
  • 网络Loan Principles;Canons of lending
  1. 对于已发放的大学生互联网消费贷款,原则上不进行展期,逐步消化存量业务,严禁违规新增业务。

    As for the online consumer loans that have been issued to college students , no extension is allowed and the existing loans should be gradually reduced . Any new loans not in line with regulations will be prohibited .

  2. 然而,过去5年的全球经济危机,将以抵押作支撑提供贷款的原则带入了可能充满危险的新领域。

    The global economic crises of the past five years , however , have taken the principle of secured lending into new , possibly dangerous territory .

  3. 本文从贷款定价的原则和因素分析着手,提出贷款价格由核心价格、风险附加价格和可折让价格三部分组成,并建立了贷款定价数学模型。

    This paper make a mathematical model that loan 's price consist of core price and risk additional price and favourable price .

  4. 第三部分提出了治理国家助学贷款违约的基本原则,并对发达国家和国内部分高校的经验进行了借鉴。

    Third , it proposes management of the basic ? principles of student loan defaults and takes the developed countries and part of the internal universities ' experience as a reference .

  5. 首先,在概论部分,通过简要地对贷款业务、贷款风险的现状及其成因、贷款的基本原则制度进行分析介绍,阐述了我国对信贷业务的管理以及违法发放贷款犯罪的危害性。

    The first part is the introduction of the operation , risk , and the fundamental theory of granting loans and the necessity of regulating these activities by using criminal laws .

  6. 我们办理活期储蓄存款、定期存款和大额存款。住房公积金贷款实行存贷结合、先存后贷、整借零还、贷款担保的原则。

    We have current savings account , time savings account and large deposit . Loan of housing accumulation fund is executed put borrow couple , after be being put first , borrow , whole borrow 0 still , the principle that loan assures .