
hé fǎ zhàn yǒu
  • legal possession;honest possession
  1. 适法行为,即凡严格意义上的违法行为以外之行为,其范围排除了非法占有,外延又大于合法占有;

    The behavior beyond the illegal behavior in the strict meaning of it , excludes the illegal possession , but its expansion is broader than legal possession .

  2. 然后,本文总结了实践中有代表性的一些例子,对所有权人盗窃他人合法占有之本人财物的行为进行了进一步的梳理。

    Then , this paper summarizes the practice of representative examples , the ownership steals his personal property which is in others ' possession was further carding .

  3. 侵占罪是一种变合法占有为非法占有、所有和处分的行为。一、犯罪客体的再界定。

    The crime of Embezzlement is a kind of action which changes for the legitimate possession of illegal appropriation , possession , and management . First , re-defining the object of the crime of Embezzlement .

  4. 当诈骗行为与侵占行为交织在一起时,区分的关键不仅要看哪个行为对取得财物发挥重要作用,更应该考虑行为人在犯罪前是否已经合法占有财物。

    When the fraud and embezzlement intertwined , the key to distinguish between them not only to see which behavior play an important role to obtain the property . Especially in , if the actor possesses the property before he carries on the crime behavior or not .

  5. 侵占罪的本质特征应为变适法占有为非法所有,而不是变合法持有为非法占有。

    The essential feature of the crime of disseizin is illegal possession .

  6. 占有即已九成合法;财产一占有,官司准打赢。

    Possession is nine points of the law .