
  • 网络anthropozoonosis;zoonosis
  1. 狂犬病是由狂犬病病毒感染引起的致死性人畜共患传染病。

    Rabies is a kind of deadly zoonosis caused by rabies virus .

  2. 布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌(Brucella)引起的人畜共患传染病,该病是世界范围内严重危害公共卫生安全的人畜共患传染病传染病之一。

    Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Brucella . It is one of the zoonotic diseases which could seriously endanger the safety of public sanitation around the world .

  3. 牛结核病(BovineTuberculosis)是一种非常重要的人畜共患传染病,主要由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,M.bovis)感染引起,可以通过吸入含菌的气溶胶或食用未经消毒的牛奶传染给人。

    Bovine tuberculosis ( bovine Tuberculosis ) is a very important zoonotic disease , mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis ( Mycobacterium bovis , M. bovis ) infection by inhalation the bacterial aerosol or edible unsterilized milk transmitted to humans .

  4. 猪附红细胞体病(Eperythrozoon)是由猪附红细胞体寄生于猪红细胞的表面、血浆及骨髓内,以贫血、黄疸、发热等为主要临床特征的人畜共患传染病。

    Eperythrozoonosis is caused by Eperythrozoon suis which parasites in the surface of erythrocyte , plasma and bone marrow of animal and human . The main clinical features are anemia , jaundice and fever .

  5. 而现在我们有了一个“新”词:“人畜共患传染病(anthropozoonosis)”,指的是从人向动物传播一种传染病。

    And now we have a " new " word ," anthropozoonosis ," the transmission of an infectious disease from a person to an animal .

  6. 所以,无论新的与否,人畜共患传染病(anthropozoonosis)这个词都需要进入我们的词典,让我们知道大规模流行的H1N1病毒不同于我们以前见到过的任何情况,因为它会继续蔓延。

    So , new or not , anthropozoonosis needs to enter our lexicon , to make us aware that the pandemic H1N1 virus is unlike anything we 've seen before , as it continues to spread far and wide .

  7. 日本乙型脑炎病毒是一种重要的人畜共患传染病病原。

    Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV ) is an important zoonotic pathogens .

  8. 新发病毒性人畜共患传染病的影响因素、预防与控制

    A newly discovered the viral zoonoses and related risk factor , prevention and control

  9. 人畜共患传染病并不是什么新的东西,它实际上几个世纪以前就有,只是不容易被认出来。

    Anthropozoonosis is not new , it 's actually been around for centuries , just not readily recognized .

  10. 沙门氏菌病是一种常见的人畜共患传染病,它不但会对畜牧业生产造成严重的经济损失,而且会严重威胁人类的健康。

    Salmonellosis is a common zoonotic disease . It could not only cause serious economic losses in animal production , but also a serious threat to human health .

  11. 它可引起急性人畜共患传染病,该病常发生于猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鹅、貂、熊猫、等多种家畜、家禽及野生动物。

    It can cause acute zoonotic diseases , which often occurs in pigs , cattle , sheep , chickens , ducks , geese , mink , panda , and other livestock , poultry and wildlife .

  12. 患有人畜共患传染病的人员不得直接从事动物诊疗以及动物饲养、营和动物产品生产、营活动。

    Persons suffering from epidemic diseases contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock shall not directly engage in diagnosis and treatment of animals , raising and marketing of animals or production and marketing of animal products .

  13. 布鲁氏菌病是人畜共患的传染病,是由布鲁氏菌侵染机体而引发的自然防疫源性疾病。

    Brucellosis is a zoonosis which is caused by Brucella bacteria infection .

  14. 牛结核病是一种人畜共患的慢性传染病。

    Bovine Tuberculosis is one of the chronic consumptive contagious infectious diseases .