
  • 网络Agricultural economic development;agricultural economy development
  1. 第二部分是沂州府的农业经济发展状况。

    The second part is the river bank state capital agricultural economy development condition .

  2. 农业经济发展与政府干预初探

    Government Intervention in Agricultural Economy Development

  3. 2000年呼和浩特市农业经济发展目标预测

    Estimation for the agricultural economic targets of Hohhot City by 2000

  4. 漕运与古代农业经济发展

    The water-transport and the agricultural economic development in ancient China

  5. 入世后襄樊农业经济发展思路

    The Thought of Xiangfan Agriculture Economy Development after Joining WTO

  6. 沿海地区农业经济发展的村组织创新

    Village Community Innovation of Agricultural Economic Developement In Coastal Area

  7. 农产品地理标志促进区域农业经济发展研究

    Research for Developing Regional Agricultural Economy by Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products

  8. 试论四川盆地农业经济发展的途径

    Trial Analysis of the Ways of Developing Agricultural Economy of the Sichuan Basin

  9. 21世纪农业经济发展的科学选择&三色农业

    The Green-White-Blue Agriculture , a Scientific Choice of Agricultural Economy Growth in 21st Century

  10. 可耕地大量损失,农业经济发展停滞,使得粮食严重短缺。

    The agricultural economy is stagnated due to the great loss of arable land ;

  11. 之后,将江苏省的农业经济发展情况及财政金融支农政策在其中发挥的重要作用,与山东省进行比较分析,为山东省提供经验借鉴。

    Then , make comparison with Jiangsu province to provide experience for Shandong province .

  12. 充分发挥图书馆的信息库作用,促进农业经济发展

    Bring into Full Play the Role of Library Information Database and Promote Agricultural Economic Development

  13. 安塞县淤地坝建设与农业经济发展的关系研究

    Study on Relationships between the Silt-arrester Dam Construction and Agricultural Economic Development in Ansai County

  14. 本文主要从三个方面考察宋金和战时期两淮路农业经济发展的面貌。

    The article intends to make out the agricultural development of this period from three aspects .

  15. 浅谈宋代福建沿海地区农业经济发展的原因

    Preliminary Discussion on the Development Reason of Littoral Agricultural Economy in Fujian Province in Song Dynasty

  16. 如何从金融的角度出发来促进中国农业经济发展,是本文重点要探讨的问题。

    This paper focuses on the discussion of how to promote the development of Chinese agricultural economy .

  17. 最后,它还影响到西欧各地工农业经济发展及其转型。

    Fourth , it impacted the development and transformation of the industry and agriculture of Western Europe .

  18. 《孔雀东南飞》与汉末农业经济发展模式

    Peacock Flying Southeast and the Development Model of Agricultural Economy at the End of the Han Dynasty

  19. 武陵山区农业经济发展与农民增收实证分析

    Empirical Research on the Agricultural Economic Development and Income Increase of the Farmers in the Wuling Mountain Area

  20. 有毒物质超标成为浙江农业经济发展的瓶颈。

    How to deal with superscales of toxicant is a key to develop agriculture economy in Zhejiang Province .

  21. 国内外关于财政金融支农政策对农业经济发展影响的研究,已有许多有价值的成果。

    There have been many valuable results about fiscal and financial policies in agricultural economic at home and abroad .

  22. 是促进农业经济发展、增加农民收入的重要途径。

    And it is an important way of promoting the development of agricultural economy and enhancing the peasants ' income .

  23. 按照农业经济发展的需要,确定农业高校的科技方针;

    According to the needs of agricultural economic development , scientific and technic policy for agricultural college can be determined .

  24. 农业经济发展单一,多种经营极不普遍,商品经济意识淡薄。

    Thedevelopment of the agricultural economy is seen single and the diversification rare , the consciousness of commodity economy blunted .

  25. 论文的主要内容是关于鄱阳湖生态农业经济发展模式的几个重大问题。

    Main content of paper mainly is about the agricultural economic development model of Poyang Lake Ecological several major problems .

  26. 但是,随着农业经济发展到了一个新的阶段,这项制度也逐渐显露出其弊端,迫切需要进行改革。

    However , with the development of agricultural economy , the system gradually revealed its defects , and cried for reform .

  27. 江西宋代手工业经济在农业经济发展的条件下有一较大的发展,在瓷器、矿业、纺织、木材、造纸、制茶等方面表现尤其突出。

    There is a greater development under the terms of agricultural economic development in the industrial economy of Jiangxi in Song dynasty .

  28. 这些都使农民生产积极性受到很大影响,也对农业经济发展产生了较大消极作用。

    In those cases , the enthusiasm of farmers , to great extent , is influenced so that the agricultural economy difficultly develops .

  29. 构筑珠三角经济圈农产品强势供应基地&红三角农业经济发展的战略性思考

    Formation of Strong Service Base in " Pearl River Delta " Economic Circle - Strategic Consideration about Agricultural Economic Development of " Red Triangle "

  30. 六是农业经济发展从依靠国内资源、国内市场向国内外二个资源与市场转型。

    Sixthly , agricultural economic development no more only relies on the domestic resources and market , but on domestic and also foreign resources and markets .