
  • profit-oriented land
  1. 经营性用地供应&问题与对策

    Profit-oriented Land Supply : Problems and Countermeasures

  2. 本文将经营性用地供给分为供给准备阶段、供给进行阶段、供后管理三个阶段。

    Supply of profit-oriented land is divided into the supply of the preparation phase , the supply stage , for management in three stages .

  3. 数据统计分析,在各类建设项目用地中,属于营利性质的工商业、房地产等城市经营性用地征收集体土地占总征地面积的21.9%。

    The requisition of collective-owned land for commercial , industrial and residential use accounted for 21.9 % of the total .

  4. 由于不同城市的经营性用地供给受到各地资源禀赋的限制,因此本文将研究对象限于广州市。

    Profit-oriented land supply due to different cities around the resource endowment restrictions , so this article will study limited to the Guangzhou City .

  5. 城市经营性用地是城市建设用地的重要组成部分,对城市经济社会的发展起着重要作用。

    Urban profit-oriented land is an important part of the city constructive land , plays an important role in urban economic and social development .

  6. 明确把土地征收的目的界定为公共利益,实行公益性用地征收与经营性用地征收制度。

    In the land acquisition purposes , " public interest " should be clearly definited , and carrying out a nonprofit land acquisition and management for charging system .

  7. 经营性用地的供给涉及一系列制度安排,包括征收机制、储备开发机制、出让机制、规划机制、收益分配机制等。

    The supply of profit-oriented land involves a series of institutional arrangements , including the collection mechanism , reserve development mechanisms , transfer mechanisms , planning mechanisms , revenue allocation mechanism .

  8. 在目前我国城市化快速发展时期,我国的城市土地供应还存在着土地有偿使用范围小、经营性用地供应的市场化程度低以及隐形交易、多头供地等问题。

    At the present , there are some problems in our land supply such as small paid use scope , low the marketability degree of commercial land supply , the invisible deal and so on .

  9. 规范经营性用地供应,有利于国有土地资产保值增值、优化投资环境、加快经济健康、持续发展。

    Regulation of the supply of profit-oriented land is beneficial to the increment of the state-owned land , to the promotion of the investment environment , and to the healthy and sustainable development of economy .

  10. 当前我国已经确立起以市场手段为主的经营性用地供给机制,这项机制本身纷繁复杂,且仍处于不断变动之中,因此评价其绩效就有了一定的现实意义。

    China has established the profit-oriented land supply mechanism based on market-based instruments . This mechanism to be complicated , and still is changing , so to evaluate their performance there is a certain practical significance .

  11. 在构建模型时本文主要考虑供需影响因素中的社会经济因素,并对建设用地中两类具有代表性的用地类型:经营性用地、工业用地,进行模型分析。

    Construction of model when this paper taken into consideration supply and demand affections factors in social and economic , also take development land use to type is representative use type : Profit-oriented Land 、 Industrial Land to be model analysis .

  12. 摘要通过对经营性用地和工业用地的出让方式进行比较,认为工业用地的协议出让方式不利于我国的耕地数量保护,造成了国有土地资产大量流失。

    Through a comparison between the ways of industrial land selling and profit-oriented land selling , this paper concludes that the industrial used land sold by agreement goes against the arable land protection of this country and causes loss of state-owned land property .

  13. 城市经营性建设用地需求预测方法与供应计划的制定&以浙江省绍兴市为例

    Urban Commercial Construct Land Demands Forecasting Methods and Supplying Plans Establishment

  14. 上海经营性建设用地需求的量化研究

    Study on the Quantitative Change of the Managing Constructive Land Demand in Shanghai

  15. 根据农村集体经营性建设用地流转的实践,分析了流转所取得的效果和存在的法律问题。

    According to the practice of management of rural collective construction land transfer , the transfer of the results achieved and the existing legal problems .

  16. 对于经营性建设用地供给体制,应当做到充分发挥市场机制的作用、规范政府的身份与角色。

    For the supply system of land used for operational construction , we should make full use of market mechanism and regulate the role of government .

  17. 所以,有必要通过法律明确界定公共利益的范围,将土地征收的范围限制在为了公共利益的需要方面,进而严格区分公益性建设用地与经营性建设用地这二种不同的土地供给模式。

    It is important to define public interest clearly and land can be requisitioned only for public interest , then land used for public construction and land used for operational construction can be distinguished strictly .

  18. 非经营性建设用地根据廊坊市规划区城市总体规划,并结合2006年廊坊市规划区建设项目用地的需求确定。

    The non - management building is made a program the overall planning in district city in the way of the land on the basis of Langfang , Moreover unite Langfang in 2006 to make a program that the district constructs that the item employs the land demand to fix .

  19. 农地征收制度改革大致可以归纳为公益性农地征收和经营性集体建设用地直接入市两种模式。

    The innovation of rural land requisition system can be mainly generalised into two models mainly : requisition of public rural land and marketalization of profitable collective constructive land .