
  1. 总体特征是农业用地面积和比重减少,建设用地面积和比重增加。

    The proportion of agricultural land area has decreased accompanied with the increase of construction land .

  2. 另外,果园(3种类型)和农田两种农业用地面积228.12hm2,占总面积的4.84%。

    In addition , the area of both orchard and farmland covered 228.12 hm 2 , accounting for 4.84 % of this region .

  3. 目前,随着人口增长和城市化发展,我国农业用地面积和质量正在急剧下降,而中国作为世界人口第一大国,农业用地地面积的下降带来的农业用地安全问题将产生深远影响。

    Currently , with the growth of world population and development of urbanization , agricultural land area in China is declining rapidly . As China has the highest population in the world , the decline in agricultural land area will bring far-reaching impacts on land resource security .

  4. 作者分析了深圳都市农业存在的主要问题农业用地面积逐年减少;高素质农业人才缺乏;

    The main problems of urban agriculture in Shenzhen are as follows : Farmland and aquaculture decrease ;

  5. 农业化肥流失和畜禽养殖业排污主要受农业用地面积、农业政策的影响。

    The pollutions coming from LCF and LPB in Shenzhen were mainly influenced by the areas of the agricultural land , agricultural policies .