
  • 网络erdogan;Erdoğan
  1. 在埃尔多安领导的正义与发展党(JusticeandDevelopmentParty)十多年前掌权后,他们联袂合作,控制了军队。在上个世纪,军队推翻了四届民选政府。

    After Mr. Erdogan 's Islamist Justice and Development Party came to power more than a decade ago , they teamed up to tame the military , which overthrew four elected governments last century .

  2. 埃尔多安先生,和他保守的正义发展党(AK),可以从这个信念中获益。

    Mr Erdogan , and his conservative Justice and Development ( AK ) party , can take credit for this .

  3. 当全球领导人6月下旬在多伦多参加20国集团(g20)峰会时,奥巴马告诉埃尔多安,在联合国投票一事上,土耳其未能成为美国的盟友。

    When the leaders met later that month at the G20 summit in Toronto , Mr Obama told Mr Erdogan that the Turks had failed to act as an ally in the UN vote .

  4. 在最近举行的首届伊斯坦布尔论坛(IstanbulForum)上,埃尔多安阐明了这一战略。这个论坛由土耳其战略交流中心主办,并得到美国的德国马歇尔基金会(GermanMarshallFund)的支持。

    Mr Erdogan set out the strategy at the inaugural meeting this week of the Istanbul Forum , hosted by Turkey 's Centre for Strategic Communication , and supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States .

  5. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯杨从伊斯坦布尔带来的报道,埃尔多安在和其他两位候选人的竞争中赢得了超过50%的选票,不用再进行决胜投票。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul that Erdogan appears to have gained over 50 % of the votes against two rivals , avoiding a run-off .

  6. 在1月,埃尔多安33岁的儿子比拉·埃尔多安(BilalErdogan)曾遭调查此反腐案件检查官的询问。

    Last month , the leader 's 33 year-old son , Bilal Erdogan , was questioned by prosecutors investigating the allegations .

  7. 埃尔多安的发言人易卜拉欣·卡林(IbrahimKalin)周二表示,美国应该将居伦移交给土耳其。

    Ibrahim Kalin , Mr. Erdogan 's spokesman , said on Tuesday that the United States should turn him over to Turkey .

  8. 最令他们的愤怒的是,埃尔多安的顾问YusufYerkel在反政府的游行中脚踢一名示威者。

    Besonders emp ö rt sie , dass Erdogan-Berater Yusuf Yerkel w ä hrend einer Demonstration gegen die Regierung auf einen Demonstranten eintritt .

  9. 埃尔多安称,驻美国法士拉·葛兰(FethullahGulen)宗教团体领导下的温和伊斯兰运动组织已经渗透到了土耳其的警察机构和司法部门,是该组织的追随者们精心策划了这起反腐调查。

    He says the investigations were orchestrated by followers of a moderate Islamic movement led by US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen , who have allegedly infiltrated Turkey 's police and judiciary .

  10. 埃尔多安与那位名叫费特胡拉·居伦(FethullahGulen)的神职人员近年来一直是对手,土耳其以前曾表示,美国必须将居伦引渡回国。

    Mr. Erdogan and the cleric , Fethullah Gulen , have been adversaries in recent years , and Turkey has said before that Mr. Gulen must be extradited by the United States .

  11. 埃尔多安总统竟然能用智能手机应用软件FaceTime与一个电视台通话,那个场景颇为奇怪,虽然有看上去软弱的风险,但削弱了策划者的势头,让埃尔多安能够呼吁市民涌上街头抵制叛乱。

    President Erdogan was able to use the FaceTime smartphone app to call a TV station , a bizarre scenario that risked the appearance of weakness but also sapped plotters " momentum and allowed him to call for the public to flood the streets in opposition .

  12. 伊斯坦布尔——土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)说,上周未遂政变的幕后操纵者,是一位举止温和的穆斯林神职人员,目前他因自我流放,居住在宾夕法尼亚州农村。政变几乎成功地接管了政府,差点杀死了埃尔多安。

    ISTANBUL - Turkey 's president , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , says that a mild-mannered Muslim cleric living in self-imposed exile in rural Pennsylvania was pulling the strings of a coup attempt last week that almost succeeded in taking over the state , and killing Mr. Erdogan himself .

  13. 但一些土耳其人不赞同埃尔多安的控制领导风格。

    but some Turks disagree with Erdogan 's controlling leadership style .

  14. 埃尔多安表示土耳其境内大约有10万叙利亚难民。

    Mr. Erdogan said there are almost 100,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey .

  15. 埃尔多安的回应是宣布于2007年7月提前举行大选。

    Mr Erdogan responded by calling an early election in July 2007 .

  16. 2003年,埃尔多安带领庞大代表团走访中国,意在恢复关系。

    In2003 Mr Erdogan visited China with a large delegation to mend relations .

  17. 埃尔多安去年以压倒性胜利赢得大选。

    Mr. Erdogan won last year 's general election with a landslide victory .

  18. 土耳其总理埃尔多安保证要对这次袭击做出坚决的回应。

    Prime Minister Erdogan promises a firm response .

  19. 据报导,埃尔多安已表示,他要阻止提拔那些他认为参与推翻政府阴谋的军官。

    Most of the officers who have been charged are being held in prison .

  20. 但要让埃尔多安先生批准库尔德人使用石油管道,似乎还太遥远。

    But approving a pipeline may be a step too far for Mr Erdogan just now .

  21. 埃尔多安说,袭击中有两名土耳其军人失踪,库尔德工人党有23人被打死。

    He said two soldiers were missing and23 members of the PKK were killed during the attack .

  22. 埃尔多安说,做为政治当局,他们跟安全部队显示的决心一样的。

    Erdogan said as the political authority , they shared the same determinism displayed by the security forces .

  23. 星期天参加纪念仪式的其他国家领导人包括克罗地亚总统约西波维奇和土耳其总理埃尔多安。

    Other leaders attending Sunday 's anniversary include Croatian President Ivo Josipovic and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan .

  24. 土耳其总理埃尔多安曾认为自己能够影响巴沙尔,但也在上周二发出了最后通牒。

    Turkey , where Mr Erdogan believed he could influence Mr Assad , says it will today give him an ultimatum .

  25. 值得赞扬的是,埃尔多安是第一个要求埃及穆巴拉克让位的穆斯林领导人。

    To his credit , Mr Erdogan was the first Muslim leader to tell Egypt 's Hosni Mubarak to step down .

  26. 但是埃尔多安所在政党正义与发展党在投票结束后几个小时便宣布获胜。

    But Erdogan 's party , the AKP , declared their man the victor a few hours after the polls closed .

  27. 为了准备明年的总统和议会大选,埃尔多安总理将会努力避免激发这股情绪。

    In the run-up to presidential and parliamentary elections next year , Mr Erdogan would do well to avoid fanning that mood .

  28. 近日埃尔多安将出访德黑兰,充当伊朗与西方之间的调停人。

    Next week , Mr Erdogan is due in Tehran as Turkey assumes the role of broker between Iran and the West .

  29. 人们这样的保留态度或许回应了一些观察人士的解释。观察人士认为,总理埃尔多安的行事越来越专制。

    Such reservations can in part be explained by what some observers say is the increasingly authoritarian behavior of the prime minister .

  30. 国务卿克里表示,如果土耳其总理埃尔多安推迟访问哈马斯政权控制的加沙地带,那很可能避开另一个棘手问题。

    Secretary Kerry says another touchy issue could be sidestepped if Prime Minister Erdogan delays a trip to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip .