
  • 网络CAFE;economic standard
  1. 美国国会的燃油经济标准已每况愈下,而且车辆的平均里程数也跌至数十年来的谷底,但Prius油电混合车的问世,显示人们还可以另有选择。

    Federal fuel economy standards languished in Congress , and average vehicle mileage dropped to its lowest level in decades , but the Prius showed people that another way is possible .

  2. 与美国相比,中国已经出台了更严格的燃油经济标准。

    China already has tougher fuel-economy standards than the US .

  3. 经济标准就是他的著名的三个有利于标准。

    The economic standards are his famous standards of the three benefits .

  4. 关停油气田低产井的经济标准

    Economic Index for Shutting down Oil / Gas Wells with Low Production Rate

  5. 油气资源评价的地质-经济标准

    The Geologic-Economic Standard for Assessment of Petroleum Resources

  6. 经济标准往往占主导地位的讨论。

    Economic criteria have tended to dominate discussions .

  7. 它声称中国尚未符合特定的市场经济标准的说法似是而非。

    Its argument that China does not yet meet specified market-economy criteria is specious .

  8. 三是衡量税收流失规模的三个标准,即财政标准、税制标准和经济标准

    C. Three criteria for the measurement of the loss of tax revenue in scale . Standard

  9. 另一种是产业化的经济标准。

    Another economic criteria is industrialization .

  10. 和谐社会的经济标准

    Economic Criteria for Harmonious Society

  11. 长江船舶主要耗能设备的能耗指标及节能投资的经济标准

    Energy Consuming Indexes of Ships on the Changjiang River and Economic Criteria of Investment for Energy Saving

  12. 第三,社会主义公平的评价标准是经济标准和社会标准。

    The third , the evaluation standands of the socialist fair are economic standands , and social standars .

  13. 如今,这家公司正在努力满足不断提升的燃油经济标准&因此,也就产生更加符合空气动力学的设计风格。

    Now the company is trying to meet rising fuel economy standards & thus the more aerodynamic styling .

  14. 区域主导产业的选择,在考虑通常认识到的经济标准的同时也应该考虑到社会标准。

    This paper takes the idea that in choosing regional leading industries we should consider not only the economical criterion but also the social criterion .

  15. 这是学习为什么人们做一些事情即使当时他们可能看起来不满足做出理性决定的经济标准。

    This is the study of why people do things even though at times they may not seem to meet the economic criteria of rational decision making .

  16. 但是《气候冲击》一书则建议经济学家不要再制定全球碳价,开始探寻更偏政治的可能解决方案,比如制定燃油经济标准。

    But Climate Shock advises economists to stop demanding a global carbon price and start working on more politically possible solutions , such as fuel economy standards .

  17. 经济标准包括产值和就业结构、资源利用、各次产业的可持续性和经济稳定等四个指标。

    Economic criteria should include four indicators : the output and employment structure , the use of resource . the sustainability of various industries and the economic stability .

  18. 因此,我们对企业的评价标准就不能仅仅局限于经济标准,应建立企业社会责任评价标准和体系,将社会责任纳入企业评价的范畴。

    Therefore , the evaluation criteria to corporation not only be merely limited by the economy standard , but also by establishing the evaluation criteria and system of corporation responsibility of society and categorize the social responsibility into the enterprise evaluation .

  19. 能源分析师菲利普•费勒格(PhilipVerleger)预计,由于页岩繁荣的持续,美国的产量将继续增长;另外,由于新的燃油经济性标准以及卡车从烧柴油改为烧天然气,美国的石油需求会进一步下降。

    Philip Verleger , energy analyst , forecast that US production would keep rising as the shale boom continued , while demand would fall further as a result of new fuel economy standards and a shift from diesel to natural gas for trucks .

  20. 提高对石油经济的标准,要求汽车减少排气量。

    Raise fuel economy standards , require lower emissions from automobiles .

  21. 试谈我国非金属矿床技术经济分类标准

    On the criteria for tech-economic classification of china 's non-metallic deposits

  22. 知识经济时代标准文献管理新观念初探

    New Sense for Standard Document Management in Intellectual Economy Times

  23. 关于经济林标准体系构建的思考

    The Construction of Non - timber Product Forest Standard System

  24. 完善法律援助的经济困难标准

    Ameliorating the Standards for the Economically Challenged who are Entitled to Legal Aid

  25. 医院卫生经济管理标准化的研究与应用

    Research on and application of the standardization of health economic management of hospitals

  26. 通过这些分析和计算,为城市交通规划决策提供了一个定量的经济评价标准。

    These analysis and calculation provide urban traffic planning witha quantitative economic assessment standard .

  27. 知识经济时代标准信息服务模式的创新研究

    The Research about the Standards Information Service Format during the Period of Knowledge Economy

  28. 探讨发展循环经济的标准化战略

    Standardization Strategy to Develop Circle Economy

  29. 水资源项目经济评价标准与方法问题特设专家小

    Ad Hoc Experts Group on Criteria and Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Water Resources Projects

  30. 浅议法律援助经济困难标准和费用承担机制

    On the Threshold Standard for the Economically Disadvantaged and the Cost Sharing Regime in Legal Aid