
  • 网络reasonable charge;Reasonable Expense
  1. 他有权保有这些货物,直至买方把他所付的合理费用偿还给他为止。

    He is entitled to retain them until he has been reimbursed his reasonable expenses by the Buyer .

  2. 监事履行职责所需的合理费用应由公司承担。

    A supervisor 's reasonable expenses necessary to perform their duties shall be borne by the listed company .

  3. I.如果查档是为了商业用途。那么收费应以检索、复制和审查文件的合理费用为标准;

    ( I ) fees shall be limited to reasonable standard charges for document search , duplication , and review , when records are requested for commercial use ;

  4. 此出版物可在收取合理费用后,使ISONET成员获得,并通过秘书处向WTO成员提供。

    This publication , for which a reasonable fee may be charged , shall be available to ISONET members and through the Secretariat to the Members of the WTO .

  5. 如果新的培训仅为遵守业主hse管理体系、手册及政策所需且该等培训产生的合理费用已获业主预批,则业主应偿还承包商该等费用。

    Where the new training is required solely to comply with the company 's HSE management system , manuals and policies , the company shall reimburse the Contractor a reasonable cost incurred for such training subject to the company having pre-approved the cost .

  6. 在我看来,零售银行令人痛苦的丑闻史,包括对未授权透支行为的蛮横处理和付款保障保险(ppi)的不当销售,反映出银行业并未对其服务收取合理费用。

    I would argue that the painful history of scandals in retail banking , including the brutal treatment of unauthorised overdrafts and the misselling of " payment protection insurance " , reflects the absence of sound charging for the costs of providing banking services .

  7. 第三,援助本人获取合理费用。

    Finally , to help me attain reasonable fees from my husband .

  8. 我们可能会收取合理费用作为该查询的行政开支。

    A reasonable fee may be charged to cover our administrative costs .

  9. 并应当承担预付款的利息、消费者必须支付的合理费用。

    Pay interest derived therefrom and reimburse the consumers with costs reasonably incurred .

  10. 其他应当由当事人承担的合理费用。

    Any other reasonable expense that shall be borne by the parties concerned .

  11. 估算这些损害赔偿的合理费用。

    Plus the reasonable cost of assessing those damages .

  12. 保险的意旨在于用一定得合理费用换取财产损失时的保护。

    The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial loss at a reasonable cost .

  13. 新型农村合作医疗不合理费用分析及控制

    Cause Analysis of Unnecessary Medical Cost and Its Control over the New Rural Cooperative Medical System

  14. 目的揭示影响医疗费用变化的主要因素及其相互的次序,探索建立合理费用控制机制的有效途径。

    Objective To discover the main affecting factors , and explore the effecting way to control reasonable expenditure .

  15. 在计算应缴税额时,收入总额中可以扣除已支付的各种合理费用。

    In calculating the liability to tax , legitimate expenses incurred will be set against the amount received .

  16. 当事人因防止损失扩大而支出的合理费用,由违约方承担。

    Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing further loss shall be borne by the breaching party .

  17. 上述担保金额应包括利息和进行仲裁可能发生的合理费用在内。

    The aforesaid amount ( s ) shall include interests and reasonable fees and expenses which might be incurred for arbitration .

  18. 未作约定的,可以向委托人收取为拍卖支出的合理费用。

    And in the absence of any agreement , the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses .

  19. 委员会证明修补该产业之毁坏或破损部分所需之合理费用;

    Any amount certified by the authority as being the reasonable cost of making good any damage or deterioration to the land ;

  20. 当收费服务很少,我将收取公平和合理费用后的时间和技能所需数额为基础。

    When fee-based services are involved , I will charge a fair and reasonable fee based on the amount of time and skill required .

  21. 另外,因施救或保护保险货物支出的合理费用,亦应负赔偿责任。

    Additional , because of rescue them or protecting the reasonable charge of insurance goods defray , also should lose liability to pay compensation .

  22. 并能够通过作业流程分析消除不合理费用,从根本上增强了员工成本节约和费用控制的意识。

    And be able to work through the process analysis to eliminate unreasonable fees , fundamentally enhance the staff cost saving and cost control consciousness .

  23. 按照「条例」规定,在处理「个人资料」查询请求时,「我们」有权收取合理费用。

    In accordance with the Ordinance , we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any Personal Data access request .

  24. 伤情有非凡需要的,可以参照辅助器具配制机构的意见确定相应的合理费用标准。

    Injury affection has special need , can consult the reasonable fare level with the affirmatory and corresponding opinion that assists appliance to make up an orgnaization .

  25. 根据条例的条款,银行有权就处理任何查阅资料的要求收取合理费用。

    In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance , the Bank has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access requests .

  26. 此外,由于提交新的证据而产生的合理费用,要根据公平原则,在符合一定条件时,由当事人分担。

    Furthermore , when the expenditure produced by the submission of new evidence fulfils some conditions , litigants should share the reasonable expenditure on the basis of equity principle .

  27. 在现阶段,由于法律和现实环境等原因,数字图书馆应该收取一定的合理费用以维持其生存和发展。

    At present , digital library should obtain certain reasonable charges in order to maintain its survival and development , because of some reasons such as law and realistic environment .

  28. 对于船舶所有人主动防止或减轻油污损害因而引起的合理费用或所作的合理牺牲所提出的索赔,就基金来说,应与其他索赔处于等同地位。

    Claims in respect of expenses reasonably incurred or sacrifices reasonably made by the owner voluntarily to prevent or minimize pollution damage shall rank equally with other claims against the fund .

  29. 并应当承担被侵害者因调查该经营者侵害其合法权益的不正当竞争行为所支付的合理费用。

    And the infringer shall bear the reasonable cost paid by the infringed party for the investigation of the operator ′ s act of unfair competition that has impaired the legal interest of the infringed party .

  30. 对包修、包换、包退的大件商品,消费者要求经营者修理、更换、退货的,经营者应当承担运输等合理费用。

    Where a consumer requires a business operator to repair , replace or return a large commodity of which the repair , replacement or return is guaranteed , the business operator must bear reasonable expenses such as freight .