
  • 网络Meridians Theory
  1. 经络理论在中国传统医学中占有很重要的位置。

    Meridians theory plays a very important role in Chinese traditional medicine .

  2. 经络理论不全是客观描述,也有很多观念因素,研究经络实质应该注意到这一点。

    In a word , the meridians theory is not only objective description , but also some subjective factors in it .

  3. 经络理论的现代研究

    Some New Research on Theory of Main and Collateral Channels

  4. 而三维定位是经络理论研究的关键。

    Three-dimensional localization is the key to research of the Meridian Theory .

  5. 古典经络理论本义辨析

    Differentiation and analysis of original meaning of classical channel theories

  6. 经络理论由于具有抽象性和复杂性的特点。

    The theory of Meridians has the properties of abstract and complexity .

  7. 现代经络理论的两点思考

    Thinking of Two Questions about the Modern Channels Theory

  8. 目的:明确经络理论的概念。

    Objective To define the concept of meridian theory .

  9. 针灸治疗老年痴呆的经络理论基础初探

    Preliminary Exploration on the Basical Jingluo Theory in Acu-moxibustion Treatment of Senile Dementia

  10. 经络理论是中华民族特有的医学基本理论。

    The channels and collaterals theory is the Chinese nation unique medicine elementary theory .

  11. 经络理论是祖国传统医学的基础。

    The meridian-collateral theory is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  12. 脏象及经络理论是传统中医理论的核心。

    The theory of visceral outward manifestations and meridian is the core parts of traditional Chinese medicine .

  13. 从《内经》经络理论解读眼在诊治中的作用

    Explore the Role of Eyes in the Medicine Diagnosis From the Internal Classic ′ s Meridian Theory

  14. 经络理论

    The Theory of Channels

  15. 自从经络理论诞生以来,历代的医家对于经络理论的研究就从未中断过。

    Since the meridian theory was born , the study for the meridian theory has never been interrupted .

  16. 明清西医东渐背景下经络理论的解读

    Cognition and Explanation of Meridian and Collateral Theory under the Background of Western Medicine Propagation to the East in Ming-qing Dynasty

  17. 本文从心经与支配心脏交感神经电活动关系的角度探讨针灸经络理论的核心内容。

    This study was designed to discuss theory on acupuncture and meridian through correlation between heart meridian and electric discharge activities of sympathetic nerve .

  18. 根据脏腑经络理论、生物全息理论及现代神经解剖学理论,阐述了夹脊穴的主治范围及临床应用的作用机理;

    According to Zangfu-meridians theoretic , bioholography and neuroanatomy theoretic , elaborating indication range and mechanism of action in clinical application about Jiaji acupoints ;

  19. 目的将经络理论应用于歌唱教学研究,提高歌唱教学的效率。

    Objective To apply the theory of channels and collaterals to the study on teaching of singing and to resolve problems in teaching of singing .

  20. 经络理论是有关经络系统的生理功能和病理变化以及和脏腑之间关系的理论。

    The meridian-collateral theory is concerned with the physiological functions and the pathological changes of the meridian-collateral system , and their relationships with zang-fu organs .

  21. 笔者选择120例3岁以内的轮状病毒感染或非感染性腹泻患儿为观察对象,根据中医整体观念、辨证论治、经络理论,运用针推治疗婴幼儿腹泻技术治疗腹泻患儿。

    The Theory of Channels I observed 120 infantile diarrhea cases , 80 of them were treated by acupuncture and massage , which is therapy group .

  22. 本研究证明,PET/CT脑功能成像技术有助于揭示中医经络理论,为针刺疗法提供中枢调节机制的可视性试验依据。

    This study further demonstrated PET / CT is useful in revealing TCM meridian theory and could provide objective proof of central regulation for acupuncture treatment .

  23. 中医学中的整体观念、阴阳五行学说和脏腑经络理论等,都充分体现了系统的观念。

    The overall concept , yin and yang theory , organs and meridians coincide in Traditional Chinese Medicine are fully embodied in the concept of the system .

  24. 同时组织的漫射光强度分布数据还呈现有时间的周期性,暗合中医经络理论中的经络气血运行的时间特性。

    Meanwhile the intensities data of diffuse light presented temporal periodicity , surprisingly in accordance with temporal features of Qi-blood transportation and meridian running in Chinese meridian theory .

  25. 背景:经脉脏腑相关是针灸经络理论的核心,也是针灸作用机制研究的切入点和突破口。

    BACKGROUND : Correlation between channel and viscera is a core of a themry on acupuncture and meridian , and is also a key entrance for mechanism of acupuncture .

  26. 经络理论的现代研究及其临床实践完全证明经络并非子虚乌有,经络有其真实的解剖学基础。

    Some new research on theory of main and collateral channels with many clinical experiences have fully proved that what is called main and collateral channels is not entirely unreal .

  27. 方法:从学说和理论概念差异的对比入手,依据科学理论的实践性特征、抽象性特征和逻辑系统性特征,对经络理论的特点进行系统分析。

    Methods Characteristics of meridian theory were systematically analyzed by the comparison of differences of doctrine and theory concepts and according to practicality , abstraction and logicality of scientific theory .

  28. 结果:从古典经络理论和大量的临床经验,结合现代神经解剖生理的基础研究,提出针刺临床的若干规律。

    Results Some laws of clinical acupuncture were raised based on classical theories of the channel and a great of clinical experiences , in combination with basic studies of modern neuroanatomy and physiology .

  29. 作者认为,经络理论中的气与经络如同自组自稳系统理论中的信息与信息通路,因此经络与气是广义的集合性概念,不存在所谓的基本实体。

    Author thinks the concepts of Qi and the meridian collaterals in Chinese Traditional Medicine just like the concepts of information and informational channel are general aggregative concept which has not an elementary noumenon .

  30. 音乐电疗法是以经络理论和音乐治疗理论为基础,吸取电疗法的特点发展起来的一种新型康复治疗手段,具有刺激穴位和音乐治疗的双重作用。

    Based on the Meridian ( Jing-luo ) Theory and the Theory of music therapy and with absorption of the characteristics of electrotherapeutics , Music electrotherapy is a new method of healing and treatment , which has dual functions of stimulating the acupuncture point and music treatment .