
  1. 由于目前我国旅游统计制度中旅游消费数据不完善,因而旅游产出数据获取不足,这对本文旅游产业的界定和产业化水平的测度结果产生影响。

    Because of the imperfect of the tourism consumption data in our system of tourism statistics , and the tourism output data lack , which affected the results to define and measure the tourism industrialization level .

  2. 本文第六章在对湖北省旅游产业化水平测度的实证研究基础上,从国家层面的角度提出基于旅游产业化水平测度的旅游统计制度保障和提升旅游产业化水平的相关对策。

    Based on the empirical research of measuring of tourism industrialization level in Hubei Province , Chapter six puts forward the tourism statistics protecting system and tourism-related policies and countermeasures for enhancing the tourism industrialization level from the point of of the national level .