
  • 网络MBTI;Personality Theories;Theory of Personality
  1. 基于人格理论的情感agent模型及应用

    Research and applications of emotion agent model based on theories of Personality

  2. 人们持有的不同内隐人格理论导致他们不同的社会认知模式和行为反应方式。

    Different implicit personality theories cause different social cognitive patterns and different reactions .

  3. 显然根据人格理论,我在C阶段已不复存在。

    Pretty clearly then , on the personality theory , I don 't exist at Phase C.

  4. 然后,又从CAPS与其它人际关系理论的契合说明该理论是一种整合性的人格理论。

    Then , the article explains that the CAPS theory is an integrative framework from the correspondence between the theory and other interpersonal relationship theory .

  5. 因此我不能采用Williams的案例,来帮助我们判断我们应该相信哪种理论,肉体理论还是人格理论?

    So I can 't use thinking about the Williams cases as a method of deciding what do I really believe , the body view or the personality view ?

  6. 从人格理论的角度来看-,没有明确的理由说-,他就是Shelly,Kagan而我不是。

    Well , no clear reason to say for the personality theory to say that he 's Shelly Kagan and I 'm not .

  7. 但同样真实,并更让人惊讶的是,从人格理论的角度来看,也没理由说我是Shelly,Kagan而他不是。

    But equally true , and more surprisingly , from the personality theory point of view , there 's no reason to say that I 'm Shelly Kagan and he 's not .

  8. 采用以大五因素人格理论编制的NEO人格问卷修订本(NEO-PI-R),对1005名中学教师五种典型的人格特质及其教师特征因素进行分析。

    In the current work , Five typical personality traits of 1005 high middle school teachers were examined by using the psychometric quality of the revised NEO Personality Inventory ( NEO-PI-R ) .

  9. 人格理论的系统发展观初探

    The Exploration about a Developmental System View of the Personality Theory

  10. 试论嵇康的哲学思想与人格理论的关系

    The relation of Ji Kang 's philosophical thought and his personality

  11. 人格理论认识和军校科技人员的人格测试分析与管理应用

    The Study of Personality Tests on the Scientists in Military University

  12. 精神分析与人本主义人格理论之比较在这里,以人为本的精神不见了。

    On the Comparison of Personality Theory between Psychoanalysis and Humanism ;

  13. 根据人格理论,我是什么时候开始存在的呢?

    When did I begin to exist on the personality theory ?

  14. 不能作为一个人格理论的反例。

    It 's not really a counterexample to the personality theory .

  15. 自我同一性是埃里克森人格理论的重要概念。

    Self-identity is an important concept of E. H. Erikson theory .

  16. 探讨传统五因素人格理论的意义。

    The significance of discussing the traditional Chinese five-factor personality .

  17. 人格理论的走向:从本土化到大众化

    The Trend of Personality Theory : from Localization to Popularization

  18. 试析荀子的理想人格理论

    An Analysis on The Theory of Perfect Personality of XUN - zi

  19. 从人本主义人格理论看大学生健康人格教育

    Thoughts about Education on Undergraduate 's Healthy Personality form Humanistic Personality Theory

  20. 人格理论是对人格研究的系统界说。

    The theory of personality is a systematic definition concerning personality studies .

  21. 根据人格理论,存在基于人格。

    According to the personality theory , follow the personality .

  22. 弗洛伊德的人格理论在个案社会工作中的运用

    Application of Freud 's Personality Theory in Individual Case of Social Work

  23. 我国传统五因素人格理论的形成;

    The forming process of the traditional Chinese five-factor personality ;

  24. 儒家理想人格理论及其现代诠释

    The Confucianists ' Ideal Morality Theory and Its Modern Explanation

  25. 论西方人格理论动力观的冲突与发展

    On the Conflict and Development of Dynamic Views in Western Personality Theory

  26. 精神分析人格理论对智力落后儿童人格教育的启示

    The Personality Education for the Mental Retarded Based on Psychoanalytic Personality Theory

  27. 中国古代传统的五因素人格理论

    The Traditional Five-Fact or Personality Theory of Ancient China

  28. 请记住,如果接受人格理论,个人认同感基于人格。

    Remember , if you accept the personality theory , follow the personality .

  29. 所以不该采用人格理论了。

    So the personality theory 's got to go .

  30. 本文对相当庞杂的人本主义健康人格理论做了概括。

    The author trys to use health personality theory to improve diathesis education .