
  • 网络Classic Ballet;classical ballet
  1. 古典芭蕾的训练体系在竞技健美操训练中的应用

    Classic Ballet Training System applied to Aerobics Training

  2. 古典芭蕾完整的训练体系对体育舞蹈的技术训练和表现力的培养有独特作用。

    Classic ballet has its unique role on sports dancing training and cultivating expressiveness through unbroken training system .

  3. 《天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。

    ' Swan Lake ' is one of the great classical ballets .

  4. 那么,现代舞与古典芭蕾有什么不同呢?

    So how was this modern dance so different from classical ballet ?

  5. 她主要学古典芭蕾还是现代芭蕾?

    Did she study mostly classical ballet or modern ballet ?

  6. 古典芭蕾挥摆腿技术动作的运动学剖析

    Kinematic analysis of technical movements in flinging and swinging legs in classical ballet

  7. 我学过古典芭蕾,也有建筑以及时尚的相关背景。

    I trained in classical ballet and have a background in architecture and fashion .

  8. 这一组舞蹈把古典芭蕾的优美与现代舞蹈的活力结合了起来。

    This sequence combines the elegance of classical ballet with the energy of modern dance .

  9. 因此,如何为这个“现代”的舞蹈,从古典芭蕾不同?

    So , how was this " modern " dance so different from classical ballet ?

  10. 古典芭蕾与现代舞的区分辨析

    Difference Between Ballet and Modern Dance

  11. 而正如我前面所说的没在古典芭蕾中,情感是通过一整套标准的动作表达的。

    As I said , in classical ballet , emotions are conveyed through a set of strictly formalized movements .

  12. 以前苏联芭蕾艺术大师彼。安。古雪夫为首的专家为剧团打下了坚实的古典芭蕾基础。

    Pyotr Gusev , the celebrated Russian ballet master laid a solid foundation of classical ballet for the company .

  13. 一种戏剧性的舞蹈它不象古典芭蕾那么严肃。

    A style of theatrical dancing that is not as restricted as classical ballet ; movements are expressive of feelings .

  14. 开始回答这个问题,我需要回溯一点点,谈论古典芭蕾舞剧。

    To begin to answer this question , I 'll need to backtrack a little bit and talk about classical ballet .

  15. 高个子;受过古典芭蕾训练,很强的舞蹈功底;男中音。

    Tall , very strong dancers with classical ballet training , ensemble Baritone ( Plato and MacCavity should be able to do lifts )

  16. 然而,古典芭蕾已经表明它是主流正如民间舞和交际舞一样,现代的剧场舞蹈是古典芭蕾舞的支流。

    But classical ballet has shown that it is the mainstream ; modern theatrical dance like folk and social dance is its tributary .

  17. 人们认为,除了古典芭蕾以外、还有其他舞台舞蹈语言特别是现代舞蹈语言发展的余地。

    It is believed that there is room , and need , for other theatrical dance-languages-modern one especially besides that of classical ballet .

  18. 舞蹈形式多种多样,从古典芭蕾到嘻哈艺术、肚皮舞、弗拉明戈以及民间舞。

    There are many different forms of dance , ranging from classical ballet to hip-hop , belly dancing , flamenco and traditional folk dances .

  19. 音乐会综合了摇滚、流行乐、说唱及古典芭蕾等多种元素,杜兰·杜兰、汤姆·琼斯等戴安娜生前最喜爱的一些乐队组合和艺人也来到现场演唱。

    The concert mixed rock , pop , hip hop and classical ballet and featured some of Diana 's favorite acts including Duran Duran and Tom Jones .

  20. 紧密结合体育舞蹈的特点,借鉴古典芭蕾训练手段,是提高体育舞蹈运动员技术和表现力的有效手段。

    Connecting with the characteristic of sports dancing closely and learning from the training methods of classic ballet can improve sports dancing players ' techniques and expressiveness effectively .

  21. 教授:我们经学过,芭蕾,古典芭蕾,是以规范的动作,精确的手臂,脚和身体的位置为基础。

    Professor : As we have been studying , ballet , the classical ballet , is based on formalized movements , specific positioning of the arms , feet and the body .

  22. 六十年代中期,古典芭蕾的西洋贵族文化和中国的平民文化产生了巨大冲突,面临生存危机。

    In the middle 60s , the occidental noble culture of classical ballet had a huge conflict with the civilian culture in China , which was once on the edge of existence .

  23. 中国戏曲源于印度梵剧说再探讨一种戏剧性的舞蹈它不象古典芭蕾那么严肃。

    More Survey on the Source of Classical Chinese Drama Said Coming from Indian Sanskrit Drama ; a style of theatrical dancing that is not as restricted as classical ballet ; movements are expressive of feelings .

  24. 唐宋以后女教读物的普及化及原因探析女性化的身体&古典浪漫芭蕾身体美学研究之二

    Popularization of Feminine Education Works after Tang and Song Dynasties and Its Research The Feminine Body

  25. 在今天的节目当中我们要来了解一下伦敦的一所著名的音乐场馆,这里以上演各种各样的音乐会而闻名,从流行音乐到摇滚,从古典音乐到芭蕾。

    Neil : Well that 's good , because in today 's programme we 're going to hear all about a venue in London that 's famous for putting on all kinds of music-from pop and rock to classical and ballet .