
hé yì qì yuē
  • contractus consensu
  1. 合意契约,诺成契约人本主义心理学与道家人格心理之契合

    On the Agreement of Humanistic Psychology and Taoist Theory of Moral Quality

  2. 在契约发展中,合意契约范围的扩大需要原因来制约当事人的合意。

    With the extended scale of the consensus contract , cause can be used to restrict the consensus of contractors .

  3. 罗马法诺成契约制度以合意作为契约成立的核心要素,从而实现了人类契约制度发展史上的一次重大飞跃。

    The Consensus contract of Rome law which regards the agreement as the key element to establishing contract is a great leap in the development of human contract system history .

  4. 当出现了对财产和社会秩序的不正当破坏的非正义之事时,理性的人类在合意(审判契约)的基础上找到了审判这一定分止争的良好制度。

    When a social order of the improper destruction of property and injustice matter , in a desired rational human found on the basis of this trial will come only for the good system .

  5. 与其它商事信托契约的订立相比,私募股权投资信托在要约邀请、合意内容和契约形式上具有特殊性,另外,在订立的程序上也较其它商事信托复杂。

    In comparison with the conclusion of other commercial trust contracts , the private equity investment trust owns its particularity in offer invitation , agreement contents , and contract forms ; in addition , it has a more complex concluding procedure .

  6. 之所以强调权证法律关系契约化的意义,乃因契约是合意的产物,契约的主体在形式上是平等的。

    The reason and meaning to emphasize the contract to explain warrant legal relation is that contract is result of agreement .

  7. 家庭契约是一种强信任的、长期的和连续性公平的合意,而交易契约则是一种理性算计的、短期的和竞争性公平的契约。

    The characteristic of family contract is strong trust , long-term and continuous fair , while transaction contract is a rational considered , short-term and competitive fair .