
  1. 相比之下,电信类公司的销售和管理费用出现上升,大宗消费品类仅下降1%。

    In contrast , SG & A costs rose at telecommunications companies and fell only 1 % at consumer staples names .

  2. 房地产作为一项大宗消费品,受市场刚性消费以及投资者潜在需求的激发,城镇居民人均可支配收入比地区生产总值对广东省房地产投资的影响更为显著。

    As one of the bulk goods , real-estate is stimulated by both rigid consumer market and potential demand of investors . Income of urban residents has more significant effects on real-state in Guangdong province than regional GDP .

  3. 但是,由于住房属于大宗消费品,并非所有人都有能力在市场上购买住房,而住房又具有社会保障属性,政府需要满足居民的住房需求。

    However , because housing is consumer staples , not all have the ability to purchase housing in the market , but also housing with social security attributes , the government needs to meet the housing needs of residents .

  4. 随着中国的快速城市化,中国企业的大宗商品消费呈现一派繁荣。

    The agreement comes as Chinese companies ' commodities consumption booms amid the country 's rapid urbanisation .

  5. 中国在大宗商品消费中占40%,但在伦敦金属交易所的交易量却仅占五分之一。

    China accounts for 40 per cent of commodity consumption but makes up just one-fifth of trading on the LME .

  6. 汽车属于大宗耐用消费品,而大宗耐用消费品对于拉动经济,扩大内需有巨大的作用。

    Cars belonging to large consumer durables , while the bulk consumer durables for stimulating the economy , expanding domestic demand has a huge role .

  7. 家庭支出下降了1.4%,为18年来的最大季度降幅,这主要归因于大宗用品及汽车消费滑坡。

    Household spending declined by 1.4 per cent the largest quarterly decline in 18 years mostly due to a fall in purchases of major appliances and vehicles .

  8. 一个不同之处在于,这两家企业没有在海外进行大宗并购。与消费电器集团不同,它们对于知名品牌没有太大的需要。

    One difference is that they have not made any big acquisitions abroad because , unlike consumer electronics groups , they have little need for well-known brands .

  9. 国际商品协定,安排:指任何一种以促进某一商品的国际合作为目的的政府间协议或安排。参与方包括该商品在世界贸易中的大宗生产国和消费国。

    International commodity agreements , arrangements : any intergovernmental agreement or arrangement to promote international cooperation in a commodity , the parties to which include producers and consumers covering the bulk of world trade in the commodity concerned .