住在这个地区的少数雅兹迪教派的成员。

    Members of the small Yazidi sect which live in the area were the apparent targets .

  4. 目前,政府已经非常勉强的定义了美军的目标:其一、在即将到来的大屠杀中保护数以万计的伊拉克雅兹迪少数民族成员。

    For now , the administration has defined U.S. objectives very narrowly : one , protect tens of thousands of members of Iraq 's Yazidi minority from an impending massacre .