
xínɡ fǎ fēn zé
  • specific provisions of criminal law
  1. 第二章论述了自首的成立要件,包括一般自首、准自首和刑法分则规定的特别自首的成立要件,并对其中的一些相关问题进行了阐述。

    The second section concerns itself with establishment essentials of voluntary surrender , including that of general voluntary surrender , quasi voluntary surrender and special surrender in specific provisions of criminal law , and expatiates some relative questions .

  2. 犯罪的分类标准问题影响到刑法分则体系的建立、定罪量刑和罪名的确立。

    The classification standards of crimes have impact on the establishment of the system of Specific Provisions of Criminal Law , conviction and discretion of punishment , and criminal charges .

  3. 刑法分则中的胁迫解读与类型化分析

    Interpretation and Typification Analysis on Coercion in Special Provisions of Criminal Law

  4. 犯罪既遂、未遂与我国刑法分则之规定&以盗窃罪为视角

    Completed & Uncompleted Crime With Specific Provisions of Criminal Law

  5. 论我国刑法分则及司法解释对片面共犯的认可

    Discussion on China 's criminal law and judicial interpretations of the one-sided recognition of an accomplice

  6. 结果加重犯是刑法分则中较多见的一种犯罪形态。

    The stiffer penalty to the consequential crime is a common criminal form in the criminal law .

  7. 实行行为是刑法分则规定的定型性行为类型,具有定型性、侵害性、有意性和有责性等特征。

    Committing action is a designed action type which prescript in specific provisions of the criminal law .

  8. 模式匹配技术刑法分则规范的梳理与完善

    Technology of schema matching Arrangements and improvement of the norms of the specific provisions of criminal law

  9. 笔者认为,单位犯罪主体资格的构成要件包括形式要件和实质要件,对于刑法分则所规定的部分具体犯罪,还必须具备一些特殊要件。

    I think that the qualification elements of the subject of unit crime include Substantial and formal part .

  10. 第二,是立法者在刑法分则性条文中对特定具体犯罪构成的类型化表述。

    Secondly , blank description of crime is the typical narration toward particular crime in the provision of criminal law .

  11. 空白罪状是罪状的下位概念,存在于刑法分则条文之中。

    As a subordinate conception of crime , blank description of crime is adopted in the special provisions of criminal law .

  12. 抢劫罪的既遂与未遂的判断应以具备刑法分则规定的全部构成要件为标准。

    The judge of completed robbery and attempt robbery should be standard according to the criminal law provided for all elements .

  13. 论我国刑法分则的立法模式&犯罪既遂与犯罪成立模式之争

    A Study on the Legislative Model of the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law-A Controversy between the Models of Crime Accomplishment and Constitution

  14. 刑法分则的规定,是包含主客观要件的犯罪类型,尚需对其进行总则性考察。

    Regulations defined in the detailed articles of the criminal law include the types of crimes meeting both the subjective and objective requirements .

  15. 刑法分则体系的两个层次,都是以社会危害性的大小为标准,按从重到轻的顺序进行排列的。

    The two levels of criterion system of criminal law are arranged according to the degree of harmfulness that crimes make to society .

  16. 中国刑法分则中存在规定目的犯的多种形式,目的犯中的目的在本质上是特定的犯罪目的,它与直接故意之内的目的是不同的。

    Actually , the motive of intentional crime belongs to special criminal aim . It is different from the aim in criminal intent .

  17. 洗钱罪的保护客体探析&兼论本罪在刑法分则体系中的地位

    Probe Into the Protected Object of the Crime of Money Laundering & And on the Position of It In the Branch of Criminal Law

  18. 引言表明巨额财产来源不明罪是一个刑法分则最具有争议的罪名。

    Introduction indicates that the crime of huge unidentified property is one of the most controversial crimes in the Special Provisions of Criminal Law .

  19. 但书应适用于所有的刑法分则条文除法律或司法解释明确规定不能适用的外。

    But apply to all provisions in addition to the specific provisions of criminal law legislation or judicial interpretation expressly provide cannot be used outside .

  20. 巨额财产来源不明罪这一罪名自1988年正式确立以来,学界一直存在颇多争议,甚至被认为是刑法分则中最具有争议的罪名之一。

    The crime of huge amount of property from unidentified sources has been formally established since 1988 , there has been considerable controversy in theoretical circles .

  21. 贪污贿赂罪、渎职罪的社会危害性,特别是其政治危害性、精神危害性,在刑法分则体系中均居于前列。

    The social harmfulness of bribery and malfeasance , especially their political and spiritual harmfulness are all on the top levels in criterion system of criminal law .

  22. 尽管刑法分则、司法解释对多次实施某一行为数额的累计有一些规定,但规定的模式不尽相同,内容上也存在差异。

    Though specific provisions and interpretation of criminal law has made some stipulations on the accumulation of certain repeated crime , they still have difference in patterns and contents .

  23. 论一般预防的正当性兼与否定论者商榷论我国刑法分则规范的完善以总分则之关系的合理定位为切入点

    On the Justifiability of General Prevention On the Perfection in the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law & In perspective of the reasoning relation between general provisions and specific provisions

  24. 所谓行为犯是指刑法分则规定的基本的犯罪构成不要求有危害结果的发生,只要实行行为一俟完毕,基本构成要件即为齐备的犯罪类型。

    The behavioral offense refers to such crimes that do not require the harmful results and the basic constitutive conditions are all ready as soon as the behavior has completed .

  25. 犯罪和犯罪构成的质变,由组成要素的性质、数量、结合方式三个因素决定,研究犯罪和犯罪构成的质变与部分质变,可以以此来构建刑法分则理论新体系。

    Study of qualitative change and partial qualitative change of crime and criminal constitution can be used to construct the new system of the specific principles of the criminal law .

  26. 犯罪量化要件是指刑法分则性罪刑条文规定的、以明确的数量或其他程度词标明的、表明行为程度的犯罪成立条件。

    Criminal quantitative elements are written in specific provisions of the Criminal Law , which clearly indicate the amount and the establishment of conditions indicative of the extent of crime .

  27. 诈骗罪是古老而又常见的侵犯财产罪中的一个具体罪名,又是欺诈类犯罪的一个具体罪名,在我国刑法分则中占有重要地位。

    Fraud is an old and common crime and is one kind of crime of encroachment upon property . Fraud occupies an important position in the theories of criminal law .

  28. 论刑法分则中一词多义现象及解决的对策地震勘探中的几种常见多初至现象解析

    Analyze the Phenomenon That One Word Has Several Meaning and the Countermeasures Concerned in the Special Provisions of Criminal Law ; Resolution of common multiple first breaks in seismic exploration

  29. 另外,刑法分则第二章、第三章、第四章、第六章和第八章等相关章节条文之中,对各种具体的单位犯罪,规定了确定的罪名、罪状和法定刑。

    These provisions in present criminal law sign the perfection of criminal law that punish the unit crime , this no doubt provide beneficial lawful weapon for punishing unit crime .

  30. 刑法分则将第二种意义的犯罪目的特别规定为犯罪构成要件的价值在于:其一,只有具有第二种意义的犯罪目的,行为才能对客体造成侵害;

    The significances that criminal law stipulate the crime with special motive lies : firstly , only if a harmful conduct has special motive , can it harm the object of crime ;