
āi jí yī wén
  • Aedes Aegypti
  1. 2002年,支国舟等在中国首先克隆了埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊(Aedesalbopictus)的防御素基因并进行序列分析。

    Cloned and analysed the defensin gene of Aedes aegypti , and Aedes albopictus at first in 2002 .

  2. 把这两种疾病区分开来是很重要的,因为它们最初都有发热和关节痛的症状,而且都是由埃及伊蚊(Aedesaegypti)传播的。

    It is important to distinguish between the two diseases as both have initial symptoms of fever and joint pains , and both are spread by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes .

  3. 埃及伊蚊抗凝血因子Xa基因片段的克隆测序

    Part Gene Sequence of Factor Xa-directed Anticoagulant from the Vector Mosquito Aedes aegypti in China

  4. 方法:用兼并引物PCR方法从我国的埃及伊蚊基因组DNA扩增抗凝血因子Xa基因片段,克隆入测序T载体进行测序。

    Methods : Degenerate oligo-nucleotide primers PCR was used to amplify from its genome DNA , then the amplified fragment was cloned into T vector to sequence .

  5. 白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊防御素(defensin)成熟肽基因克隆及结构推测

    Gene cloning of mosquito defensin mature peptide and conjecture of the secondary and tertiary structure

  6. 方法根据已发表的埃及伊蚊和冈比亚按蚊防御素基因序列设计合成两对引物,以中华按蚊成蚊cDNA为模板进行PCR扩增,将预期片段克隆测序并进行分析;

    Methods Two pairs of primer were designed and synthesized based on the published defensin sequences , and PCR amplification was performed using the cDNA of An . sinensis as the template .

  7. 蚊虫的防御素基因首先从埃及伊蚊中克隆,2000年Eggleston等报道了冈比亚按蚊防御素基因的DNA结构及其免疫调节作用。

    The defender genes of mosquitoes firstly clone from aedes . Eggleston ( 2000 ) reports DNA structure of the defender genes of anopheles and its immune regulation .

  8. 这组科学家在棚内喷洒了DDT,然后在距离棚子10米的地方释放了埃及伊蚊(Aedesaegypti,携带齐昆古尼亚病毒、登革热和黄热病的物种)。

    The researchers sprayed DDT inside the huts and released Aedes aegypti mosquitoes the species that carries Chikungunya , dengue and yellow fever ten metres away from the huts .

  9. 体外细胞学研究发现,一种与Hira基因具有明显互补序列的微小RNA(aae-miR-12)在感染和未感染Wolbachia的埃及伊蚊细胞中表达水平存在差异。

    In vitro cytology study suggest that the expression of a micro RNA ( aae-miR-12 ) which has obviously complementary sequences were difference between Wolbachia infected and uninfected Aedes aegypti cells .

  10. Oxitec公司声称他们的转基因埃及伊蚊(通用名:OX5034)可以大幅降低寨卡病毒以及登革热、基孔肯雅热和黄热病的传播。

    Well , Oxitec claims its Aedes aegypti mosquito ( known as the OX5034 ) can drastically reduce the spread of Zika as well as dengue , chikungunya and yellow fever .

  11. 在该地区观察到高密度的埃及伊蚊。

    High density of Aedes aegypti was observed in the area .

  12. 埃及伊蚊细胞系的建立及其特征

    The establishment and some characteristics of cell line from Aedes aegypti

  13. 埃及伊蚊蚊体元素测定火焰原子吸收光谱法测定番石榴中的微量元素

    Determination on Trace Element Contents in Guava by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

  14. 福州口岸入境船舶上首次发现埃及伊蚊及其携带的病原体

    The First Intercepted Aedes Aegypti and its Borne Pathogens at Fuzhou Port

  15. 目的了解白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊的种间关系。

    Objective To study the Interspecific relationship between Aedes albopictus and Aedes albopictus .

  16. 云南埃及伊蚊实验种群生物学特性初步观察

    Preliminary Population Biology Characteristics Observation of Aegypti in Yunnan

  17. 寨卡病毒是通过受感染的埃及伊蚊叮咬而获得的。

    The Zika virus is acquired through bites from infected Aedes aegypti mosquitos .

  18. 这种病毒是由伊蚊(主要是埃及伊蚊)传播给人类的。

    The virus is transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquitoes , mainly Aedes aegypti .

  19. 吸血诱导的埃及伊蚊海口株后期胰蛋白酶基因测序及与美国株同源性比较

    Cloning and sequencing of the blood meal-induced late trypsin gene from Aedes aegypti Haikou strain

  20. 不同地理株埃及伊蚊经口接种登革2型病毒的感染性研究

    Study Among Different Strains of Aedes aegypti in Susceptibility for Oral Infection with DEN-2 Virus

  21. 埃及伊蚊血淋巴被动传输后受体蚊对彭亨丝虫易感性的变化

    Changes in the susceptibility of the recipient Aedes aegypti to Brugia pahangi after passive transfer of haemolymph

  22. 我国白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊传播西尼罗病毒的实验研究

    Experiment Studies on the Potential for Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti to Transmit West Nile Virus in China

  23. 通过大规模疫苗接种运动和在城市中心控制埃及伊蚊,在高危地区预防暴发。

    Preventing outbreaks in high-risk areas through mass vaccination campaigns and control of Aedes aegypti in urban centres .

  24. 另一种携带基孔肯雅病毒的蚊子是埃及伊蚊,也出现在了美国。

    The other mosquito that can carry chikungunya , Aedes aegypti , also is present in the United States .

  25. 新的雄蚊会长大,和更多雌蚊交配,随着时间过去,埃及伊蚊的数量就会减少。

    The new males grow up , mate with more females and over time the number of Aedes Aegypti declines .

  26. 结论所发展的埃及伊蚊中肠上皮细胞的原代培养和细胞的持续培养的方法是成功的。

    Conclusion The procedure that would facilitate the culture of midgut epithelial cells from Aedes aegypti adult mosquitoes was developed .

  27. 媒介监测表明在广西登革热旧疫点及边境口岸未查到埃及伊蚊,但白纹伊蚊分布广泛并且密度高;

    Vector surveillance results indicate that Aedes aegypti was not discovered but Aedes albopictus had wide distribution and high density .

  28. 死水和垃圾山为埃及伊蚊提供了理想的繁殖条件,而后者能够传播登革热。

    Standing water and piles of rubbish provide the optimal breeding conditions for the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads the disease .

  29. 留尼旺岛的暴发让科学家感到困惑,因为该地区并没有埃及伊蚊&这种病毒反而是由白纹伊蚊传播的。

    The Reunion outbreak puzzled scientists as A.aegypti is not present in the area & the virus was instead transmitted by A.albopictus .

  30. 埃及伊蚊的涎腺感染率显著高于各株白纹伊蚊的总涎腺感染率。

    The positivity rate of salivary glands of the latter species was significantly higher than the overall rate of Ae albopictus strains .