
  • 网络international card
  1. 啊,牡丹国际卡对我正合适。

    Ah . a peony international card is all right for me .

  2. 牡丹国际卡又如何呢?

    A : How about a Peony International Card ?

  3. 银行的B2C网上支付平台是专门为拥有信用卡、灵通卡、贷记卡、国际卡等银行个人客户进行网上购物时与商城进行资金结算所开发的支付平台。

    Bank of B2C online payment system is designed to have credit cards , debit cards , international cards , personal bank customers with online shopping mall for capital settlement payment platform developed by .

  4. 牡丹国际卡是工行向那些有外币存款的企业和个人发行的。

    B : A Peony International Card is issued by the ICBC to those enterprises or individuals who have foreign currency deposit .

  5. 您最好仔细看看“牡丹国际卡章程”和“牡丹信用卡领用合同”,弄清您之权利和义务。

    You 'd better read carefully the Terms and Conditions of the Peony International Credit Card and the Using Agreement of Peony Credit Card , and make sure of your rights and obligations .

  6. 然后对外卡收单拒付风险的计算分析方法进行了实证研究,并以国际卡组织的假卡风险数据作了比较静态分析,同时通过具体的实际案例对外卡收单的拒付风险作了详细阐述。

    Then , the article carries out empirical research on calculation methods on chargeback risk in foreign card acquiring business , and conducts compared static analysis based on false card data of international card organizations .

  7. 近年来,随着国际卡业务的快速增长和新型金融服务的出现以及我国金卡工程的实施,各银行原有的基于传统服务概念的零售网络已难以适应新环境下的需要。

    Recently , with the rapid growth of international card operations and emergency of new financial services , especially the execution of the National Golden Card Engineering , banks ' retail network based on traditional service conceptions becomes more and more difficult to meet the new requirements .

  8. 缅甸缺少国际信用卡,也只能有限地接入iTunes和GooglePlay。这让智能手机难以下载各种应用,或是购买附加功能。

    The lack of international credit cards and limited access to iTunes and Google Play makes it difficult to download apps and pay for additional features .

  9. 我们接受并处理所有由在线客户选择的国际信用卡的支付。

    We accept & process all international credit cards payments made by online buyers .

  10. 他们也有时可以接受国际信用卡的网上支付,比如这个网站。

    If you are paying using eNETS Credit or eNETS Debit , please click here !

  11. 带一个国际信用卡和/或现金提取卡尽快的拿到当地的现金。

    Bring an international credit card and / or a cash machine card to get local money quickly .

  12. 汇丰银行拥有上海银行百分之八的股份。上周五,两家银行联合发行了上海国际信用卡。

    HSBC and the Bank of Shanghai , in which HSBC has an8 per cent stake , jointly launched a Shanghai International Credit Card last Friday .

  13. 根据国际信用卡组织的标识,每个会员银行发行的信用卡面上必须带有该组织的标识。

    According to the regulations of International Credit Card Organization , every member bank must design the logo of the organization on the face of the credit card .

  14. 在学校组织的春假法国之旅中,当我悠然喝酒的时候,其他同学却忧心忡忡,用国际电话卡打电话回家看自己是否被录取。

    On a school trip to France over spring break , I drank wine while everyone else struggled with international calling cards to phone home and find out where they 'd been accepted .

  15. 威士国际信用卡公司的最新统计数据显示,遭受海啸袭击的东南亚地区的经济仍然十分脆弱,可能需要更长时间才能恢复正常。

    The economies of the areas that were hit still remain fragile and are likely to take a lot longer to recover , according to fresh data from credit card firm Visa International .

  16. 因此完善信用卡立法,构建既符合中国信用卡市场实际情况又与国际信用卡市场接轨的中国信用卡法律制度显得尤为迫切。

    Therefore improve the credit card legislation in China , building accords with the actual market conditions and credit card with the international credit card market of Chinese credit legal system appears more important and urgent .

  17. 第一部分介绍了银行卡产业相关概念、国际银行卡产业的发展趋势和状况,并提出研究银行卡产业发展战略相关的理论体系;

    The first chapter introduces the related concepts of bank card industry , international development trends , and advances a broad theoretical system about development strategy of bank card industry , providing the theoretical evidence for further analysis .

  18. 我有一张国际IP电话卡。

    I have an international IP telephone card .

  19. 推广国际化学品安全卡促进化学工业持续健康发展

    Application and Dissemination of ICSCs , Promoting Sustained Development of Chemical Industry

  20. 各类国际签帐卡值得考虑。

    Various international charge cards are worth considering .

  21. 国际化学品安全卡(中文版)网络数据库查询系统的设计与实现

    Design and Creation of Search System for ICSCs ( Chinese Version ) Network Database

  22. 在英国任何一部卡式电话机上,都可以使用国际商务电话卡。

    You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK .

  23. 概述了国际化学品安全卡(中文版)网络查询系统的建设、主要内容及其查询方法。

    The creation method , main contents and search method of the network search system for international chemical safety cards ( Chinese version ) are summarized .

  24. 款亚国际对预付卡市场的发展感到乐观,遂推出预付卡迎合各方需要,务求令商户体验电子商贸的便利。

    Payment Asia shares optimism for the future of prepaid card and offers this product tailored for individual need , bringing every convenience of eCommerce to the merchants .

  25. 根据标准数据加密算法,提出了一种新的对称分组加密算法,并基于国际个人计算机存储卡协会(PCMCIA)接口标准完成了加密/解密芯片的总体设计和硬件实现。

    A new symmetric block cipher algorithm was brought forward . The overall structure and hardware implementation of an encryption and decryption ASIC system based on PCMCIA interface standard were achieved .

  26. 如果你没有一张国际认证的信用卡,在租汽车时就需要交大的保证金。

    It you do not have an internationally recognized credit card , a large deposit is usually required to rent a car .

  27. 国际上对银行卡消费者权益的保护有两种基本模式,一是制定相关的专门法,以美国为代表;另一种是依赖商业惯例,以英国为代表。

    In international banking card consumer protection , there are two basic models : one is to formulate relevant specialized law , represented by the United States ;

  28. 国际市场,信用卡产业已趋于成熟步入稳定发展阶段,国内,信用卡市场正处于蓬勃发展阶段,银行之间的竞争日趋激烈。

    The international market , has matured into the stable development period , the domestic credit card industry , credit card market is in rapid development stage , the competition between banks is becoming increasingly fierce .

  29. 中国银行的银行卡体系建设包括一是要建立一套集中运作的符合国际标准的银行卡综合业务应用平台;

    The construction on the banking cards system of Bank of China includes two respects , one is to build comprehensive business applications platform on the banking cards by centralized management which caters for the international standards ;

  30. 主要通过介绍预付卡的发展,国际上对预付卡管理方面的经验,来探析我国应该如何建立起有利于消费者权益保护、预付卡市场健康发展的法律规制。

    Mainly by introducing the development of prepaid cards , prepaid cards on the management of international experience to analysis to establish how beneficial our consumer protection , healthy development of the prepaid card market , the legal regulation .