
  1. 法国对奶农实行补贴贷款制度。

    France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers .

  2. 国家助学贷款制度变迁与风险控制

    The Change and Risk Control of National Study Subsidy Loan Policy

  3. 国家助学贷款制度可持续发展:理论、现实与路径

    Theory , reality and path : sustainable development of GSSL policy

  4. 中美国家助学贷款制度比较研究

    The system off student loans of Central American country relatively study

  5. 第一部分:阐述了对国家助学贷款制度的一般认识。

    The first part : expatiating the meanings of state-supported student loans .

  6. 试论我国国家助学贷款制度的设计缺陷及对策

    Discussion about the Defects and Countermeasures of Chinese State-subsidized Student Loan System

  7. 中国住房公积金贷款制度完善的路径选择

    Path choice of consummating China 's housing fund loan system

  8. 对西方国家助学贷款制度和发展状况的研究及启示

    Study on the education load system and the development conditions of western countries

  9. 政府主导:国家助学的贷款制度构建

    Government-led : The Establishment of State-Aided Student loan System

  10. 关于国家助学贷款制度推行现状的分析

    On the current situation of state student-aided loan system

  11. 政府将实施一种免息贷款制度。

    The government will operate an interest-free loan system .

  12. 中国林权抵押贷款制度中的问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problems and Solutions of China 's Forest Tenure Mortgage Loan

  13. 我国现行国家助学贷款制度的缺陷及其完善

    The Shortcomings of China 's National Student Loan System of and Its Improvement

  14. 新时期进一步完善支农再贷款制度的思考

    Thought on How to Improve Reloading System for Supporting Peasants during New Period

  15. 我国助学贷款制度研究

    A study of China ′ s student loan system

  16. 中国助学贷款制度的完善与创新

    The Improvement and Innovation of Education Loans System

  17. 第一章首先分析了学生贷款制度发展的历史背景。

    Chapter One probes into the background of the development of student loan system .

  18. 第三部分:我国助学贷款制度缺陷分析。

    The third part : Analysis the defection of National education supporting loan system .

  19. 第二章介绍我国现有商业银行住房贷款制度、法律法规和政策。

    The 2nd chapter describes our current real asset financial rules , policy and laws .

  20. 减轻个人成本负担,完善国家助学贷款制度;

    Lightening the personal cost burden and perfecting the system of national loans to student ;

  21. 我国助学贷款制度的历史演变与未来选择研究

    Research on the Evolution and Future Selections of the Grant Loans ' System in Our Country

  22. 公立高校银行贷款制度安排

    Public High-school Banking Loan Institutional Arrangements

  23. 助学贷款制度创新

    The innovation of student loan system

  24. 贫困大学生的身份识别是国家助学贷款制度中最为基础的一个环节。

    It is a fundamental factor to identify the eligible poor students in the State-granted Loan in Aid system .

  25. 完善助学贷款制度是解决高校学生欠费问题的根本对策

    Perfecting the System of Students ' Loans is the Solution to the Problem of the Students Being in Debt

  26. 将倒按揭制度与抵押贷款制度、我国现行按揭制度之间进行比较。

    We also compare the reverse mortgage system with the mortgage loan system and current mortgage system in China .

  27. 造成这种局面的根本原因在于我国现行国家助学贷款制度的设计存在严重缺陷。

    The essential reason for the situation is the serious defects in the design of Chinese state-subsidized student loan system .

  28. 但中国执行的是非常严格的抵押贷款制度,例如个人无追索权贷款和高首付比例等。

    But the country has more stringent mortgage restrictions , such as recourse loans for individuals and high down payments .

  29. 只有国家助学贷款制度得到充分完善,才能有效解决困难学生的求学问题。

    Only when the student loan system fully established , can it effectively solve the problem the poor students have .

  30. 第二部分:阐述国家助学贷款制度与大学生诚信意识之间的关系,介绍国家助学贷款面临的主要风险,国家助学贷款与大学生诚信之间的关系。

    The second part reveals the relationship between the state grant loan system and college students ' sense of fidelity .