
  1. 极低的存款利率让中国的储蓄主体居民吃亏,同时让中国的贷款主体企业得利。

    Very low interest rates represent a transfer from households , who do most of China 's saving , to businesses , which do most of the borrowing .

  2. 审计署表扬国家开发银行“注重发挥政策性银行作用,大力支持国家重点项目建设”,但表示,该行“部分信贷业务存在风险,一些中长期信贷业务的贷款主体不符合要求”。

    The auditor praised CDB for " emphasising its role as a policy bank and strongly supporting key national construction projects " , but said it extended too many risky loans and that some medium and long-term lending did not meet basic standards .

  3. 第二部分是关于国家助学贷款的主体制度。

    The second part is about subject system of the national student loan .

  4. 我国住房抵押贷款市场主体角色分析

    Analysis of the Roles of the Principal Bodies in the Market of Housing Mortgage Loan

  5. 相对于银行而言,作为个人住房抵押贷款的主体,借款人明显具有信息不对称性,这使得银行对于借款人的风险难于把握。

    Compared to banks , as the main body of personal housing mortgage loan , borrowers ' information is obvious asymmetry , which makes banks difficult to control their risk .

  6. 资助体系层面,构建以助学贷款为主体,奖、助、补、减、免、勤并重的多元助学资助体系。

    Funding system level , to construct the student loans as the main body , award , help , filling , reduction , exemption , diligent and multivariate student aid system .

  7. 2007年以来建立的以国家奖助学金和国家助学贷款为主体的贫困大学生新资助政策体系相对原有体系更加完善,也取得了较好的实施成效。

    Since the establishment in 2007 " State Grants and State Educational Loans for Needy College Student ", compare with the original system , this new financial aid system is more perfect .

  8. 以国家助学贷款为主体、多种形式相结合的高校贫困生资助体系是我国高等教育大众化发展的重要支撑。

    The aid system for poor undergraduates that relies on national student loans mainly and other various aid forms is the important support to the popularization of higher education in our country .

  9. 政府、学校应建立以助学贷款为主体的贫困生资助体系,制定规范的资助条例和有效的技术手段,把资助工作做到公平、公正、公开。

    Government and colleges should establish subsidy system for poor students which takes student loan as the principal part , formulate normative subsidy statutes and effective technique methods , make the subsidy work equitable and public .

  10. 第四部分:分析了国家助学贷款的主体,探讨了银行与学生间的博弈关系,以及政府和学校在国家助学贷款中的作用。

    Part Four : From the angel of main body in the student loan system , the paper probe into the relations between the students and the banks , and the functions of government and colleges in the student loan system .

  11. 在银行所有的资产业务中,涉及最多也最常用的就是信贷业务,信贷业务中贷款作为主体,一方面是商业银行盈利的来源,另一方面则会给银行带来风险。

    In the bank all the assets of the business , which the largest and most commonly used is the credit business credit business loans as a principal , on the one hand , commercial banks earnings sources , on the other hand , will give the bank risks .

  12. 单位应构成贷款诈骗罪主体之理论建构

    The Theoretical Construction of a Unit as the Criminal Agent of Loan Fraud

  13. 论国家助学贷款的经营主体转换与补贴

    Transition of Operator and Subsidy of Government-Subsidized Student Loans

  14. 贷款诈骗罪主体及非法占有目的的认定

    Determination of the Subject and the Aim of Illegal Possession of the Crime of Defrauding a Financial Institution of Loans

  15. 根据国际经验,住房抵押贷款证券化主体包括政府性机构和私人机构两大类。

    According toe international experience , the entity of implementing MBS includes two categories , one is government agency , the other is private agency .

  16. 研究显示,对于大多数人来说还清贷款占了主体,31%的人说他们拿了钱,这会是他们的头等大事。

    Paying off debts was revealed as the main priority for many , with 31 per cent saying that would be the first thing they would do with the money .

  17. 缺乏承担贷款风险的主体及不能有效地充实企业的资本金是导致企业过度负债的主要原因。

    The main reasons that account for this phenomenon lie in lack of subject which bears the risk of loan and the enterprises being unable to refill the capital fund effectively .

  18. 目前,公路建设投融资已经初步形成以政府资金为基础、贷款资金为主体、民间资金为重要补充的新格局。

    At present , a new pattern of Chinese road construction investment and financing are formed . This new pattern has government funds as foundation , loan funds as principal and private capital as complement .

  19. 从立法趋势上看,单位应该构成贷款诈骗罪的主体。

    TRENDS From the tendency of legislation , the unit should be regarded as the criminal agent of loan fraud .

  20. 建议将单位列为贷款诈骗罪的主体,增设贷款虚假陈述罪。

    It is suggested that we should consider unit as the main part of the crime of fraud in loan and add the crime of false statement .

  21. 首先,应该明确小额贷款机构的监管主体,应根据小额信贷的运作模式、组织形式以及资金来源的不同确定不同的监管机构。

    First of all , we should clear the supervisory body of the institutions of small loan , and should choose different regulators according to the different mode of operation , organizational forms and fund resources .

  22. 我国现行刑法未将单位规定为贷款诈骗罪的主体,使得司法机关难于寻求适当的法律依据追究其刑事责任。

    However , the current criminal law of our country has not stipulated the unit as the subject of the crime of fraud of the loan , making judicial authority be difficult to seek proper law according to investigating their criminal responsibility .

  23. 第三部分是关于国家助学贷款的权利义务制度。主要分析了助学贷款中各主体的权利义务。

    The third part put emphasis on system of the subjects ' rights and obligations .

  24. 从政府、院校以及贷款学生个体三重层面分析,揭示了助学贷款的各个主体利益,分析了各主体可能承担的风险和义务。

    From the viewpoint of government , institutes and student individual , the financial benefits , the risks and obligations are explored .

  25. 试图论证中国目前在小额贷款的供需方面存在较大缺口,是以辽宁省为例展开的,简要介绍了小额贷款的供给主体,小额贷款发放对农户收入的影响。

    This part is to argue there are big gap between the demand and supply of Microfinance . And making Liaoning province as an example , this paper briefly introduces the Microfinance supply , and the impacts small loans to the income of farmers .