
  • 网络demand for agricultural products
  1. 由于农产品需求弹性很小,仅仅搞活土地使用权是不够的,产业化、城市化等思路也难以实现农业增效和农民增收的双重目标。

    Because the demand for agricultural products is not flexible , the objectives to improve agricultural efficiency and to increase farmers ' income are difficult to be realized through reforming the using right of land , industrialization and urbanization .

  2. 居民收入差距过大与农产品需求

    Oversized Disparity of Inhabitant Income and Agricultural Product Demand

  3. 欧美国家扩大农产品需求的政策及其借鉴

    Policies of EU and USA 's Extending Agricultural Products Demand and Its Enlightenments

  4. 绿色食品:拓展我国农产品需求的新增长点

    Green Foods : A New Effective Way to Increase the Demand of Agricultural Product

  5. 随着发展中国家生活水平的提高,这种根本结构性变革将继续推动农产品需求。

    This is a fundamental , structural change that will continue to support agriculture demand as livelihoods improve in the developing world .

  6. 本文所作的分析对其他农产品需求、供给研究以及价格形成机制研究也具有一定的参考意义。

    This study has some references to the studies on demand and supply of other farm products and mechanism forming of their prices .

  7. 搞好农业科技创新,是发展现代农业、增加农产品需求、提升农产品国际竞争力、建设和谐社会的需要。

    Making agricultural technological innovations is the demand of developing modern agriculture , increasing agricultural products , improving global competitiveness and building harmonious society .

  8. 随着农业经营者面临的竞争环境的变化特别是消费者对农产品需求的变化,供应链管理思想也在农业中得到了广泛应用。

    With the exchange of competition environments confronted by agriculture managers , especially the exchange of consumers ' requirements , supply chain management is widely used in agriculture gradually .

  9. 为适应山西农产品需求结构变化,充分开发农业自然资源的潜力,全省选择十大农产品商品基地作为农业重点开发项目;

    In order to adjust to the change of agricultural products demand structure and fully exploit potentialities of agricultural natural resources , the following countermeasures are provided in this paper .

  10. 阐述了农村产业结构优化应与农村劳力结构、农业技术结构和农产品需求结构作为系统工程统一考虑的观点。

    Have an opinion that rural industry structure and rural labor structure , rural technology structure and agricultural products structure of supply and demand sever as system engineering as a whole .

  11. 为更好地协调环境、资源、食品、健康的关系,适应人们对农产品需求的变化及社会可持续发展的需要,世界各国纷纷提出了发展无污染农产品的设想。

    To coordinate the relationship of environment , resources , food and health well , and fit in with the people 's demand of agricultural product and the needs of social sustained development , all the countries over the world have been put forward to envisage in developing uncontaminated produce .

  12. 农产品最终需求与农业结构协调关系分析

    Analysis on concerted relationship between ultimate agricultural product demand and agricultural structure

  13. 欧盟农产品市场需求分析及出口策略研究

    The Demand Analysis of European Agricultural Market and the Study of Export Strategy

  14. 随着社会经济的发展,农产品市场需求日趋多变,顾客的需求趋于多样化和个性化。

    With the social and economic development , the demand of agriculture products became more diversified and individualized .

  15. 然而,城市附近对农产品的需求不断增长。

    Yet now there is growing demand for farm products grown close to the cities where they are used .

  16. 改革开放以来,我国农业取得了巨大的成就,基本上满足了国民经济各个部门对农产品的需求。

    Having done great achievement after liberation especially reform and opening , agriculture met agricultural products demand to sectors of national economy .

  17. 相应的,如果世界农产品市场需求不出现大的变化,闽台两地的农产品出口结构也会保持相对稳定。

    If the intemationl markets of agricultural products will not change dramatically , Fujian 's and Taiwan 's agricultural products export structure will keep stable .

  18. 与此同时,随着人民收入水平的提高,对农产品的需求也迅速增加,这种增加既表现为数量上的增长,又体现为质量上的提高。

    Meanwhile , with the raising of people ' income standards , their demands for agri-product are increased quickly , and which includes quantity demands and quality demands .

  19. 收入水平是影响农产品消费需求的主要因素,需求收入弹性的大小表征着需求随收入增加的变化状况。

    Income is the chief factor which affects consumption and demand of the agricultural products , the income elasticity of demand reflects the demand changes with income change .

  20. 到了20年代,对美国农产品的需求减少了,因为欧洲各国都开始从第一次世界大战中复苏过来,并制定了紧缩开支的计划来削减进口。

    In the1920s , demand for American farm products fell , as European countries began to recover from World War I and instituted austerity programs to reduce their imports .

  21. 具讽刺意味的是,全球经济危机反而抑制了粮食危机的发生,因为对大宗农产品的需求因之减少了,尤其是用于养肥牲畜的饲料谷物。

    The global economic crisis , ironically , plays against a food crisis as it reduces global demand for food commodities , particularly feeding grains used to fatten livestock .

  22. 但是中国的境外投资不仅帮助了发展中国家的发展,而且也促成自身对于商品和农产品的需求。

    But China 's foreign investments not only help developing countries , they are driven by the need to secure commodities and agricultural products to feed its own insatiable appetite .

  23. 随着温饱问题的基本解决,社会对农产品的需求日益转向多样化、优质化。

    With the basic settlement of the adequate food and clothing , the demand for the agricultural product of the society turns to the diversification and high quality day by day .

  24. 分析师认为,铜消费增长也在放缓,而且还有迹象表明,一些农产品的需求增长也在减速,例如玉米。

    Analysts believe the growth in copper consumption is also slowing , and there are signs that demand growth for some agricultural commodities , such as corn , is also slowing .

  25. 爱德华还说,因为较瘦的人吃的少,而且他们出行时更愿意步行而不是乘车,所以,如果人们都变苗条了,对燃料和农产品的需求就会减少。

    Because thinner people eat less and are more likely to walk than rely on cars , a slimmer population wouldlower demand for fuel for transportation and for agriculture , Edwards said .

  26. 过去十年,对阿根廷豆油和豆粕等农产品的需求巩固了中国作为阿根廷第二大贸易伙伴国的地位(阿根廷最大的贸易伙伴是巴西)。

    In the last decade , China 's demand for Argentine farm products such as soyoil and soymeal has cemented its place as Argentina 's No. 2 trading partner after neighboring Brazil .

  27. 另一方面,随着人们对绿色无公害农产品的需求量不断加大,利用有机废料制造农用有机或无机复合肥的市场广阔。

    On the other hand , as the increasing need for " Green Food and Pollution-Free Agriculture Products ", there is a great prospect of producing organic and inorganic fertilizers with organic waste .

  28. 消费者对农产品的需求朝着优质化、绿色化、个性化、柔性化、复杂化方向发展,现有农产品物流运作模式已远远不能满足市场需求。

    Consumer demand for agricultural products towards to high quality , green , personalized , flexible and complex direction , the existing agricultural logistics operation mode has far cannot meet the demand of market .

  29. 世界人口日益增加,蔬菜等农产品的需求量也日渐增长,世界各国对农业生产的发展都给予了极大的重视和关注。

    With the increasing of the world population , the demand for vegetables and other agricultural products is growing . Various countries in the world have given great attention and concern to agricultural production .

  30. 在城市化步伐快速推进的今天,城市居民对生鲜农产品的需求也日益增多,城市生鲜农产品供应体系中也有了多类型的销售终端,如农贸市场、超市甚至是经常可见的路边摊贩。

    With the rapid development of cities , urban residents demand more and more fresh-agricultural-products , and there are many types of sales terminals , such as farmers markets , supermarkets and even street vendors .