
xínɡ fá zhì dù
  • Penal system;system of punishment
  1. 缓刑是我国一项重要的刑罚制度。

    Probation is a vital system of punishment in our country .

  2. 减刑、假释是我国一项主要的刑罚制度。

    Reducing a penalty and releasing on parole are the main system of punishment in our country .

  3. 其实最重要的是民众看待死刑及刑罚制度的态度。

    Whether or not the complete abolition of the death penalty .

  4. 简论中国刑罚制度改革

    A Brief Study on the Reform of Chinese Punishment System

  5. 我国刑罚制度三十年来的回顾与反思

    The Review of Penalty System during the Past 30 Years in China

  6. 更令人鼓舞的是全面改革美国刑罚制度的建议。

    More encouraging are proposals to overhaul the penal system .

  7. 主要从刑法适用的主要原则,刑罚制度,主要罪名三个方面考察。

    , including principle , penal punishment , and crime .

  8. 两极化刑事政策下的刑罚制度改革设想

    On the Penalty Reform under the Impact of the Polarized Modern Criminal Policy

  9. 关于建立行政刑罚制度的构想

    On the Establishment of the System of Administration Punishment

  10. 第三部分:现代刑事政策下的我国刑罚制度改革构想。

    Part three : The idea of our penalty system reform under modern criminal policies .

  11. 单位犯罪刑罚制度评析

    Analysis of Punishment Systems of Organizational Crimes

  12. 第四,早期刑罚制度;

    Fourthly early law and penalty emerged .

  13. 论社区矫正与刑罚制度改革

    Community Correction Reform of Penalty System

  14. 假释制度是近代资产阶级刑罚制度的产物,是一项重要的行刑制度。

    The parole originating from capitalistic punishment system is an important way of enforcement of punishment .

  15. 自首作为我国刑法确立的一项重要刑罚制度,是具有其独特的积极意义的。

    Surrender as an important set of criminal law penal system , is a unique positive .

  16. 建立行政刑罚制度不仅是必要的而且也是可行的。

    The establishment of the system of administration punishment is not only necessary but also possible .

  17. 缓刑制度作为一项刑罚制度,在我国已有近百年的历史了。

    Probation system as a penalty system in China has a history of nearly a hundred years .

  18. 非刑罚化,是现代西方国家在推行刑罚制度改革中表现出的较一致的发展趋势。

    Depenalization is a quite uniform trend in promoting the penalty system reform in modern western countries .

  19. 例句经历了牢狱生活之后,他对刑罚制度颇有成见。

    After his experience in jail , he has a pretty jaundiced view of the penal system .

  20. 回溯刑罚制度的历史长河,累犯制度可谓源远流长。

    Reviewing the punishment system , it has been a long history when the recidivism system was initially introduced .

  21. 累犯制度是一项古老的刑罚制度,世界各国刑法对累犯制度都有明确的规定。

    The recidivism system is so archaic that every country in the world has ordained explicit provisions about it .

  22. 当代刑罚制度发达的国家,缓刑的适用率普遍较高。

    , The using rate of the suspension of sentence is generally higher in the contemporary penalty system developed country .

  23. 这一特殊的历史想象,至少从表面上打破了刑罚制度发展的方向。

    This special historical imagination , at least from the surface was broken on the developing direction of penal system .

  24. 刑罚制度的主要目的是阻止潜在的违法者,并改造已判的违法者。

    The chief aims of the penal system are to deter the potential lawbreaker and to reform the convicted offender .

  25. 反观我国的刑罚制度,依然有早期报应观的遗存,具体体现为重刑主义倾向。

    In the penalty system of our country , there are still early retribution remains , embodied severe-penalty doctrine tendency .

  26. 甚至,社区矫正制度的适用已成为衡量一个国家刑罚制度文明与否的标志。

    Furthermore , community correction system has become a mark to measure whether a country 's penalty is civilized or not .

  27. 第二部分论述了假释制度的理论基础。历史表明,任何一种刑罚制度的建立和发展都与刑法观念的嬗变有密切的关系。

    Part II , it is shown in the history that criminal penalty has close relation to the ideas of criminal .

  28. 任何一个国家都有它所推崇的刑罚制度,因为有数不清的因素影响刑罚制度。

    Whichever nations have the system of punishment it worshiped , because there has innumerable factors influencing the system of punishment .

  29. 当前,宽严相济形事政策已经成为了一门显学,但学界一般都将其定位于刑事司法政策,对刑罚制度和执行进行批判和改良。

    Nowadays , The science of Criminal policy especially Criminal Policy of Combining Punishment with Leniency has been already a popular subject .

  30. 刑事责任理论的形成与发展直接推动了刑罚制度与司法制度的变革。

    The formation and development of the criminal responsibility directly impel the revolution of the systems of criminal penalty and the justice .