
  1. 以高技术为支撑的农工一体化循环经济为我们提供了一种新的发展模式,在这一发展模式中,高新技术是推动循环经济发展的关键因素。

    From the view of technology , the circular agribusiness economy which is based on high technology give us a new developing mode , therefore , to some extent , technology is the key point for the development of circular economy .

  2. 其特点是:第一,农工一体化循环经济的物质循环封闭于农业和工业,起点是绿色植物通过太阳能转变成化学能,并以高技术体系为支撑和依托,实现能量梯次使用。

    Its characteristics are : ① it is closed in agriculture and industry , and its staring point is the green plants to transform solar power into chemical energy , and it realized the use of power by the supporting of high technology .

  3. 全球食品供应链的重组使食品生产由小农转向农工一体化(即合同生产和垂直一体化),把小农排斥在有利可图的贸易机会之外,并对小农的福利造成负面影响。

    The reorganization of the global food supply chain shift small farmers ' food production to agro-industrial integration which is the contract production and vertical integration . Such a shift excludes small farmers in the lucrative transaction opportunities , and has a negative impact on the welfare of small farmers .