
  • 网络domestic tourist
  1. 国内旅游者人口学特征对比研究

    Comparison research on demographic character of domestic tourists

  2. 安徽省各市国内旅游者空间结构和地域差异初步研究

    Preliminary research of domestic tourists spatial distribution and district differences in cities of Anhui Province

  3. 本文基于IPA与Co-Plot分析技术,从国内旅游者的视角出发对国内导游的服务质量问题进行了分析,结果发现,国内旅游者对国内导游服务质量的满意度评价远低于其期望值。

    Based on the analysis technology of TPA and Co-Plot , this article analyzed the domestic tour guiding service quality from the view of the domestic tourists . And the results show that the service quality assessment is under the expectation a lot .

  4. 普陀山国内旅游者特征及行为调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the characteristics and behavior of domestic tourist to Putuoshan mountain

  5. 国内旅游者人口学特征与行为分析&以延边朝鲜族自治州为例

    Analysis of Domestic Tourist Characteristics and Behavior of Traveling & Taking Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yanbian as An Example

  6. 国内旅游者消费结构及相关行为因素分析&以南京市为例

    An Analysis on Domestic Tourists ' Consumption Structure and the Related Factors of Behavior & Taking Nanjing City As an Example

  7. 然而目前国内旅游者对移动互联网旅游服务的使用程度仍然较低,其旅游过程中的多样性需求没能得到很好地满足。

    However , few tourists have already used mobile-Internet in their trips and their diverse requirements have not been met quite well .

  8. 第四章研究了西递古村落国内旅游者的文化程度、年龄、职业、收入水平等人口学特征,同时简要分析了其地域结构、旅游动机和旅游目的。

    In chapter four , the author makes some study on the demographic characteristics of domestic tourist flows in Xidi village , such as educational level , age , career , income level .

  9. 分析比较了2001年旅皖国内旅游者消费结构的特点和原因,认为国内旅游者消费结构以刚性旅游消费为主,弹性旅游消费比重较低;

    The author analyzed and compared the characteristics and reasons of domestic tourists consumption structure in Anhui in 2001.It concluded that the main domestic tourist 's consuming items were rigidity ones . Flexibility ones had low proportions .

  10. 通过对来莆国内旅游者的438份有效问卷的调查和访问,分析莆田市国内旅游消费行为特征,提出满足旅游消费行为开发国内旅游市场的对策。

    Through 438 effective questionnaires from domestic tourists visiting Putian , this paper analyses the characteristic of the domestic travel consumption in Putian and puts forward countermeasures for developing the domestic tourism market to satisfy travel consumption .

  11. 数据显示,2002年国内旅游者中只有44.8%将星级饭店作为自己的住宿选择,星级饭店的客房资源有41.5%处于闲置状态。

    Data shows , for 2002 years , only 44.8 % of domestic tourist took star level restaurant as their own accommodation option , 41.5 % of the resource of guest room of star level restaurant are in idle state .

  12. 文章分析比较了2001年安微省市国内旅游者空间结构及其地域差异的特点和原因,认为各国市国内游客来源的分散程度既与其景点知名度成正比,也与城市特殊职能和地理位置有关。

    This thesis analyzes and compares characteristics and reasons of domestic tourist 's spatial distribution and district differences in Anhui cities in 2001.It concludes that the domestic tourist 's deconcentration degree has a direct proportion with the famous degree of the sights .

  13. 本论文以无锡市为例研究国内旅游者行为,借助地理学、心理学、经济学等学科相关理论,探讨当前国内城市旅游者的动机行为、决策行为、空间行为和旅游者体验的规律和内涵。

    The paper takes Wuxi city as a case to study on tourist behavior by applying the theory of geography , psychology , economics and so on , discussing on motivating behavior , decision-making behavior , spatial behavior , as well as the rule and meaning of tourist experience .

  14. 山东省国内散客旅游者空间行为研究

    A Study on the Domestic FIT Spatial Behavior in Shandong Province

  15. 临潼火晶柿子每年都大量出口,深受国内外旅游者的赞誉。

    Being exported in large quantities , Lintong Fire-crystal Persimmons enjoy high reputation both at home and abroad .

  16. 徒步旅游作为背包旅游的最主要形式深受国内外旅游者的欢迎。

    Hiking is one of the most important parts of backpacking , which is very popular in World .

  17. 特色商品包装设计的长期滞后,不能满足国内外旅游者不断增长的需求。

    The long term delay of special commodity package designing could not meet the growing demands of both domestic and foreign tourists .

  18. 溧水县是南京的南大门,百里秦淮源头的明珠,拥有丰富的旅游资源和深厚的文化底蕴,吸引着越来越多的国内外旅游者。

    It possess abundant tourist resources and profound cultural deposits , which is attracting more and more tourists who come from home and abroad .

  19. 但我国旅游纪念品市场发展缓慢,旅游纪念品的设计水平滞后,已经不能满足国内外旅游者不断增长的需求。

    The slow growth of souvenir market and the lag of design level make it hard to meet the growing demands of visitors at home and abroad .

  20. 本文对上海国内休闲旅游者行为特征作了分析后认为,怡情养性的休闲方式已成为都市旅游的流行色。

    This paper makes an analysis of domestic leisure tourists ' behavior , and point out that delight and entertainment has become the most popular style of leisure in urban tourism .

  21. 在西双版纳这片美丽、富饶、神奇的土地上,傣族人民以他们悠久的历史和文化,多姿多彩的风土人情吸引着众多的国内外旅游者。

    In Xishuangbanna , a beautiful , rich , magical land , many domestic and foreign tourists are attracted by its long history and culture , the colorful local conditions and customs .

  22. 并从国内外旅游者行为的研究概况入手,对旅游者保护性行为进行研究,得出可有目的、有针对性地采取措施来提升旅游者行为的层次的结论。

    Begins with the domestic and foreign research on tourist behavior , research on the tourists protection behavior , elicits a conclusion that can improve the level of tourists behavior from adopting targeted measures .

  23. 在社会各个方面快速发展的过程中,人们愈加认识到古城镇作为精神家园的价值,遗留及保存下来的不同历史时期的古城受到了国内外旅游者的青睐。

    Since society has been developing rapidly in all aspects , people are increasingly realizing that the spirit value of ancient town and city . Ancient cities as historical relics from different historical period are popular .

  24. 内蒙古自治区凭借独特迷人的历史文化背景,丰富的旅游资源,吸引着许多游客,而且还会吸引越来越多的国内外旅游者。

    With a unique and fascinating historical and cultural background and tourist resources as well , Inner Mongolia has attracted a large number of tourists and will appeal to more and more travelers from home and abroad .

  25. 网络是国内外徒步旅游者最重要的信息媒介,因此徒步旅游营销的主要阵地是网络。

    Internet is the most important media for hikers , so it should be the main marketing area in hiking tourism developing .

  26. 本文基于对当今国内外生态旅游者的动机和行为的调查,分析比较了国内外生态旅游者动机与行为的异同。

    Based on an investigation of motivations and behaviors of Chinese and foreign eco-tourists , this paper made a comparative analysis of the differences between the two groups .

  27. 本文的研究框架设计如下:第一章绪论,进行基本概念的界定,介绍国内外有关旅游者行为研究的状况,在此基础上提出本文的研究设计。

    The studying structure are designed as follows , the research framework are presented based on firstly basic concepts and then a brief review of existing international and domestic researches on tourist behavior in Chapter 1 of introduction .

  28. 旅游需求是旅游供求市场中的重要组成部分,通过对上海国内旅游市场的问卷调研,重点分析了上海国内旅游者的人口统计学特征、行为决策、时空分布规律和需求结构。

    Tourism demand is an important component part of tourism market . According to the survey of questionnaire on Shanghai national tourism market , this paper especially analyses domestic tourists ' demography characteristic , their travel behavior , space-time distribution regularity and demand structure in Shanghai .

  29. 在国内外民族村寨旅游相关文献收集整理的基础上,对国内外民族村寨旅游者方面的研究成果进行了较为系统的综述。

    The paper conducted a systematic review about the tourist in ethnic village tourism study home and abroad on the basis of the collection and collation of relevant literature on village tourism .

  30. 丝绸之路(本文主要是指西北丝绸之路国内段)旅游长期以来作为中国旅游业的旅游热点目的地,倍受国内外旅游者的青睐,为中国旅游业的迅速发展发挥了及其重要的作用。

    The Silk Road ( mainly referring to the Northwest Silk Road domestic in this paper ), as a hot tourist destination for Chinese tourism , has attracted domestic and foreign tourists and has played a vital role for the rapid development of China 's tourism industry .